Envision Henderson: What Are the Big Ideas?
Take the Community Choices Survey
Deadline: Sunday, September 22
The Envision Henderson corridor planning team hosted its second round of community meetings in August, highlighting the progress made over the summer. Participants received an update on the major themes from the initial community discussions held in the spring. The planning team, led by MKSK Studios, then presented recommendations and concepts for public evaluation.
Major Themes from the Community Kickoff Round
During the spring, the planning team gathered 800 comments from 400 individuals through open-call meetings, community events, and over 30 stakeholder interviews. Key themes emerged, helping to shape the work plan and priorities.
Safety Emerged As a Top Concern
Participants stressed the need for the Henderson Road plan to address the dangers posed by the roadway’s design, particularly for non-motorists at crosswalks, missing sidewalks, and within parking lots. Concerns also arose about increasing vacancies along the corridor, with an emphasis on staying ahead of trends in the retail and office markets. Many envisioned new gathering spaces, parks, and plazas that would serve as a gateway to UA. This feedback guided the planning team’s initial recommendations.
Addressing Safety, Visual Conditions, and Creating a Gateway
During the August workshops, the planning team introduced a concept to address safety concerns along the corridor. The Henderson “boulevard” proposes a new treatment for the right-of-way from the Reed Road intersection to Stonehaven Drive, incorporating roundabouts at key intersections to manage traffic flow and reduce side-impact collisions. The plan includes a landscaped median, a 10-foot multi-use pathway, connected sidewalks, and enhanced landscaping with street trees. This approach aims to improve safety while maintaining existing site access. The planning team invited participants to evaluate the idea and its scalability.
Preparing for New Projects and Creating Great Spaces
Participants also highlighted the need to prepare for potential redevelopment along Henderson, given the aging commercial buildings and regional trends. To address this, the planning team tested two concepts for Upper Arlington properties on the south side of Henderson.
The Northern Gateway concept focuses on the area from Reed Road to Gettysburg, envisioning a “lively mixed-use district” that serves as a gateway to Upper Arlington. This district would leverage the City’s Planned Mixed-Use Development (PMUD) tool to support transformative projects.
At the western edge of the planning area, the Live + Work Neighborhood concept proposes a new community that blends traditional office parks with residential neighborhoods, creating a green, walkable district. This concept aligns with the City’s goal of maintaining and expanding its job base, utilizing the PMUD tool to achieve this vision.
Connecting Pathways, Supporting Neighborhoods, and Thinking Regionally
Other recommendations focused on additional public priorities. Enhancing trail connections through the corridor would improve safety and connectivity, while also leveraging regional trail-building efforts. The planning team emphasized the importance of preserving the unique neighborhoods within and surrounding the planning area. Additionally, the team outlined regional projects like LinkUS, Zone In, and Columbus Greenways that could impact the corridor and offer opportunities for the City to pursue local goals.
Next Steps for Envision Henderson
Through early fall 2024, the planning team will compile feedback from the second round of community conversations and begin drafting a plan. The draft will be shared with the public during a community open house, where participants will be asked to prioritize recommendations and help City leaders determine where to begin. The team plans to conclude the visioning project by Winter 2024 and start implementation planning in the Spring of 2025.
Stay Involved
There is still time to add your ideas for the future of the corridor. Click here to access our Envision Henderson webpage, where you can find project updates, view meeting presentations and access the interactive Envision Henderson Engagement Hub. And be sure to complete the Community Choices Survey.