Bob Crane Community Center Fee Structure Public Meeting
As the physical construction of the Bob Crane Community Center continues, the City’s Parks & Recreation Department is building out its operations plans in readiness for opening day. This includes taking a deep dive into the equipment and materials needed to furnish and run the facility, mapping out hours of operation, programming, staffing, as well as developing a budget and a fee structure that will achieve the City’s revenue goals.
The department provided an update to City Council at the June 10 City Council Meeting that included an overview of the proposed fee structure. Two public meetings have now been scheduled for Staff to share details of the fee structure directly with residents, so that you can hear first-hand what is being planned, ask questions, and let the team know your thoughts.
The dates are:
- Virtual Meeting – Noon, Monday, June 24
- Join the Meeting: //us06web.zoom.us/j/88320378566
- Meeting ID: 883 2037 8566 | Passcode: 203625
- In Person Public Meeting – 6:30 pm, Thursday, June 27
- Municipal Services Center, 3600 Tremont Road
We hope that you can join the team for one of these meetings.
CLICK HERE to watch the June 10 presentation to City Council (Please Note: the Bob Crane Community Center presentation starts at approximately 48 minutes into the meeting recording).
CLICK HERE to view the presentation slides.
CLICK HERE for more about the Bob Crane Community Center.