First City Utility Invoice for 2025 Heading to UA Households
The first of two semi-annual utility invoices from the City for 2025 will be mailed to UA households at the end of January. These invoices typically include the Solid Waste Fee, the Stormwater Utility Fee, and in some cases, a Neighborhood Utility Lighting Fee, however in this instance the Solid Waste fee will be waived.
Upper Arlington City Council has decided to provide a one-time holiday from the solid waste fees for UA homeowners. Even after increasing spending on roads, sewers, parks and the community center, the City has exceeded its targeted cash reserves. Therefore, the City will not be charging residential solid waste fees for the first half of 2025. This will save each household approximately $150 ($136 for those with a senior discount) at a total cost of $2 million to the City. Fees will still be required for the solid waste premium service option.
Click the link for full details on the semi-annual utility bill.
UA Civic Association Fundraiser
Also included in the utility bill is a fundraiser flyer from the Upper Arlington Civic Association, the all-volunteer group that brings you many of the community’s special events each year, including Fourth of July, Golden Bear Scare and Christmas in the Park. Their efforts are funded entirely by community donations and corporate sponsorships.
Learn more here: //interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E292198&id=76