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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd
Ready for Change sign

Ready for a Change? 2164 Riverside Drive Final Development Plan

July 13, 2023 2164 Riverside Drive - Glam Dentistry Final Development Plan Glam Dentistry has submitted a final development plan for building and site improvements at 2164 Riverside Drive, to accommodate an expanded dental practice. The proposal will be reviewed by the Board of Zoning and Planning at its Wednesday, July 19 meeting. The meeting begins at 6 pm, at…

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Northwest Kiwanis Aktion Club Information Session

4:30 pm, Sunday, July 16 Amelita Mirolo Barn, Sunny 95 Park Northwest Kiwanis is partnering with UA Parks & Rec and Grandview Heights Parks & Recreation to form an Aktion Club serving the Tri-Village Area. Aktion Club is the only service club for adults with disabilities, with more than 10,000 members worldwide. Club members become competent, capable, caring leaders through…

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Fancyburg Park

July is National Parks & Recreation Month

Where Community Grows Since 1985, America has celebrated July as the nation’s official Park and Recreation Month. Created by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA), Park and Recreation Month specifically highlights the vital and powerful role local park and recreation professionals, such as our staff in the UA Parks & Recreation Department, play in building stronger, more vibrant and…

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Northam Park Improvement Tennis

Northam Park Improvement Updates

Plans to renovate the Northam Tennis Courts and service building at Northam Park were postponed in 2022 when bids exceeded estimates by approximately 20%. During 2023-24 budget discussions, City Council members expressed support for these improvements but also indicated a strong preference for accomplishing the work within the previously approved budget of $4.2 million. The issue was revisited during Council’s…

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Utility Bill Reminder

Second City Utility Bill for 2023 Mailed to UA Households

The second of two semi-annual utility invoices from the City for 2023 was recently mailed to UA households. These invoices include the Solid Waste fee, the Stormwater Utility fee, and in some cases a Neighborhood Lighting Utility fee. The deadline for payments is Friday, July 21. The Stormwater Utility fee helps to defray the costs of our City’s deteriorating storm…

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Economic Development Homepage

City of Upper Arlington Contracts with The Montrose Group, LLC for Economic Development Consulting Services

Following the departure of former Economic Development Director, Joe Henderson, early in 2023, the City’s Administration decided to explore alternative options for fulfilling the City’s economic development needs. After issuing a Request for Proposals for a consulting firm to take on this role on behalf of the City, Columbus-based The Montrose Group, LLC was selected as the preferred team. On…

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UA Historical House

UA Historical Society History Speaks Series: Why Preservation?

7 pm, Wednesday, June 7 Jones Middle School  The Upper Arlington Historical Society continues its “History Speaks” series, with a June 7 discussion on architecture of 50+ year-old homes. Join presenter Susan Keeny, Preservation Director at Columbus Landmarks, to learn why taking a preservation approach is important not only for our homes, but also for our neighborhoods. Highlights of local…

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Concourse Gallery: Undesign the Redline

Concourse Gallery to Host Undesign the Redline Exhibit

June 1-July 7 3600 Tremont Road The City’s Concourse Gallery is hosting an informational exhibit developed by the YWCA of Columbus, that has been touring the region in recent months. Undesign the Redline portrays the history of structural racism caused by the 1938 redlining maps. The exhibit shows how this inequality continues to impact communities today, while also focusing on…

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Click It or Ticket Campaign Reminds Drivers: Buckle Up May 22 – June 4, and Every Day

UA Police is urging drivers to buckle up during the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) national Click It or Ticket high-visibility enforcement effort. The national seat belt campaign, which coincides with the Memorial Day holiday, runs from May 22 to June 4, 2023. “We want seat belt use to be an automatic habit for drivers…

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Police Positions

Police and Fire Operations Study

For all the City services we provide to the community, it makes sense to periodically go through an evaluation process, to see how our operations compare to other agencies and to identify best practices that could be incorporated here, while also seeking opportunities for efficiencies.   In the case of our Fire Division, utilizing the expertise of an outside consultant…

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CNT Arbor Day Windermere

Arbor Day Ceremony

9:00 am, Friday, April 28 Jones Middle School The benefits that trees bring to our communities are extensive. Trees beautify our streets and parks, they filter the air, they help cool temperatures in the hot summer sun, they connect us with nature and they contribute to healthier lifestyles. The Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA program provides communities with a…

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Community Relations

Call for Community Relations Committee Applicants

Application Deadline: Monday, May 8 The City is fortunate to have many residents who are willing to donate their time and expertise serving on the various Boards and Commissions that have been formed to address specific community issues. In return, these individuals are afforded the opportunity to help shape their community in areas that are of interest to them.  Upper…

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Municipal Services Center Summer

Municipal Services Center Security Updates

As part of steps to enhance security at the Municipal Services Building, located at 3600 Tremont Road, effective April 17, public access is now limited to the doors facing Tremont Road.  All visitors must check in at the Police/City reception window to the right of the main doors, using a government-issued ID or equivalent. After check-in, visitors will receive an…

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Community Center Lobby

Community Center Groundbreaking

4 pm, Monday, April 17, 2023 Construction Site at Kingsdale (Tremont Road side of the site) UA history was made at the March 27, 2023 City Council Meeting, when Council unanimously approved the necessary legislation to begin construction on the community's new Community Center at Kingsdale. Almost four years after a resident-led task force was formed to place renewed focus on…

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