St. Mark’s Culture and Artisans Fair
10 am-3 pm, Saturday, May 4
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church
2151 Dorset Road
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church on Dorset Road is hosting its second annual Culture and Artisans Fair, from 10 am-3pm, on Saturday, May 4, in partnership with Community Refugee and Immigration Services (CRIS).
The event has expanded for its second year and will feature approximately artisans from all over the world – many of whom are refugees, asylum seekers and others building a new life in the U.S. – showcasing and selling their artworks and handmade items. The event will also include food and music, with an opportunity for attendees to interact with the artisans and hear their stories.
The Culture and Artisans Fair received a $3,000 grant from the Community Relations Innovations Grant Program, to provide financial assistance with event logistics and promotions. The event scored highly in the application process relative to the goals of the grant program:
- INFORMATION: Increase UA residents’ knowledge, understanding, and appreciation of diversity within UA and throughout Central Ohio.
- IDENTITY: Increase the number, type, and quality of positive interactions by non-residents with the UA community.
- INCLUSION: Increase the sense of belonging and inclusion of all UA citizens with special focus on non-majority residents and those without pre-existing connections to UA.
The Culture and Artisans Fair has also been included in the Community Relations Committee’s UA Welcome Series, with members of the Committee hosting an informational/welcome table.
Saint Mark’s is located at 2151 Dorset Road, Upper Arlington. The Fair will take place on the front lawn of the church, at the corner of Dorset and Tremont Roads, rain or shine.
We hope to see you there!