Columbia Gas Construction Projects
Columbia Gas is planning to undertake a series of major infrastructure upgrades in our community, tentatively scheduled to begin in the Spring of 2025.
These upgrades include:
- The replacement of old high pressure gas lines with new, federally mandated 12-inch, 16-inch, and 20-inch diameter steel pipes with safety features. These pipes are designed to service a large geographic area that extends beyond Upper Arlington’s borders.
- The proposed route for the first phase will enter UA at the easternmost point of Zollinger Road (from OSU’s west campus), head south on North Star Road, west on Ridgeview Road, south on Brandon Road, then west on Northam Road to Northwest Boulevard.
- Two proposed above ground utility stations, including replacement of an existing station on Brandon Road, and the construction of a new utility station on Ridgeview Road.
The first project is expected to begin in the Spring/Summer of 2025. Timing and protocol will be refined to ensure safety and minimize traffic/parking disruption.
Columbia Gas has relayed to the City its commitment to proactively engage with residents in the affected areas, through mailed updates and public meetings in advance of work, and regular updates once each project begins. To that end, the planning team hosted a series of public meetings at the close of 2024, and has been continuing to schedule opportunities in the New Year.
Office Hours
Columbia Gas has been offering a series of “Office Hours” sessions at the Tremont Library per the following schedule:
- 5:30-7:30 pm, Monday, January 6
- 5-6 pm, Monday, January 13
- 6-7:30 pm, Wednesday, January 22
- 4-5:30 pm, Monday, January 27
- 6-7:30 pm, Monday, February 17
These sessions have no set agendas but are scheduled for residents to learn more about the project, ask questions and share any concerns that they might have.
Public Forum – Proposed Designs for Above-Ground Utility Stations
6-7:30 pm, Monday, February 24
Tremont Library
Columbia Gas has also scheduled a meeting to present and seek community input on its proposed renderings for the above ground utility stations on Brandon Road and Ridgeview Road.
Columbia Gas Presentation to City Council
January 27, 2025 | View the Meeting Video
Columbia Gas representatives presented an overview of the planned infrastructure upgrades to Upper Arlington City Council, at its January 27, 2025 City Council Meeting.
- As the provider of a critical energy utility, Columbia Gas has the right to access, upgrade and install the necessary supporting infrastructure in any community within its service area.
- When major utility infrastructure projects are proposed or pending for our community, the City of Upper Arlington’s Public Service team works closely with the provider to minimize impacts on the surrounding neighborhoods, including impacts to traffic and parking, and to make sure the community is kept informed.
- The City also considers how the proposed/pending utility work fits in with any planned City-led infrastructure improvements, such as street reconstruction or new waterlines, and adjusts the timing of any projects to follow the utility work.
- City Code limits the allowable hours of construction to 7:30 am-7 pm weekdays and Saturdays. This restriction may be waived by the City Manager upon request by the utility provider, if:
- The extended work hours are in the best interest of the impacted neighborhood or community – i.e. it helps expedite the project;
- The extended hours are necessary to complete a critical phase of work, such as a large concrete pour or other installation work.
- Any proposed projects that have a potential impact on the above-ground built environment – such as service buildings and utility stations – must be reviewed by the City’s Board of Zoning and Planning (BZAP) for compliance with Conditional Use and Neighborhood Compatibility requirements. Conditional Use applications include formal notification of neighbors and provide opportunity for public comment.
Notice of Intervention Filing
Read the Filing: //dis.puc.state.oh.us/DocumentRecord.aspx?DocID=f61fc9ed-1f9b-48f6-88ec-e30bda35933e
In December, the City filed a Notice of Intervention with the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB).
On December 7, 2024, the following email message from City Council was shared with residents who had contacted the City on this project:
We are reaching out to you because you recently contacted City Council with concerns about the proposed Columbia Gas pipeline replacement project. On behalf of Upper Arlington City Council:
City Council has heard from a number of residents regarding concerns about the proposed Columbia Gas pipeline replacement project. We want to assure you that your voices have been heard. After gaining an understanding of the process for intervention and the timeline set by the Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB), the City Manager was directed to file the necessary documents to intervene in the proceedings (the filing is accessible online: //dis.puc.state.oh.us/ViewImage.aspx?CMID=A1001001A24L06B42006F02833).
Additionally, we are committed to providing a public forum where residents can share their feedback directly with Council. This item is tentatively scheduled for a future Council Meeting in January 2025.
We sincerely appreciate your patience as we navigated the necessary steps and look forward to hearing your comments at that time.
- Columbia Gas project webpage is available, detailing the scope of the project: //columbiagasohio.com/west-central-nchp
- A Columbia Gas representative can be contacted via the following options:
- Name: Leah Lewis, Public Affairs Project Specialist
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 1-800-242-6227
- Review and ruling details and to leave public comment for the proposed projects by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO): //dis.puc.state.oh.us/CaseRecord.aspx?Caseno=24-0667&link=DI
- Columbia Gas project filing related documents: //www.columbiagasohio.com/our-company/about-us/regulatory-information