Common Greens Farmers Markets T-Shirt Design Contest
Deadline: Noon, Monday, March 31
Common Greens, the non-profit entity that partners with the City for our annual UA Farmers Market, has announced their first annual T-shirt design contest for the 2025 market season.
Local artists are invited to submit one design/entry by the deadline of Noon, Monday, March 31. The winning artist will receive $500, in addition to having their design featured on the official 2025 Common Greens Farmers Markets T-shirts, which will be available for purchase at the UA Farmers Market once the season begins. Proceeds from the T-shirt sales will support Common Greens efforts to support and celebrate local farms, food and community.
Entries must include the words “Common Greens” and “Farmers Markets,” and the design should encapsulate the themes of farms, food and community. The winning design will be printed on a solid color T-shirt, and entries should be black or white and print ready, since the artwork will be printed in one color.
Entries will be evaluated by a panel that includes celebrity artist judges, Paul Giovis and Mandi Caskey. The panel will be looking for original designs that have good visibility/readability, and that successfully capture the spirit of the Common Greens Farmers Markets.
Full details can be found on the Common Greens website.
The UA Farmers Market will be here before we know it and will be bigger and better than ever, with plans for an opening ceremony to celebrate the start of the season on Wednesday, May 14. Watch for updates as the date approaches.
To learn more about Common Greens and the vendors slated to attend the 2025 UA Farmers Market, click here.