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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd

The Property Maintenance (Code Compliance) Division works with residents, businesses and contractors to ensure Upper Arlington properties are properly maintained and cared for, with the goal of preserving the community’s outstanding physical assets. The division responds to complaints filed relative to code violations of the Unified Development Ordinance, the Property Maintenance Code, and portions of the General Offenses Code, Streets and Services Code, and Building Code.

Property maintenance violations are primarily complaint driven, however the Code Compliance Officer will often observe additional violations during neighborhood patrols. The City strives to work with property owners to ensure voluntary compliance is achieved.





Commons violations include:

  • High grass and weeds
  • Flaking paint on buildings
  • Illegal temporary signage
  • Excess lighting
  • Trash and debris
  • Noise

Once a complaint has been received, a case file is opened and an officer conducts an inspection of the alleged violation. If a violation is found to exist, a written Notice of Violation is sent to the owner of the subject property. The notice outlines the specific violation(s), the applicable codes prohibiting such activity, and any corrective measures necessary for compliance.

A timeframe for compliance is established, indicating when a re-inspection will take place. An officer may issue a deadline extension if:

  • Substantial progress has been made toward compliance;
  • Weather conditions make it difficult to correct the violation; or
  • Mitigating circumstances exist that warrant a deadline extension.

Most code violations are brought into compliance quickly. However, there are some instances where violations are not resolved in a timely manner and are therefore subject to penalties. In most cases, violations are subject to a maximum $150 per offense per day. A few violations are classified as fourth degree misdemeanors and are subject to a maximum of $250 and/or a maximum 30 days in jail/offense.

To file a Property Maintenance complaint, you must know the street address of the property in question. The Property Maintenance Division will make every effort to bring code violations into compliance.

Anonymous complaints may be submitted via Viewpoint Cloud, where you will have to make an account in order to submit a request. You can also upload pictures and keep track of the complaint.

Please feel free to contact the City’s Code Compliance Officer if you have any questions or would like to file a property maintenance complaint.

Sign Removal

The purpose of this program is to remove illegally displayed temporary signage. Per Unified Development Ordinance Article 6.06 (F)(3), the Code Compliance Officer will remove all signs place on public property or in the City right-of-way. The sign owner—if known—will be notified in writing that the sign was removed and where it can be reclaimed. If the owner fails to respond within 15 days, the sign will be disposed of.

The Property Maintenance Division confiscates the following types of signs: business advertisement, contractor, garage sale, lost pet, political, for sale and other various illegally displayed signs.

Weeds and Grass

The proper care and maintenance of property and landscaping benefits the entire community. Per Property Maintenance Code (PMC) 302.4, grass must not exceed 10 inches in height and properties should be kept free of noxious weeds such as thistle, burdock, jimson, ragweed, poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac. The planting of wood or herbaceous plants (except groundcovers or mowed lawn) is not permitted in the public street right-of-way, unless a permit has been secured from the Parks & Forestry Division.

Failure to comply with these guidelines could result in the property owner/resident receiving a notice from the City to rectify the situation within five days of receipt of said notice. After five days, the City will make arrangements to cut the grass/weeds at the owner’s expense. The property owner/resident is responsible for maintaining the lawn/grass and eliminating the noxious weeds throughout the year (only one written notification will be sent to the property owner/resident during each calendar year).

Trash Code Compliance

Property Maintenance Code (PMC) 307.1 requires all exterior property and premises, and the interior of every structure, to be free from any accumulation of rubbish or garbage. Property Maintenance Code (PMC) 307.3 requires every occupant of a structure to dispose of garbage in a clean and sanitary manner by placing such garbage in approved garbage containers.

Upon receipt of a complaint, Property Maintenance verifies the violation and then issues a written notice to the property owner and/or resident. A seven-day period is provided for correction. In instances of non-compliance, the division will issue a “Work Order” authorizing the City’s solid waste contractor to abate the rubbish, garbage and/or improperly stored items from the property. Abatement costs are assessed to the property taxes as a lien.

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Property Maintenance (11)

Yes there are. Residents may conduct one garage/yard sale per residence during any six-month period not to exceed three consecutive days or two consecutive days on two consecutive weekends. Sales may be conducted between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm. No permit is required.

Bulk items are collected on your regular collection day; please have the item(s) at your curb by 7 am on your regular collection day. Some large appliances and items containing Freon may incur additional charges for collection, and mattresses & box springs must be wrapped in plastic for bulk pick-up. For questions about what items are accepted, please contact Local Waste Services at 614-583-5370 (option 2).

The City does not regulate signs by content. Temporary signs placed in the City’s Right of Way may be impounded by the City. Browse our City Code for further information.

Ten (10″) inches in height.

No. The City of Upper Arlington does not survey properties. You must contact a private survey company.

24 Hours. Motor vehicles parked on the street are a Police Division matter. Please call the Upper Arlington Police Division Non-Emergency number at 614-459-2800 to report.

Yes. Fences can be placed on the property line. Fences require a permit and property surveys are recommended but not required with the submission of a fence permit.

The maximum fence height in rear yards is six (6′) feet and fence posts can be up to six (6″) inches taller than the fence. There are additional height and location requirements for fences in front yards. A fence permit is required for any new or replacement fence.

Five (5) days in a 30 day period for loading or unloading.

No. Dumpsters may be on the property without a permit. They may not be placed in the street or in the City’s Right of Way. Once the dumpster is full it must be emptied.

Yes. City Code allows the parking of a motor vehicle on the grass for four (4) hours in a 24 hour period.


    The City’s website is designed to provide 24/7 access to useful information about City departments, services, public meetings, special projects, events, legislation and more. If you are unable to find what you are looking for on this page or in our FAQ section, please complete the webform below. It will be directed straight to staff in the department listed above.

    The City also offers a convenient means for residents to report issues such as potholes, broken streetlights, property maintenance issues and parks damage through our UA Click2Fix smartphone app, available from AppleApp or GooglePlay.

    PLEASE NOTE: This is not an emergency reporting system. Requests are addressed during regular work hours of 8 am-5 pm, Monday-Friday. If you need to report an emergency situation, please call 9-1-1.

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