Coffee with Council
Ever wanted a chance to connect one-on-one with your local leaders? Now’s your chance!
Coffee with Council is a new series of events where you can chat with your council members about the issues that matter most to you over a cup of coffee. Join us for an informal and engaging conversation as we discuss community initiatives, upcoming projects, and how we can work together to make Upper Arlington even better.
Each Coffee with Council event will have topics of focus. For the first event we’ll focus on upcoming Boards and Commissions appointments. Discover how you can get involved and make a difference by serving on one of our local boards or commissions by joining a Coffee with Council event.
This event will be held during the Cherry Blossom Celebration.
**In the event of inclement weather, Coffee with Council will move to the concourse area of the Municipal Services Center.
Is there something you’d like to talk about with council or are you looking for more information? Call (614)583-5030 or email [email protected].