Join Us for UA’s Big Table Conversations
Noon-3 pm, Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Amelita Mirolo Barn, Sunny 95 Park, 4395 Carriage Hill Lane
The Upper Arlington community will be hosting a series of Big Table conversations on the afternoon of Wednesday, September 25. We hope you can join us, as we focus on the theme of advancing UA as a welcoming community for all.
The conversation topics are as follows:
- Noon: Creating & Supporting a Welcoming Community
- 1 pm: Developing a UA-focused Online Community Portal
- 2 pm: Community Beautification
We invite and encourage community members to register to participate in one, two or all three of our conversations! Beverages and snacks will be provided for participants, but you are encouraged to bring your own lunch.
UA’s Big Table conversations are being co-hosted by the Upper Arlington Public Library, City of Upper Arlington, Upper Arlington Schools, Upper Arlington Community Foundation, Upper Arlington Education Foundation, the Tri-Village Chamber Partnership, and Equal UA.
The Upper Arlington Schools are also hosting an in-school Big Table for High School students and teachers, with a focus on the Schools’ strategic planning process.
Register today at: //www.surveymonkey.com/r/UABIGTABLE
We hope to see you there!