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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd

Why are there Laws? 
Animal Control legislation is in effect primarily for one reason – to encourage responsible pet ownership. It helps protect the public health and safety, and encourages owners to prevent their pets becoming a nuisance to neighbors. These same laws protect animals from cruel treatment, neglect and injury.

Number of Pets Allowed Per Property 
Residents can only keep up to four dogs or cats (in any combination) per single-family dwelling or in any apartment within a dwelling for two or more families. Puppies and/or kittens four months old or under are permitted. No person or organization shall own, keep or harbor or provide sustenance for more than one vicious dog or Pit Bull, regardless of age. Residents with vicious dogs are required to obtain liability insurance with an authorized insurer.

Leash Law 
Dogs allowed to roam the streets are not only a nuisance and dangerous to the public but are themselves in danger from cars, irate people, and even other dogs. For these reasons, all dogs must be on a leash or confined on the owner’s premises at all times. In public parks, dogs must be on a leash from 8 am to 8 pm during Daylight Savings Time and 8 am to 5 pm during Eastern Standard Time. At all other hours, the owner must still control dogs.


Dog Licensing 
The Franklin County Animal Control and Licensing Regulation requires annual licensing of all dogs three months of age and older. A dog license may be obtained through the Franklin County Animal Control Office and in some area stores.

Barking Dogs 
Upper Arlington Animal Control legislation prohibits a dog from disturbing the peace of any person by loud, habitual and persistent barking, howling, yelping, or whining. Persons bothered by such a problem are encouraged to contact the owner of the dog to solve the problem on a neighborly basis. If the situation does not improve, please contact the Upper Arlington Police Division.

Cats are part of the City’s leash law and are prohibited from running at large. They must be kept indoors or confined on the owner’s premises at all times.

Cleaning up After Your Pets 
As a courtesy to others and for health and safety reasons, pet owners are required to clean up after their pets at all times, when on public grounds or the private property of others.

Don’t Be Part Of The Problem
You can help reduce instances of animal complaints and contribute to a peaceful neighborhood by being a responsible pet owner. You can help by:

  • Keeping your pets on your property or on a leash
  • Vaccinating your dogs and cats
  • Licensing your dog and keeping a current tag attached to its collar
  • Spaying/neutering your pets
  • Keeping cats on your own property
  • Quieting your dog when it barks

Animal Bites 
Animal bites must be reported to the Upper Arlington Police Division if the victim’s skin is broken. The exception to this rule is a rodent bite (mice, hamsters, rabbits, etc.).

Animals Causing Physical Harm
Animals at large can be very dangerous to not only people, but also to other animals. No person who is the owner of any animal shall permit it to cause physical harm (injury, illness, or other psychological impairment, regardless of its gravity or duration) to any other domestic animal or to any person: while upon any public property, the premises of another without their consent or upon private property open to use by the public in the City of Upper Arlington.

An animal that is found running at large or that has caused physical harm to another domestic animal or to a person may be impounded by any law enforcement officer, or other person designated by the Upper Arlington City Manager upon finding the animal. The owner will be notified about the impoundment and will be expected to pay all fees to the impoundment facility to retrieve the animal. Payment for release of the animal does not relieve the owner from any penalties, which may be imposed for violations of any ordinance or statute.

Prohibited Animals 
For various health and safety reasons, Upper Arlington does not permit residents to keep the following animals:

  • Poisenous insects, amphibians or reptiles
  • Constrictor reptiles
  • Game animals
  • Endangered/protected species
  • Animals considered feral (wild) by nature, except “pocket pets,” such as guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, mice, rabbits, etc.

Lost Pets 
If a pet becomes lost, please call the Upper Arlington Police Division, give a complete description of your pet and a phone number to call if it is found. Local stores and libraries may allow you to post lost pet signs. You should also visit area shelters to find your pet (see below for phone numbers and links to appropriate web sites):

Found Pets
If you find someone’s lost pet, please call the Upper Arlington Police Division, provide a complete description of the animal and details of who people should contact to reclaim their pet. If no one claims the animal, you may contact the Franklin County Animal Control for dogs. Any other animal would be your responsibility to handle the removal.

Failure of an animal owner to provide adequate food, water, shelter and opportunity for exercise constitutes a violation of state statute. In addition, intentional acts of cruelty, such as abandonment, harassment or torture will be vigorously prosecuted.

The City does not provide animal trapping services. A resident may contact any animal nuisance company they choose to obtain this service.


Some wildlife can become unwelcome “tenants,” causing destruction to property and, in some cases, posing a health risk. The Ohio Division of Wildlife categorizes the following animals as nuisance wildlife: bats, roosting birds, raccoons, skunks, coyotes, snakes, squirrels, woodpeckers, groundhogs, and deer. Some of these species face dwindling numbers as the result of various environmental pressures. Some also play a positive role in the suburban wildlife environment, helping to keep mosquito and rodent populations at bay. For these reasons and others, when faced with a wildlife nuisance situation, it’s important to address it in a way that adheres to the Ohio Division of Wildlife’s control laws and recommendations.


It’s often the case that issues with wildlife are the result of human oversight, so the City advises all residents to take the following measures as a matter of routine practice:

Correct Management of Trash and Recycling

  • Place trash and recycling out weekly for pickup. Do not allow trash to accumulate on your property.
  • Bag your trash and don’t overfill your trash container to be sure the lid is securely closed.
  • Place containers at the curb no sooner than the evening prior to your regular collection day.
  • Once collected, return trash containers to an enclosure, such as a garage or shed.

Maintain Your Yard

  • Don’t let yard waste piles accumulate (leaves, branches, brush, etc.).
  • Regularly cut grass and weeds in the growing season.
  • Haul away any leftover building/project materials.
  • Stack firewood on racks or pallets that are at least six inches off the ground.

The Correct Way to Compost

  • Pick a compost bin made of hard plastic with a secure lid.
  • Rodent proof your enclosure or compost bin.
  • The compost bin should be the furthest distance possible from your home (taking care not to place it close to a neighbor’s home).
  • Follow recommended practices for effectively maintaining a compost bin.

Remove Possible Food Sources

  • Clean up any pet waste daily.
  • Store any food kept outside or in your garage in rat and mice-proof containers, such as galvanized cans with tight-fitting lids.
  • Limit how much birdfeed you place in feeders. Put out only enough for the daytime and regularly remove any birdfeed that falls to the ground.
  • If you feed pets outside, only leave the food out for as long as it takes for your pet to finish eating.
  • Pick up any fallen tree fruit or garden vegetables.


Signs you may have bats:

  • You find bats roosting (sleeping during the day) near your home.
  • You find small droppings in your attic. Bat droppings are similar to rodent droppings but are less scattered and more clumped together.
  • You commonly hear a small scratching sound at night, likely coming from your attic.
  • You notice an ammonia-like smell. Bat droppings often accumulate where they are roosting and can let off a very distinct smell.
  • You notice bats leaving your home just as it gets dark outside.

DIY Deterrents:

  • Bats commonly gain access to homes through unsealed cracks or chimneys. To prevent bats from entering your home, seal even the smallest cracks and crevices and be sure to cover your chimney.

DIY Removal:

  • If you have a bat in your home, open windows and doors and allow it to escape.
  • You may also try trapping it with an open container. Once the bat is captured, slide a piece of cardboard between the trashcan and the wall or floor and take the bat outdoors to be released.

About Coyotes:

  • An unintended consequence from an increased use of video technology to help prevent property crimes has been a rise in residents seeing the wildlife – coyotes included – that has always lived in or passed through the community.
  • Coyotes that live in urban and suburban environments do not typically travel in packs.
  • Coyotes are most active at dawn and dusk but may be seen during daylight hours.
  • Coyotes mate between January-March and may be more active during this time period.
  • Coyotes typically prey on small mammals such as rabbits and mice, but may also prey on small pets if presented with the opportunity to do so.
  • Coyotes are shy and cautious animals and will avoid people whenever possible. Coyotes that approach homes tend to do so because they are being fed.
  • The Ohio Wildlife Center discourages against trapping and relocating coyotes. In areas where humans have tried to reduce coyote populations, coyotes have naturally increased their litter size. In addition, empty territories attract migrating coyotes that then choose to settle in the voided areas.
  • If a coyote visiting your yard seems to lack a fear of humans or is presenting a conflict even after removing attractants from your yard, contact a nuisance trapper. Call the Division of Wildlife at 1-800-WILDLIFE (945-3543) for assistance.

DIY Deterrents:

  • Remove items such as pet food that might attract a coyote to your yard, and keep garbage securely contained in your trash container or inside your garage until you are able to put it out at the curb for collection.
  • Keep outdoor grills clean.
  • Use motion-activated lighting and sprinklers.
  • Keep pets fenced in or otherwise safely contained (per City ordinance, cats are part of the City’s leash laws and should be kept inside or confined on the owner’s premises at all times).
  • For small dogs, stay with them when they are outside, particularly at night when coyotes are most active.
  • If necessary, use electric fencing.

Encountering a Coyote:

  • DO NOT feed or attempt to tame a coyote.
  • DO NOT turn your back on a coyote.
  • DO NOT run from a coyote.
  • DO be big and loud.
  • DO move toward active or populated areas.

Signs you may have deer:

  • You notice uneven bite marks out plants.
  • You find scrapes in the bark on the lower portion of trees. These are typically made by the deer’s lower teeth.
  • You find rubs in the bark on the lower portion of trees. Bucks typically make rubs as they shed their antlers in the fall.
  • You notice heart shaped hoof prints or dark oblong droppings.

DIY Deterrents:

  • Do not approach a deer that has taken up residence near your home. Be sure to keep dogs and children away from the deer.
  • When you see a deer near your residence make loud noise using household items (i.e. pots and pans, a blow-horn, etc.) to scare the deer away.

Signs you may have rats or mice:

  • You find small droppings, approximately the size of a grain of rice.
  • You find gnawed holes, up to two-inches wide, in baseboards or doorframes. This is a sign the rodent has been present for an extended period of time.
  • You find smudge marks from the rodent’s body oils on the lower portions of your walls.
  • You hear unidentifiable movement in your walls or attic.
  • Your family pet becomes fixated with what should otherwise be a blank wall or floorboard.

DIY Deterrents:

  • Rats and mice can squeeze through even the smallest of holes (the size of a quarter). Prevent rodents from entering your home by sealing off holes. Heavyweight material, such as quarter-inch hardware cloth is recommended.
  • Gaps often occur near electrical conduits, utility or air conditioning lines or water pipes that enter your home or drains exiting your home. Finish openings with caulking or foam insulation. Because rats can chew through insulation, combine it with wire mesh.

DIY Removal:

  • Lethal control is legal for rodents but remember that the need to control rats is largely a direct result of a lack of cleanliness so environmental changes are recommended first.
  • The least inhumane methods for killing rats and mice include the traditional snap trap and newer traps that use an electrical charge to stun and kill the rodent. Rodent bait laced with poison is another option.
  • IMPORTANT: These traps can be harmful to humans and pets. Be sure to follow all instructions carefully and to check the traps frequently. Wear rubber gloves when handling dead animals, traps and rodent bait. Place dead animals in sealed plastic bags and dispose of them in trash receptacles that are regularly collected.

Signs you may have skunks:

  • You find small, shallow holes in your lawn. Skunks foraging for grubs often leave these holes.
  • You find small plants and garden crops knocked over or damaged. Skunks like to target the bottom leaves of crops and especially like corn.

DIY Deterrents:

  • Skunks like to den in warm, dry areas, such as garages, sheds, wood and rock piles and under concrete slabs and porches. To prevent this from happening be sure to close off all potential access points.
  • Bury quarter-inch mesh hardware cloth one to two feet into the ground in places where animals might gain access to garages, sheds or underneath porches through digging.

DIY Removal:

  • If you suspect you’ve found a skunk den, proceed with caution. To determine if the skunk is present, fill the hole with a wad of newspaper. Check back daily to see if the newspaper has been displaced.
  • If several days have gone by without the newspaper being disturbed, the skunk should no longer be present, and you can proceed with filling the hole or closing off the skunk’s point of entry to its den.
  • If a skunk is present, harassment can be effective. Repeatedly cover the access point to its den with straw or newspaper to see if it gets the message. Make the den less attractive by adding light and noise (i.e. turning on a radio). Motion activated sprinklers can also scare skunks.
  • Keep in mind that skunks can spray over 10 feet. If you feel ill equipped to harass or take steps to remove the skunk, refer to the pest removal companies provided for assistance.

Signs you may have squirrels and/or raccoons:

  • You notice chewed up shingles or boards.

DIY Deterrents:

  • Remove branches that extend over your roof that can provide an easy access point.
  • Bury quarter-inch mesh hardware cloth one to two feet into the ground in places where animals might gain access to garages, sheds or underneath porches through digging.
  • If you have one or more chimneys, install guards that prevent wildlife from gaining access.

DIY Removal:

  • If you have a squirrel or raccoon in your home, open windows and doors to provide an exit, then leave it alone to allow it time to figure out how to escape.
  • You may also try trapping it with a large enough container. Once captured, slide a piece of cardboard between the container and the wall or floor and take the animal back outside to be released.
  • If an animal is caught down a chimney, try hanging a rope from the top into the chimney to give it something to help climb back out.


The City has contracted with SCRAM! Wildlife Control (614-763-0696), a division of the Ohio Wildlife Center, that is dedicated providing wildlife control that is natural, humane and permanent. SCRAM! is the only provider of non-lethal solutions to nuisance wildlife issues, working with homes and businesses to identify the issue and its cause, evict problem wildlife, and take steps to prevent future problems and educate all involved.

Under the City’s contract, SCRAM! is providing free services to rescue injured, orphaned or diseased wild animals to residents and businesses.

Other Services include:

  • An inspection of your property to document animal evidence (prints, droppings, nesting material, hair snags).
  • Identification of any structural compromising areas, entry points and safety concerns (chewed/exposed wires, latrines, tunneling and disruption of insulation).
  • Labeling of compromised wiring with surveyor’s tape for later repair by a contractor.
  • Recommended solutions to permanently solve your wildlife issues with a documented plan.
  • Provision of animal eviction and exclusion solutions for homeowners and businesses.
  • Transportation of injured or ill animals to Ohio Wildlife Center’s hospital if necessary.
  • Reuniting infants with wild families.
  • Educating customers and neighbors regarding wildlife biology.
  • A one-year guarantee on the work that is provided.
  • SCRAM! services are licensed, certified and insured.

What SCRAM! does not do:

  • Trap, relocate or euthanize wild animals.
  • Provide assistance for issues with rats, mice or insects.
  • Provide assistance with deer, white swan or coyote issues. the Ohio Department of Natural Resources or law enforcement will step in ONLY in instances of injured animals.


*Our inclusion of a company on this list does not represent an endorsement from the City or any City officials or staff members. If you would like your organization included, please email [email protected]

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