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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd

Tri-Village Packers 2024/25 Food Support Program

After an incredibly successful first year, the Tri-Village Packers are back for the second year of their food support program for children in Upper Arlington and Grandview Heights who are experiencing food insecurity.

For the 2024-2025 school year, the Packers plan to support children over the Thanksgiving and Spring Break holidays, and they are seeking financial donations from community members to help make this possible. Each donation of $80 will provide breakfast and lunch items, and healthy snacks for one child enrolled in the program.

Any funds raised beyond the group’s needs for this year’s program will be housed in the Tri-Village Packers Fund with the Upper Arlington Community Foundation to support future projects focused on food insecurity in our community.

Ways to Donate:

  • Visit the page on the Foundation’s website, and select the Tri-Village Packers Fund from the drop-down menu.
  • Send checks to: Upper Arlington Community Foundation, 3600 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43221. Be sure to write “Tri-Village Packers” in the memo line.


About the Tri-Village Packers
The Tri-Village Packers is a partnership currently spearheaded by the Tri-Village Lions Club, the Kiwanis Club of Northwest Columbus, the Tri-Village Rotary Club, the Upper Arlington Rotary Club, the Upper Arlington Community Foundation, the City of Upper Arlington, Upper Arlington Schools, the City of Grandview Heights, Grandview Heights Schools, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and St. Christopher Catholic Church. Additional service groups are invited to join our efforts – just send an email to: [email protected].

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