UA Police Accepting Applications for 2024 Citizen Police Academy
Application Deadline Extended to August 26
There’s a lot more to community policing than meets the eye, and each fall, the Upper Arlington Police Division welcomes a select number of community members into the Citizen Police Academy program for a behind the scenes look at local law enforcement.
The Citizen Police Academy gives residents a greater understanding and awareness of numerous law enforcement and citizen safety programs, including crime scene investigations, crime prevention, safety programs, traffic stops, defensive tactics, firearms training and more. After completing the program, many participants have stayed involved with the community’s safety services by participating in the Citizen Police Academy Alumni Association, which assists the Police Division with community outreach activities, fundraising and various safety programs.
The 2024 program is scheduled to run from 6-9 pm on Thursday evenings, from September 5–November 14 (skipping October 31). Any UA resident or business owner/leader who is over the age of 21 is eligible to apply for this free program.
Applications are being accepted through August 26. To learn more and to complete an application form, CLICK HERE.