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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd

How do I check-in at Camp?

Every Camp utilizes electronic check-in/out. Parents must accompany their child into Camp each day and swipe the key fob that has been assigned to each camper. If your child had a pool membership or has attended Camp in the past, they have an assigned key fob. These fobs can be used year to year, pool to Summer Day Camp. There is a question in the online registration process that asks if a new key fob is needed. Please check yes accordingly. New key fob cards are distributed at Parent Orientations or given to you on the first day your child attends Summer Day Camp. Camp staff scans your fob each day, upon arrival and departure from Camp. If you arrive or depart at an off-site location, staff enters your arrival or departure manually upon return to Camp.

Category: Camps
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