When is the leaf collection program in UA?
The dates will vary each year but generally the leaf collection program runs from late October through early December.
The dates will vary each year but generally the leaf collection program runs from late October through early December.
Swim tests are mandatory for all campers at Summer Day Camp. To pass, campers must swim the width of the pool, without stopping, struggling, or touching the bottom, and tread water for 30 seconds. The swim test is given on…
Yes. City Code allows the parking of a motor vehicle on the grass for four (4) hours in a 24 hour period.
No. Dumpsters may be on the property without a permit. They may not be placed in the street or in the City's Right of Way. Once the dumpster is full it must be emptied.
Five (5) days in a 30 day period for loading or unloading.
The maximum fence height in rear yards is six (6') feet and fence posts can be up to six (6") inches taller than the fence. There are additional height and location requirements for fences in front yards. A fence permit…
Yes. Fences can be placed on the property line. Fences require a permit and property surveys are recommended but not required with the submission of a fence permit.
24 Hours. Motor vehicles parked on the street are a Police Division matter. Please call the Upper Arlington Police Division Non-Emergency number at 614-459-2800 to report.
No. The City of Upper Arlington does not survey properties. You must contact a private survey company.
Yes, the City of Upper Arlington offers a portfolio of economic development incentives on a case by case bases to businesses within one of the target industries/sectors. The City has identified our targeted industries/sectors as: Healthcare, Professional, Educational, Technology and…
The City does not require licensing, however it is necessary to obtain building, signage and occupancy permits. Please contact the Community Development Department for information on building, signage, and occupancy permits. It is also necessary to file corporate and employee…
We keep an accurate list of all office and retail buildings and sites in Upper Arlington. We can help direct you towards buildings and sites that fit your need and have availability. Call the City’s Economic Development Division at 614-583-5046…
Contact the City’s Economic Development Division as your first point of contact. We will answer questions you have and help direct you to the correct departments you need for assistance. To reach the City’s Economic Development Division at 614-583-5046 or…
Yes, a separate bond form is required for each trade even if one company is registered for multiple trades.