Since 1966, Upper Arlington Labor Day Arts Festival has celebrated and shared the arts with the community. Each year, more than 15,000 visitors flock to UA on Labor Day. Visitors immerse themselves in hands-on art activities, live music as part of the UA Performance Series, and the opportunity to explore and purchase fine art and fine craft work. Around 120 artists will be there who work in a variety of media including paintings, photography, jewelry, pottery, sculptures and mixed media.
The Festival is made possible through the hard work of City Staff, a dedicated Coordinating Committee and a cadre of some 100 community volunteers.
Monday, September 1 | 10 am–5 pm
FREE Admission
Northam Park/Tremont Road
2850 Tremont Road
Upper Arlington, Ohio 43221
Shuttles: Park at the Wellington School (3650 Reed Road) and hop on a shuttle for an effortless ride to the Festival. Shuttles will be running about every 15 minutes from 9:30 am-5:30 pm.
Bike: Free bike valet service is offered for your convenience. The bike valet is located near the library of Tremont Road. Don’t have a bike? Grab a bike at any of the CoGo Bike stations and ride to the Tremont Center station.
Ride Share: The best drop-off zones include the intersections of Tremont and Northam or Tremont and Ridgeview.
COTA Bus: Stop ID: 2853/3781 – Northwest Boulevard & Northam Road. Bus Line 3 – Approximately a 10 minute walk down Northam Road.
Handicap/Accessible Parking: Spots will be reserved at the Tremont Center (parking lot across from Northam Park). Patrons can access the lot from Redding Road.
Parking: Street parking available throughout the neighborhood.
Road Closures: Tremont Road, between Ridgeview Road and Northam Road

Since 1966, Upper Arlington Labor Day Arts Festival has celebrated and shared the arts with the community. Each year, more than 15,000 visitors flock to UA on Labor Day to immerse themselves in hands-on art activities, live music, and the opportunity to explore and purchase fine art. We are excited to produce this event in the central hub for the community; the beautifully designed parking lot adjacent to Northam Park and located between the UA Public Library, Tremont Elementary School, and the Tremont Pool.
Upper Arlington is a community that supports the arts and welcomes the Labor Day Arts Festival every year. Many attend the event annually as part of the community tradition. In addition to supportive residents, many travel from the Columbus and surrounding regions to attend the event and purchase art. Artists love this one day, well organized event with easy setup, teardown and friendly and helpful staff and volunteers.
- Average Sales: $3,000 (based on the 2023 and 2024 Artist Survey)
- Over 15,000 visitors
- 120 Artists accepted with 44 corner booth spaces available
- 5 Emerging Artists accepted
- Free continental breakfast and coffee
- Boxed lunches available for purchase and delivered to tent
- Tent rentals available
- Booth sitting available
- Friendly volunteers and staff
- Drive up loading and unloading
- Optional setup Sunday before Festival
- Free Parking with shuttle to booth space
Artist Awards – range from $200-$600 per artist in addition to automatic acceptance into next year’s show with waived booth space fees.
“This is one of the best-run festivals ever. Thank you for making this a true community event. While the festival features music, food, crafts for kids, etc., the main focus is on the vendors and their art. Thank you!” – 2024 Exhibiting Artist
“This show was run very well from the organization and communication to the quality of the vendors. There were lots of customers/attendees and they seemed to be having a great time. Well done!” – 2024 Exhibiting Artist
“This is my FAVORITE SHOW every year! It is so well run, and all of the volunteers and staff are so kind and helpful. I look forward to this show every year, and it was my best one day show to date with doing shows for over 10 years! Thank you so much for making this a premiere event in the region.” – 2024 Exhibiting Artist
- Application Open: December 16, 2024
- Application Deadline: February 23, 2025 at Midnight EST
- Jury Dates: March 10-23, 2025
- Artists Notified: April 11, 2025
- Full Payment Due Through Zapplication.org: June 15, 2025 at Midnight EST
- Deadline to Cancel and Receive Full Refund (Minus Jury Application Fee): July 16, 2025 at Midnight EST
Every year, over 250 artists apply to exhibit in the Labor Day Arts Festival through Zapplication. Applications typically open in mid-December with a deadline of mid-March. Four qualified jurors and a Cultural Arts Commissioner are selected to review and score all of the applications. The top scoring artists are invited to participate in the show in a variety of categories. See below for additional information:
- Jury Application fee: $30 (non-refundable)
- Images: 3 images of individual artwork plus 1 booth image (without signs or identifying factors) – judging is based solely upon the quality of the work as illustrated in the submitted digital images.
- Images should be void of artist signature or any identifying marks; this will ensure an anonymous and fair jury process.
- Jury images submitted should represent the artist’s original artwork and must be made by the exhibiting artist(s).
- COLLABORATING ARTISTS: Artists working in the same studio and using the studio name may request to exhibit in the same booth for one booth fee, with a maximum of three artists. Artists collaborating on the same work need not apply separately.
- Artists jurying more than one category of work may apply under the same name with a maximum of three mediums.
- Commercial studios involved in multiple or volume production should not apply to the show.
- Blind jury – images should not include signatures, identifying marks, name of the studio or face/identity of the artist
- Jurors: 4 experienced arts and industry professionals (paid) and 1 Cultural Arts Commissioner (unpaid).
- We try to have new jurors every year. Any repeat jurors will have at least one lapse year between shows.
- Monitor jury – Jurors will view images from their own computers at their own pace.
- Accepted artists will be the top/highest scores in their respective mediums.
- Any artist with applications accepted in multiple mediums must select one to be exhibited.
- The Upper Arlington Labor Day Arts Festival may limit the number of artists accepted in some categories in order to present a balanced show.
- Decisions of the jury panel are final and artist scores will not be released.
- A waitlist will be formed based on the scores and any vacancies will be filled from this list.
The Emerging Artist Program grew from the desire to be a more inclusive Festival and support artists looking to begin their art festival careers. This program is specifically for artists who have never exhibited their artwork in a juried arts festival. Interested artists must be a resident or student of Franklin County. The application procedure and jury process are the same as if you were applying to the standard show however the “Emerging Artist” category must be selected. See below for additional criteria:
- Up to 5 spaces will be available to emerging artists.
- Emerging artist is defined as an artist that has never exhibited in a juried arts festival in the past.
- Open to Franklin County residents and students.
- Emerging artists should select “Emerging Artist” category when applying.
- Images: 4 high-quality images of artwork should be uploaded to application. Emerging artists are not required to provide an image of booth space.
- Jury Application fee reduced by 50%. Emerging artists should contact Jodi Hatfield at [email protected] to receive discount code.
- Invited emerging artists will be provided a 10’ x 10’ tented space for a reduced cost of $75.
- Invited emerging artists will be required to attend 3 workshops and meetings prior to Festival. Additional information and dates will be sent on these workshops after the jury process. These workshops and meetings are designed to educate and support emerging artists.
2024 Emerging Artists:
- Carol Hennessey
Website - Jane Martin
Website - Emily Morgan
Website - Erika Pickrell
Website - Jena Reif
Website - Keith Scanlon
2023 Emerging Artists:
Media categories are used as a tool for organizing artists’ images into logical, related groups for the jury’s review.
2D Mixed Media – Works that incorporate more than one type of physical material in their production and is suitable for hanging.
3D Mixed Media – Works that incorporate more than one type of physical material in their production and is a 3D object suitable for standing or hanging.
Ceramics – All original clay and porcelain. Machine-made, mass-produced work is not permitted. Embellishment of manufactured materials is not permitted.
Digital Art – Original work utilizing computer software solely to create, design and produce work. Work must be properly signed and numbered as a limited edition of no more than 250.
Drawing & Pastels – Works created using dry media including chalk, charcoal, pastels, pencil, wax crayons, etc. or from fluid media including inks and washes applied by pen or brush.
Fiber – All work crafted from fibers, including basketry, embroidery, weaving, tapestry and papermaking. No commercially machine-tooled, machine-screened patterns or miscellaneous forms of mass production are permitted, including manufactured seams.
Glass – Glass works that are functional or decorative by design and are kiln-formed or have been crafted by glass blowing, fusing, staining, molding, or casting. Works may be etched or engraved. No forms of mass production are permitted.
Jewelry – ALL jewelry, whether produced from metal, glass, clay, fiber, paper, plastic or other materials. No commercial casts, molds or production studio work is allowed. Limited use of pre-made material such as beads* or small ornamental items is permitted.
*Beads must be made by the artist. There are only two exemptions to this rule:
- If the beads are not made by the artist, they must clearly play a subordinate role in the finished piece
- The requirement that beads must be made by the artist does not apply in the technique known as bead weaving; however, commercial bead weaving kits are not permitted.
Leather – Work where the primary material is leather including belts, handbags, wearables and sculptural work. All factory-produced items prohibited regardless of additional modification or enhancement by the artist.
Metal – Includes all non-sculptural, non-jewelry work crafted from metals. No production studio work is allowed.
Painting – The use of oils, acrylics, watercolors, and tempera suitable for hanging.
Photography and Digital Photography – The process of capturing images that begins with a camera, then printing the images, by chemical or digital means, onto a surface. This category includes traditional film photography and digital photography. All pieces must be signed, numbered and dated in limited editions of no more than 250.
Printmaking – Printed works in which the artist hand-manipulated the plates, stones, or screens. Prints must be signed and numbered as a limited edition.
Sculpture – Three-dimensional original work created in any medium.
Wood – Original works that are hand-tooled, machine-worked, turned or carved. Embellished manufactured wood items and mass-production are not permitted.
Emerging Artist Program – The Emerging Artist Program provides the opportunity for residents or students of Franklin County who have never exhibited in a juried arts festival to participate in the Upper Arlington Labor Day Arts Festival. Please refer to the “Emerging Artist Program”
- 10’ x 10’ Booth Space – $175
- 10’ x 20’ Booth Space – $350
- Corner Booth – +$50 (in addition to booth space fee)
- Booths at the end of each row
- 44 available corner booth spaces
- First come first serve
- Tent Rentals
- We strongly encourage you to bring your own tent however we can provide a tent through our tent vendor at cost. Any issues with tents must be dealt with directly with tent vendor.
- 10’ x 10’ Tent Rental: +$300 (in addition to 10’x10’ booth space fee)
- Rental tents include setup, weights and side walls (these side walls are not designed to hold or display artwork).
- All rented tents will be located in one area and corner booth spaces will be limited
General Guidelines
- All work must be the original, hand-produced work of the artists and representative of the work submitted to the festival jury.
- Artist agrees that all work submitted to the jury process and displayed and represented for sale has been designed and executed by the artist(s).
- No mass-production, manufactured work, or work produced from kits is permitted. No work by apprentices, studios or employees will be accepted. Commercial agents, dealers, or manufacturers are not eligible to apply. No “buy/sell” items or prepared food items will be accepted.
- Artist must be present during the entire event and available to speak with attendees. Artists will be asked to show ID upon check-in.
- Booths may not be moved from the assigned space before 5:15 pm on Monday.
- Electrical service is not available. Generators are not permitted.
- Artists retain 100% of their sales and are responsible for the collection and reporting of all applicable sales taxes. Franklin County sales tax is 7.50% (www.tax.ohio.gov). Artists shall be responsible for obtaining any required licenses, permits or approvals under state laws applicable to his/her activity at the Festival and for paying any taxes, sales taxes, fees or other charges that may be applicable to any exhibitor’s activity at the Festival.
- Artists will abide by load-in/load-out procedures monitored by City staff and volunteers. Capability to drive up to booth space for load in/out will be during scheduled hours only on Sunday from 12pm-6pm and Monday morning from 7am-8:30am. Arrival outside of these scheduled times will require the artists to cart their artwork and supplies from outside the festival area.
Tent/Canopy Guidelines
- This event is held on pavement – 40 lb. weights are required on EACH corner of your tent. Additional weight is highly encouraged.
- All fabric canopies must be securely fastened to the frame.
- All tents must be flame resistant. Documentation is required (typically there is a tag inside your tent with this information)
- UA Fire Prevention will be onsite the morning of the event to inspect all tents.
- All displays must be kept inside your allotted space. No additional tables or displays are permitted in the right-of-way.
- Responsibility of compliance rests with the artist. Fire Prevention Office personnel can be reached at 614-583-5119 and will answer any questions concerning the above guidelines.
- Why we are strict with these guidelines
Reproduction Guidelines:
- Please see Medium Definitions for category-specific restrictions on 2D reproductions.
- All reproductions must be signed and numbered in editions of no more than 250.
- All reproductions whether framed or unframed, must be clearly and individually labeled “REPRODUCTION.” No other terms may be used.
- Framed reproductions may be displayed on one wall of the booth, not to exceed ten (10) linear feet. All unframed reproductions must be displayed in browse bins.
- Unframed reproductions may not be displayed in the same browse bin with original artworks.

Hands on art activities lead by local artists and arts organizations enrich the Labor Day Arts Festival and inspire students and adults to keep creating! This area of the festival allows patrons to interact with artists, be inspired and try their hand at a variety of art activities.
Are you an artist that would be interested in leading at art activity? Email [email protected] with your information and art activity idea.
Festival would not be enjoyable without some great eats for attendees to enjoy! Food trucks are scheduled through the Central Ohio Food Truck Association. COFTA is the industry non-profit association advocating for food truck owners and operators serving Central Ohio. If you would like to participate as a food vendor in future events, please reach out to [email protected] to learn about becoming a member.

The Labor Day Arts Festival would not be possible without a dynamic team of staff and volunteers. Be part of the art in Upper Arlington and help make this year’s event possible! Earn community service hours (if needed), meet new friends and receive a fashionable t-shirt!
Check back in June 2025 for volunteer opportunities!
The Labor Day Arts Festival would not be possible without a dynamic team of staff and volunteers. The Coordinating Committee begins work on planning Festival months in advance and put many hours into making sure the event runs smoothly. THANK YOU to the Coordinating Committee and volunteers for their generous donation of time and talents! For more information on volunteering for the Labor Day Arts Festival, please contact Jodi Hatfield at [email protected] or (614) 583-5312.