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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd
Sign Removal

Political Signage Guidelines

Every November, U.S. citizens are afforded the opportunity to have a voice in government by participating in the electoral process at the local, state or national levels. As election season approaches, we like to share some reminders on the proper display of political yard signs and banners.

The City does not regulate language on a political sign, as this would infringe upon an individual’s freedom of speech. However, a series of guidelines are in place for the display of signs or banners:

  • Signs and banners must be located on the property and not in the public right-of-way.
  • A maximum of five signs/banners are permitted per property.
  • In addition to the five permitted signs, an additional sign/banner may be onsite for each street frontage if the property is under construction or on the market for sale or lease.
  • Signs/banners should not exceed eight square feet in size per side.
  • Signs should not exceed four feet in height if free-standing and should not be attached to any roof or roof element if mounted on a building.
  • Signs/banners should not be illuminated.
  • Signs with changeable copy/text are not allowed.

The City may be able to ask a resident to remove signs/banners only if they exceed the size requirements, are deteriorating or have been placed in the public right-of-way. If you believe this to be the case, call Code Compliance at 614-583-5073.

Signs placed on private property are considered private property as well, and theft charges will be filed against individuals taking signs.

Please be mindful of the aesthetics of our neighborhoods when displaying political signs.

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