After several years of planning by a dedicated task force of community volunteers, civic groups and City representatives, in 2018 Upper Arlington celebrated its 100th anniversary in style.

Northam Park is the home to a community pool, playground and reading garden, clay tennis courts, numerous sports fields, the main library branch and two schools, while serving as the community’s gathering place for two signature events—the Fourth of July Festival and Fireworks, and the Upper Arlington Labor Day Arts Festival. The Centennial Task Force felt strongly that the park entry was the best location for a signature Legacy Project—something easily accessible that would commemorate our 100th birthday in a tasteful and fitting way—and the team set about turning this idea into reality.
The Centennial Plaza provides an inviting gathering space for residents, most notably defined by three bronze bear sculptures that are the work of a local artist, Alan Hamwi—who actually grew up in UA. The bears are sited on a rubberized play surface, allowing children to interact with the artworks. Surrounding the sculptures is seating and an extension of the park entry pillars and trelliswork.
This part of the Legacy Project was made possible in large part thanks to the support of the following organizations:
- Upper Arlington Rotary Club
- Upper Arlington Community Foundation
- Upper Arlington Civic Association
- Kiwanis Club of Northwest Columbus
The artist and sculptor of the three bronze bears is Alan Hamwi. Alan, 62, is an Upper Arlington native who has been sculpting since he was a teenager.
Alan has many statues on display throughout central Ohio to include Harold Cooper at Huntington Park and animals at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. But this project is special to Alan because Upper Arlington is where he spent most of his life, growing up as a kid and then raising his children in this community.
Bronze is Alan’s specialty and the medium he prefers to use when sculpting because of its history an permanence.
Alan first starts by making models of the sculptures and then carving the sculptures out of styrofoam. After the carving process, Alan covers the styrofoam in clay and shapes the clay to the exact version of what the sculpture will look like. After each bear (or mold) has been sculpted in clay, Alan drove them to Florida to have them cast in bronze.

The History Walk is located along the main pedestrian walkway into the park from Tremont Road. A series of 10 markers (and one information marker about the walk) provide a snapshot of Upper Arlington’s first 100 years—the community’s early days and the people, institutions and amenities that set us apart. In conjunction with installation of the History Walk, the City made improvements to the walkway, adding trees and planting beds that compliment the beautiful markers.
The History Walk has been made possible thanks to the support of the following:
- The Martin Peter & Marjorie Garvin Sayers Family: Daniel Garvin Sayers, Stephen Putnam Sayers, Julia Sayers Bolton, Elaine Sayers Buck
- The Barney Family
- The Crane Family: In memory of Robert S. Crane, Jr.
- The Yassenoff Family
- The Patton Family: In memory of Mary Louise & Bob Patton
- Northwest EyeCare Professionals: Douglas, Deborah & Quinlan Bosner
- The Upper Arlington Education Foundation & Upper Arlington Library Board
- The Greg Guy & Lisa Ingram Family: Caitlyn, Andrew, Jacob & Ryan
- The Gudenkauf and Gehring Families
- E. Ann Gabriel: In memory of Ann R. & M. Leonard Gabriel and Joanne B. & Jack O. Woodruff
- The Jody & Wally Phillips Family: Diane Phillips Albrecht, Debbie Phillips Bower, John Wallace Phillips and Cindy Phillips Close


An early goal of the Centennial planning group was to create a logo that would resonate with citizens. Jenny Ledman—a resident and graphic designer—kindly agreed to design the Centennial logo as a gift to the community.
In the fall of 2015, residents were invited to help identify the visual components of existing community logos that best represent UA, and to consider logos used for other cities’ special celebrations. From this insight, Jenny created a design that captures the pride and spirit of Upper Arlington.
The Centennial logo is built around UA’s Golden Bear, with a strong and simple color palette of black and gold, prominent text, a burst of fireworks in deference to UA’s most popular community celebration—the Fourth of July—and featuring the tagline “A Cherished Past | A Golden Future.”

A lot has happened in 30 years, since a history of Upper Arlington was last memorialized in a book for the community. Keeping with the tradition of capturing the progression of our community, the Historical Society–with the assistance of the Upper Arlington Library– embarked on the task of researching and writing a new historical celebration of our community. A Cherished Past, A Golden Future is fresh look at the events that have shaped Upper Arlington for the past one hundred years in a readable narrative, accompanied by vivid photos to describe the land, the people and the vision behind the community we know today.
The Centennial
The Centennial Task Force captured within the pages of The Centennial the essence of what makes Upper Arlington a unique and wonderful place to call home. This “go to” coffee table publication highlights the actionable projects and events, as well as exciting interviews and articles detailing what makes Upper Arlington a reason why generations of families continue to call this community home. View the digital version or click on image.
The Centennial Heritage Tree project was conceived by a group of residents who have taken their love of trees and our natural environment to the next step by volunteering to serve on the City Tree Commission.
A call was put out to the community to nominate trees for inclusion on a Centennial Tree Registry. Once nominated, these trees were personally inspected by members of the Commission and City Staff to confirm they that they had indeed lived long enough to bear witness to the founding of Upper Arlington. The trees were then added to the registry and residents were invited to pickup their very own Centennial Heritage tree yard sign to place in their yards.
The response to this opportunity was tremendous. More than 220 trees were submitted and inspected for this process, and I understand that nominations continue to trickle in. Please note, this project has now come to a close, with all the yard signs distributed and the registry complete.
Street | Number | Nomination | Tree Location | Comments |
Abington Rd | 2511 | Bryn and Andrea Hanover | Red Oak in back yard | |
Andover Rd | 1850 | Carla and Harry Keith | Red Oak in front yard | |
Andover Rd | 2748 | Steve and Cathy Buser | Two Sugar Maples in back yard | |
Arlington Ave | 1680 | Peggy Draeger | Red Oak in front yard | Tree is to the right (south) of the front entrance sidewalk when facing the house (facing east) from Arlington Avenue. |
Arlington Ave | 1690 | Susan Brooks | Red Oak in front yard | |
Arlington Ave | 1931 | The Zettler Family | Red Oak in back yard | The large Red Oak tree is in our rear yard, but easily viewable from Tremont Avenue or Miller Park. |
Arlington Ave | 2270 | Red Maple in front yard | Our Red Maple tree is in our front yard by the driveway. | |
Asbury Dr | 3101 | Sycamore in front yard | ||
Baldridge Rd | 1870 | Andy and Courney Neckers | Horsechesnut in front yard | Our tree is a big buckeye tree that sits on the corner of our front yard at 1870 Baldridge Road, on the northwest corner of Andover. It’s always been popular with children in the fall collecting buckeyes. Our girls, Elise and Isabel, ages 6 and 3, love to have picnics underneath it. |
Bedford Rd | 1800 | Sue Owen | Red Oak in front yard | |
Bedford Rd | 1893 | Dave and Caroly von Fischer | American Sycamore in side yard | The tree is in our side yard on the left side of our house as you face our house from the street. |
Berkshire Rd | 1548 | Robert and Diana Willey | Red Oak in front yard | 200+ red oak, corner of Berkshire Rd and Beaumont Rd |
Berwyn Rd | 2594 | The Theakers | Silver maple in front yard and a Hackberry in the back yard. | |
Berwyn Rd | 2595 | Jessica Ardelea | Eastern Cottonwood in front yard | Our tree is a magnificent Cottonwood that is located in our front yard. |
Berwyn Rd | 2603 | John Romans | Red Oak in back yard | A very large Red Oak is just behind the right side of our home; the canopy of the tree covers 3 yards including ours. |
Berwyn Rd | 2628 | Two Swamp White Oaks in front yard | ||
Berwyn Rd | 2636 | Paul and Geri Schlegel | Pin Oak in back yard but visible from street | |
Beverly Rd | 2031 | Mary Lynn Kiacz | Norway Spruce in front yard | |
Brandon Rd | 3194 | Linda and Joel Lucas | Pin Oak in front yard | |
Brandon Rd | 2333 | The Renner Family | Pin Oak in back yard | |
Cambridge Blvd | 1670 | Joe and Suzanne Miller | Sycamore in Front Yard | |
Cambridge Blvd | 1800 | Paul and Carole Chidester | Red Oak in front yard and Pin Oak in side yard | |
Cambridge Blvd | 2230 | Peter and Ann Pema | Osage Orange in side yard | Our tree is a majestic Osage Orange tree with wide spaced braches from a central trunk on the Elgin side of our property |
Camden Rd | 2665 | Richard and Barbara Shramo | Red Oak in front yard | |
Camden Rd | 2737 | Mary Alford | Sugar Maple in back yard | |
Canterbury Rd | 2310 | Barbara Wrightsel | Red Oak in front yard | |
Canterbury Rd | 2359 | Red Oak in back yard | ||
Carisbrook Rd | 3160 | Gary, Evelyn, and Nathan Kinzel | White Oak in front yard | The large tree in the front yard a is a white oak. The leaves have rounded tips and the acorns mature in one year. In the spring the tree has feathery green flowers with pale yellow pollen. |
Castleton Rd. N. | 1387 | Brian and Jessica Noble | Red Oak in front yard | Our 100+ year old red oak is to the right of our red front door. *Door face Norwell Dr. |
Charing Rd. | 2765 | Mindy and Mark Francisco | American Sycamore in back yard | This beautiful Sycamore is located behind a condominium building at 2765 Charing Road 43221, it can be seen from the front of the property hanging over the property. Look up! |
Chester Rd | 2714 | Thomas Nygren and Susan Crisp | Red Oak in front yard | |
Chester Rd | 2726 | Molly Ravine | Pin Oak in front yard | |
Clifton Rd | 2791 | Keri Agriesti | Red Oak in front yard | A beautiful Red Oak sitting between two homes in the front yard at 2789 and 2791 Clifton Rd. This tree brought together two neighbors who became good friends. Recently, my neighbor Dick Imber passed away and this is dedicated to his memory, friendship, and love for art and nature. |
Clifton Rd. | 2779 | Brenda Matunas | Two Hackberries and a Black Cherry in back yard | |
Collingswood Rd | 1993 | Karlye Martin | White Oak in front yard | The tree is located left side of the driveway, in between our home and garage |
Concord Rd. | 1971 | Karen and Steve Stivers | Two Red Oaks in front yard | Both of the Centennial Heritage Trees- anchored on the property at 1971 Concord Road- are 100+ year old Red Oaks. They display thick, healthy trunks as well as full, well-maintained, and mature canopies. |
Coventry Rd | 1810 | Sam and Kalli Lindsey | Red Oak in front yard | |
Coventry Rd | 1930 | Dennis and Kim Blunt | White Ash in front yard | White Ash located on the northeast corner of Coventry and Stanford Rd. |
Coventry Rd | 2028 | Maria and Tim Rankin | Silver Maple in back yard | Easily seen from front sidewalk |
Coventry Rd | 2481 | The Shafer Family | Silver Maple in front yard | Centennial Silver Maple with the best tree swing in UA is in our front yard. |
Coventry Rd | 2688 | Amy and Dan Kapusta | American Elm in front yard | |
Coventry Rd | 1805 | American Sycamore in front yard | Our sycamore was #42 on the 12/5/2000 final tree list and it is still standing north of our driveway at 1805 Coventry Rd. On that list the diameter is listed at 50” and the age is estimated at 147 years. | |
Doone Rd | 1498 | Julie, Jay, Molly, and Katie Rapp | Red Oak in front yard | "The greatest oak was once a little nut who held its ground." -unknown |
Dorchester Rd. | 3600 | Lousi and Susan Pomerantz | Honey Locust in side yard | It is a Honey Locust tree on the Bristol Rd side of the house (south side). |
Dorset Rd | 2383 | Clark and Heidi James | Red Oak in front yard and Red Oak in back yard | The front yard tree is located right up against the house (beside the window) and the other tree is in the back yard right up against the patio. |
Eastcleft Dr | 2825 | Gary Bowen | Red Oak in front yard | The Red Oak in my front yard is one of the largest trees in the ridge. |
Edgemont Rd | 1826 | Pam and John Hunter | American Elm in front yard | Close to Bedford Rd. |
Edgevale Rd | 2467 | Glenn Bryan | Green Ash in front yard and White Ash in back yard | |
Edington Rd | 2408 | Bud and Nancy Hestand | Eight Red Oaks | One in back yard, two near driveway, and five in front yard |
Elmwood Ave | 1860 | Lisa and Tim Kelso | Two Red Oaks in front yard | |
Essex Rdd | 1694 | Cindy and Paul Kruse | American Sycamore in back yard | Tree is located in the backyard but actually visible from Harford Rd. |
Fairlington Dr | 3940 | Randy Cook | Sugar Maple in front yard and Pin Oak in back yard | |
Farleigh Rd | 2218 | Jacob and Kelly Dobek | Norway Spruce in front yard | |
Farleigh Rd | 2365 | Carolyn S. May | White Oak in front yard | |
Grenoble Rd | 1573 | Medard Lutmerding | Sycamore in back yard | |
Guilford Rd | 2026 | Ted Sawyer | Two Red Oaks in front yard | |
Halesworth Rd | 3169 | Lisa Vitali | Honey Locust in front yard | |
Halstead Rd | 2810 | Nick and Emily Bush | Cottonwood in front yard | |
Helston Ct | 4535 | Rich and Beth Connolly | American Elm in front yard | |
Henthorn Rd | 2675 | Diane Koontz and David Jones | Burr Oak in front yard | |
Hillview Dr | 3824 | Ross and Jean Caldecott | Silver Maples in front yard | |
Inchcliff Rd | 1797 | Nick and Julie Urbaniak | London Plane in back yard | |
Inchcliff Rd | 1849 | The Esler Family | Sycamore in front yard | |
Kent Rd | 2666 | Micheal C. Dodge | Pin Oak in Front Yard | |
Lane Ave | 2070 | Andrew and Courtney McBride | Pin Oak in front yard | The tree is in the center of the circular driveway in the front yard. |
Lanercost Way | 4575 | Sally and Steven Meier | Silver Maple and American Sycamore in back yard | Since our trees are in the back we give permission for people to come up the driveway and walk the deck on the right hand side of the house to the back yard! |
Lanercost Way | 4600 | Kurt and Laura Ludlow | Pin Oak in front yard and American Sycamore in side yard | |
London Dr | 1265 | Richard and Margaret Wagner | Swamp White Oak in front yard. | |
Mountview Rd | 2922 | John and Leah Ridgway | American Sycamore in back yard | The tree is a Sycamore and is in the back corner of our driveway. |
Mountview Rd | 3780 | Ashley Pond | Tulip Poplar in front yard | |
Mountview Rd | 3905 | The Cohens | Silver Maple in back yard | |
Mt Holyoke | 3122 | Andrew Hoge | Two White Oaks in front yard | |
Mt Holyoke | 3134 | Justin Bramel | Red Oak and White Oak in front yard. | |
N Devon Rd | 1815 | Doug and Margaret Dickson | Two Sugar Maples in front yard | |
N Devon Rd | 2022 | Brian and Kirsten Barrett | Two London Plane trees in front yard | |
Norwell Dr | 1316 | Harvey and Marilyn Brugger | Red Oak visible from the front yard. | |
Onandaga Dr | 2431 | Dr. and Mrs. Duffey | Red Oak in side yard | |
Osborn Dr | 1478 | Paul Sciulli and Veda Cafazzo | Norway Spruce in the northwest corner of the front lawn. | |
Oxford Rd | 2340 | David Winters | American Sycamore in side yard | |
Patricia Dr | 4090 | The Tannous Family | Red Oak in side yard | |
Patricia Dr. | 3955 | Joyce and Willem Kogeler | Two Red Oak in front yard | Visible from McCoy Rd |
Pemberton Dr | 1514 | David Dick and Caitlyn McCandless | Sugar Maple in front yard | It's a beautiful Sugar Maple that offers plenty of shade and perfect for climbing. Front yard. |
Reed Rd | 3984 | Bonnie Harvey | Black Walnut in back yard | |
Regency Dr | 1159 | Jenny Speas | Pin Oak in front yard | |
Ridgeview Rd | 1435 | Sally Francis and Steve Maheras | White Ash in front yard | |
Riverside Dr | 3900 | Tom and Sarah Steggemann | White Oak and Chinkapin Oak in driveway | One tree is located at the far end of the driveway, White Oak (it can be seen from the street when looking straight down the driveway). The second tree is located to the right of the driveway closer to the street, Chinkapin Oak |
Sandover Rd | 2221 | White Ash in front yard | The White Ash is clearly visible from the street in the front yard. | |
Sherwin Rd | 2575 | John and Christy Leach | Pin Oak in front yard | |
Shrewsbury Rd | 2761 | Bruce and Marta Ackley | Silver Maple in front yard | She’s out in front of the house facing north of our house slightly west of the center of the lawn. |
Southway Dr | 2391 | Pat and Jay Iams | Red Oak in the front yard nearest the driveway, a Black Walnut to the north of the oak, and an American Elm in the side yard | |
Southway Dr | 2448 | Lou Spisak | Swamp White Oak in front yard | 200+ Q. bicolor |
Southway Dr | 2416 | Kathleen and Adam Wagenbach | Swamp White Oak in back yard | |
Squires Lane | 4144 | Red Oak in front yard | ||
Stanford Rd | 1601 | Banicki Family | Norway Maple visible from Elmwood Rd sidewalks | |
Stratford Dr | 2792 | Red Oak in front yard | ||
Stratford Dr | 2826 | Vicci and Brett Jaffe | Red Oak in front yard | This is a Red Oak tree at the bottom of our driveway right behind our mailbox and our neighbor’s mailbox. It is very visible from the street and has a beautiful wide canopy that stretches over our and our neighbor’s driveways. Feel free to pick up acorns! |
Teeway Dr | 1465 | Joyce Canfield | Four Silver Maples in front yard, one Red Oak in front yard. | |
Teeway Dr | 1479 | Matthew and Catherine Pacanovsky | Pin Oak in front yard | |
Teeway Dr | 1539 | Margie Hegg and Paul Brockman | Pin Oak in front yard | |
Tremont Rd | 1901 | The Dominguez Family | Red Oak on corner of Tremont Rd and Devon Rd | |
Tremont Rd | 1904 | Kathryn Ueberroth | Red Oak and Burr Oak in front yard | |
Tremont Rd | 2020 | Lorri and Randy Dean | Pin Oak near the street next to brick driveway | |
Tremont Rd | 2050 | Michelle Koffel | Red Oak in side yard | |
Tremont Rd | 2958 | Antonio and Winifred Garabis | American Elm, Sweetgum, Sugar Maple in front yard | |
Walhaven Rd | 3821 | Rick Dillon | Red Oak in front yard | |
Waybourn Rd | 4300 | Tim and Mary Anne King | Red Oak in back yard | Not easily seen from sidewalk |
Wellesley Dr | 2946 | Jeremy and Jennifer Davitz | American Sycamore and White Oak in front yard | |
Welsford Rd. | 2721 | Josh and Susan Frazier | White Ash in Front Yard | |
Wesleyan Dr | 2135 | Mitch and Marjie Bland | Two Swamp White Oaks in front yard | |
Wesleyan Dr | 2169 | Swamp White Oak in front yard | ||
Wexford Rd | 2583 | Bob and Paula Borton | Silve Maple in front yard | |
Wexford Rd | 2641 | The Shea Family | Pin Oak in side yard | |
Wickcliffe Rd | 2793 | Debbie Steidle | Siberian Elm in back yard | |
Winterset Dr | 4470 | Kurtis Roush | Red Oak in front yard beside the driveway. | |
Woodbridge Rd | 3839 | Marta, Enzo and Victoria Bergese | Pin Oak in front yard and American Beech in side yard | Pin Oak towering in the front yard had difficult years afflicted with chlorosis, it has been treated for the last 10 years and is doing much better. When the driveway was relocated 15 years ago, care was taken to lay brick on sand rather than asphalt or cement on a large section of the new driveway to allow for rain water to reach the tree's roots. It's close to 140 years old and we certainly hope it will reach 200 and maybe be around for UA's bicentennial. An American beech, back right side yard if facing the house, can be seen above the roof line and thru a see-thru fence, it's believed to be close to 132 years old and his canopy, even with proper thinning and pruning, is so dense that even with torrential rains it is difficult to get wet if you are under it. Many al fresco dinners had been witness by this majestic tree. |
Woodbridge Rd | 3950 | Steve and Rachel Mushrush | Red Oak in side yard facing Lytham Rd. | |
Woodstock Rd | 2577 | David Price | Swamp White Oak in front yard | |
Woodstock Rd | 2624 | Alex and Kristin Ebert | American Sycamore in courtyard | |
Wyandotte Rd | 2060 | Beth and Scott Gill | Red Oak in front yard | |
Yorkshire Rd | 2286 | A. Peter "Chip" Knoop, Jr. | Red Oak in back yard | |
Zollinger Rd | 2710 | Mike, Jennie, and Jasa Stone | Norway spruce in front yard | 200+ year old |
Zollinger Rd | 2834 | John Howe IV and Margie Rado | Black Walnut in front yard | The Walnut is in the front yard and is easily viewed. So is an offspring Walnut in the driveway. |
Marty Marlatt | Pin Oak in back yard | |||
Westover Park | Samantha Simmons | White Oak and Burr Oak near playground | Both trees are estimated at over 200 years old | |
Thompson Park | Samantha Simmons | Two Burr Oaks near wetland | Both trees are just off the path east of the wetland, 200+ years old | |
Miller Park | Samantha Simmons | Black Walnut near playground | Tree is between the playground and library |