Kingsdale Parking Garage Construction Updates
The Kingsdale Parking Garage construction team has been given permission to conduct a series of extended and overnight work sessions to complete several critical stages in the project. All planned extended hours are weather permitting.
Large Concrete Pours – Updated Schedule
The delivery of concrete for the remaining series of large pours will begin between 3-5 am on the following dates:
- Wednesday, July 31 (date change from August 1)
- Thursday, August 8
In all cases, construction and delivery vehicles are required to enter and exit the site from Northwest Boulevard and will follow a traffic pattern that minimizes backing and the sounding of backup beepers. Temporary lighting will be directed into the project, and away from adjacent homes.
Our apologies for any inconvenience this work may cause, we greatly appreciate your understanding as every effort is made to complete this project in a timely fashion.