Police Safety Reminders: Vehicle Safety
The City’s Police Division received an uptick in calls about stolen vehicles and thefts from vehicles over the Fourth of July holiday. No doubt community members were focused on their holiday plans with family and friends and paying less attention to the simple steps everyone can take to help keep their valuables safe.
Here are some reminders that we all should follow year-round:
- Keep your vehicle locked and the windows closed, both at home and when you are out.
- Don’t leave valuables in your car. If you do have to keep something in your vehicle temporarily, make sure it is placed out of sight.
- Don’t leave your car key/fob or a spare in or near your vehicle.
- Don’t leave your vehicle running and unattended, even if it’s just for a minute.
- Even if you’re home with your car parked in your garage, keep the car locked and the garage door closed.
- At night, turn on your home’s exterior lights so that your garage and any vehicles parked in the driveway are visible.
- Be alert and aware of your surroundings whenever you park your car somewhere.
- Park in well-lit areas that frequently have cars or people passing by.
- Consider installing a car alarm, a car tracking system or a vehicle immobilizer system.
Stay vigilant – if you see suspicious activity, report it immediate to UA Police. Call the non-emergency number, at 614-459-2800.