Solid Waste Reminders
From time to time, the City is made aware of property owners who may not be aware of our solid waste container requirements, with containers left in view from the street. We encourage residents to become familiar with the following “best practices” for making the most of our collection program and for being a good neighbor.
Screening Requirements
Households should keep trash and recycling containers out of view from the street, except when putting them at the curb before your collection day. Options are to store the containers in an enclosed structure, such as your garage or shed. If you are unable to store them inside, containers should be stored to the side or rear of the residence and steps should be taken to screen them from street view. This can be accomplished with a natural landscaped barrier or with fencing that is a minimum of 42 inches in height. Full details of this requirement can be found within §7.15(A)4 of the Unified Development Ordinance.
When to Put Containers at the Curb
In an effort to preserve community aesthetics, the City also restricts the length of time that trash and recycling containers can be out at the curb in advance of and following your collection day. Per UA Streets and Services Code §935.02, containers or materials for collection should not be placed at the curb any earlier than 6 pm of the day preceding your collection day but must be out ready for collection by no later than 7 am of collection day. Following collection, containers must be removed from the curb and returned to their regular storage location by 7 am of the next day.
Correct Placement of Containers
For ease of access, trash and recycling containers should be placed at least three feet apart from other items, and away from parked cars, so that the collection crews have unobstructed access. Place containers so that the lid openings are facing into the street.
Full details of our Solid Waste Program, including recycling guidelines and accepted bulk items, can be found by clicking here.