Spring Fire Hydrant Flushing
April 15-May 3
Click Here for Schedule and Map
The Upper Arlington Fire Division will be conducting fire hydrant flushing operations beginning the week of April 15. This annual test is part of a fire hydrant maintenance program that keeps hydrants in operable condition and identifies any deficiencies that require repair.
Hydrant flushing will take place weekdays between 8 am and 6 pm. A schedule showing where crews will be working each day, is available here.
Most residents will notice no difference in their water supply, but a few could experience water discoloration after flushing has taken place in their area. Please refrain from doing laundry on the day hydrants are flushed in your area. Before resuming laundering, partially fill washers until the water runs clear. Run a sample of water into a transparent container to check for settling or discoloration. Once the water is clear, the washer can be spun out to drain the tub for a normal laundry load. Turn on all faucets and allow water to run until it appears clear. Some may experience staining of clothes despite these efforts. Clothes should be kept damp or wet to prevent the stains from setting. “Rust-removers” or “rust fighter” cleaning products carried at grocery and hardware stores may be useful in cleaning stained clothing items.