UA Foundation Grant Provides Microchip Readers to Help Track, Rescue and Reconnect Missing Pets with Their Families
For any responsible pet owner, one of their worst nightmares is for their dog to go missing – perhaps a side gate was left open, the dog slipped its collar when out for a walk or took off in fear during the Fourth of July fireworks season. The reasons for a beloved pet to be lost and at large are many, the fear of the fate that could befall them is very real.
One of the benefits of social media platforms like Facebook is the ability to quickly share that a dog is missing, alerting others in the community and letting them know who to contact if the dog is seen or captured. Or residents also often use these platforms to post pictures of a loose dog with details of where they saw it in the hopes of connecting with the owners or friends and neighbors who might know the dog. Thankfully, on many occasions, dogs are quickly reunited with their owners but there are instances when a dog has been found but it’s proven challenging to track the owner down.
The UA Police Division’s ability to assist when dogs are lost has recently been greatly improved. Thanks to some caring community members and the Upper Arlington Community Foundation, a grant from the Foundation has enabled the division to purchase two Hero pet microchip readers and various pet supplies, such as dog collars and leashes, pet carriers, bite gloves and snare poles.
When a loose dog is found, residents can call the Police non-emergency number, at 614-459-2800. The responding officer will make use of the microchip reader to scan the dog. If a microchip is present, they will then check a pet microchip lookup website that helps guide them to the company that should have the pet owner’s information on file.
The City has a webpage dedicated to pets and wildlife that includes pet good neighbor guidelines and links to various resources. Click here for more.
Pictured Above: UAPD Lieutenant Messer, UA Community Foundation Jessica Grisez, OSU student Abbey Harpster, Dylan the Dog of OSU’s 4 Paws for Ability, Sergeant Harpster, Laura Conaway