Veterans Day Recognition Ceremony
10:45 am, Friday, November 8
Veterans Plaza, Mallway Park, 2096 Arlington Avenue
The Upper Arlington community has a series of activities planned to honor the members of our community who have served or are serving in the armed forces. This includes:
- A Veterans Display of WWI and WWII artifacts at Tremont Library throughout the month of November (thanks to the UA Historical Society);
- The Oral History: Veterans Voices section of the Historical Society’s website (www.uahistory.org) which features first-hand accounts of Veterans’ service experiences; and
- UA Schools’ Service Learning events that bring local Veterans to share their stories with students at Jones Middle School, Wickliffe Progressive Elementary School, and Hastings Middle School.
Immediately following the Jones Middle School Veterans Event, City officials will honor all of our community’s Veterans with a brief Veterans Day Ceremony that is open to the public.
We hope you can join us.