How do I join the fitness room Studio 55?
You must be a member of the UA Senior Association. Please stop by the front desk in Building 3 Monday-Friday between 8 am-4 pm to join and register. Fees: $28/Month
You must be a member of the UA Senior Association. Please stop by the front desk in Building 3 Monday-Friday between 8 am-4 pm to join and register. Fees: $28/Month
Most programs have a registration deadline, unless otherwise stated. The Activity Guide is your best resource for that information. Payment is due at the time of registration.
No, we are open to residents and non-residents.
50 years and older; however, if you are younger and would like to join we are happy to have you.
Café UA Lounge serves as our informal gathering space where members may relax, socialize and even enjoy a book, board games or puzzles. Thanks to generous support from the UA Senior Association, active members may enjoy continuous coffee and hot…
The City does not accept applications for Policy Officer or Firefighter positions through our website. Both positions must first schedule a test with National Testing Network. The process to apply for Police Officer or Firefighter positions are detailed in each…
The funds raised are set aside to support fire and emergency medical services provided by the Upper Arlington Fire Division. This includes the support of facilities maintenance and upgrades and the purchase of fire and EMS equipment and vehicles when…
The Fire Division averages 2,000 EMS transports per year (residents and non-residents). Based on these numbers and the rate-of-return seen by municipalities with similar demographics, the City conservatively anticipates an annual return of $400,000.
Health care costs will rise regardless of whether a community bills for EMS transports. The primary factors influencing such increases are prescription drug coverage, medical litigation, technology in medicine and depressed investment company returns. Most private insurance and Medicare policies…
No. Once gathered, patient information would be forwarded to a third party billing agency contracted by the City and specializing in EMS billing. The patient's insurance company or Medicare would be billed for the run. Recent changes in rules set…
Yes, both private and government health insurance plans include provisions for EMS transportation.
Responding to a call for help remains the top priority, regardless of an individual's medical insurance situation and ability to pay. Upper Arlington residents will not receive a bill for the transport or any outstanding balance, even if they do…
Transport claims will be submitted to Medicaid/Medicare/private insurance as before. Non-residents will receive up to three bills for any balance not paid by Medicare/Medicaid/private insurance, or the entire amount if they do not have insurance.
Upper Arlington residents will not be billed for a transport or for any outstanding balance on a claim, even if they do not have insurance. Residents may receive a letter requesting or verifying insurance information if it had not been…
If the patient is in a condition to do so, he/she is asked for medical insurance information and a signature, as typically happens when being admitted to a hospital. If this practice might interfere with patient care, it is delayed…