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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd

What time does Café UA lounge open?

Café UA Lounge serves as our informal gathering space where members may relax, socialize and even enjoy a book, board games or puzzles. Thanks to generous support from the UA Senior Association, active members may enjoy continuous coffee and hot…

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What happens if I do not have insurance?

Responding to a call for help remains the top priority, regardless of an individual's medical insurance situation and ability to pay. Upper Arlington residents will not receive a bill for the transport or any outstanding balance, even if they do…

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What can non-residents expect?

Transport claims will be submitted to Medicaid/Medicare/private insurance as before. Non-residents will receive up to three bills for any balance not paid by Medicare/Medicaid/private insurance, or the entire amount if they do not have insurance.

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What can Upper Arlington residents expect?

Upper Arlington residents will not be billed for a transport or for any outstanding balance on a claim, even if they do not have insurance. Residents may receive a letter requesting or verifying insurance information if it had not been…

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