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EMS (17)

The City offers a Community CPR training program, certified Heartsaver CPR/AED, through LifeLong Learning & Leisure with the Parks & Recreation Department – Activity Registration at 614-583-5333. For the basics of CPR or healthcare provider courses, please contact UA CARES at 614-583-5352 or [email protected].

Categories: EMS, Parks & Recreation

Residents may stop by any fire station to have their blood pressure taken. It is recommended to call the Fire Division at 614-583-5100 before you arrive to verify if staff is available.

Category: EMS

JUNE 2022 UPDATE: With the start of renovations to the Police Division offices at the Municipal Services Center, the Drug Collection Unit has been decommissioned and the division is no longer accepting old or unused prescription drugs. The closest alternative is at the CVS pharmacy at Kingsdale.

DEA Drug Take Back Events
Each fall and spring, the Police Division takes part in national drug take back events coordinated by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). These events provide an easy way for residents to drop-off old and unused prescription drugs drive-thru style at the Municipal Services Center parking lot. Dates are posted on our event calendar and published in City newsletters.

Visit the Police Support Services Bureau – Drug Disposal section of our website or call 614-583-5150 with questions.

Contact the EMS Office at 614-583-5100.

Category: EMS

No. All calls for help are answered in the same manner, regardless of insurance coverage or ability to pay.

Category: EMS

All calls to 9-1-1 in Upper Arlington go to the Northwest Regional Emergency Communications Center. Dispatchers immediately send the closest available unit that has the required equipment and personnel. This may be a medic unit, fire truck or a combination of the two. Typically these are Upper Arlington units however, if all Upper Arlington units are busy with other emergencies, units from other communities in Franklin County are called upon to respond, thanks to mutual aid agreements that assure quick emergency service.

Category: EMS

No. Mutual aid is recognized as an important mechanism for assuring comprehensive and responsive fire and medical emergency assistance to citizens of all Franklin County communities. Community leaders and fire chiefs of these communities have agreed that mutual aid will not be affected in any way.

Category: EMS

Appropriate treatment is rendered according to the injury or illness. Transportation to a medical facility is sometimes but not always required. If the patient’s condition warrants it, the medic unit provides this service.

Category: EMS

If the patient is in a condition to do so, he/she is asked for medical insurance information and a signature, as typically happens when being admitted to a hospital. If this practice might interfere with patient care, it is delayed or a relative is asked to provide the appropriate information. EMS reporting software currently used by Upper Arlington already collects most of the required information, and can be expanded to capture insurance information.

Category: EMS
  • Transport claims will be submitted to Medicaid/Medicare/private insurance as before.
  • Non-residents will receive up to three bills for any balance not paid by Medicare/Medicaid/private insurance, or the entire amount if they do not have insurance.
Category: EMS

Responding to a call for help remains the top priority, regardless of an individual’s medical insurance situation and ability to pay. Upper Arlington residents will not receive a bill for the transport or any outstanding balance, even if they do not have insurance. While non-residents will receive a bill for any outstanding balance not covered by insurance or the full amount due, the City will work with low-income individuals who do not have insurance as such cases arise.

Category: EMS
  • Upper Arlington residents will not be billed for a transport or for any outstanding balance on a claim, even if they do not have insurance.
  • Residents may receive a letter requesting or verifying insurance information if it had not been obtained in full at the time of the EMS transport.
  • Some private insurance companies may submit payment to the patient when it should be sent to the City. If this occurs and the patient has not forwarded the check to the City, he/she will receive a letter from the City requesting reimbursement.
  • In some cases whereby an EMS transport is provided by another jurisdiction through mutual aid, the policy of that responding agency will apply, therefore Upper Arlington residents may receive a bill for any balance due on the claim.
Category: EMS

Yes, both private and government health insurance plans include provisions for EMS transportation.

Category: EMS

No. Once gathered, patient information would be forwarded to a third party billing agency contracted by the City and specializing in EMS billing. The patient’s insurance company or Medicare would be billed for the run. Recent changes in rules set by the Department of Health and Human Services enables government entities to only invoice the patient’s insurance company or Medicare, and does not require them to bill those who cannot pay or are indigent. They may also waive the coinsurance fee for their residents rather than adopt a “hard billing” policy that would result in invoicing the patient for the balance and taking a proactive collection stance.

Category: EMS

Health care costs will rise regardless of whether a community bills for EMS transports. The primary factors influencing such increases are prescription drug coverage, medical litigation, technology in medicine and depressed investment company returns. Most private insurance and Medicare policies already have provisions in place for treatment and transport by an emergency medical provider. Billing for EMS transports allows the City to recover some of its operating costs through existing insurance monies.

Category: EMS

The Fire Division averages 2,000 EMS transports per year (residents and non-residents). Based on these numbers and the rate-of-return seen by municipalities with similar demographics, the City conservatively anticipates an annual return of $400,000.

Category: EMS

The funds raised are set aside to support fire and emergency medical services provided by the Upper Arlington Fire Division. This includes the support of facilities maintenance and upgrades and the purchase of fire and EMS equipment and vehicles when needed.

Category: EMS

Fire Division (1)

JUNE 2022 UPDATE: With the start of renovations to the Police Division offices at the Municipal Services Center, the Drug Collection Unit has been decommissioned and the division is no longer accepting old or unused prescription drugs. The closest alternative is at the CVS pharmacy at Kingsdale.

DEA Drug Take Back Events
Each fall and spring, the Police Division takes part in national drug take back events coordinated by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). These events provide an easy way for residents to drop-off old and unused prescription drugs drive-thru style at the Municipal Services Center parking lot. Dates are posted on our event calendar and published in City newsletters.

Visit the Police Support Services Bureau – Drug Disposal section of our website or call 614-583-5150 with questions.

Parks & Recreation (1)

The City offers a Community CPR training program, certified Heartsaver CPR/AED, through LifeLong Learning & Leisure with the Parks & Recreation Department – Activity Registration at 614-583-5333. For the basics of CPR or healthcare provider courses, please contact UA CARES at 614-583-5352 or [email protected].

Categories: EMS, Parks & Recreation

Police Division (1)

JUNE 2022 UPDATE: With the start of renovations to the Police Division offices at the Municipal Services Center, the Drug Collection Unit has been decommissioned and the division is no longer accepting old or unused prescription drugs. The closest alternative is at the CVS pharmacy at Kingsdale.

DEA Drug Take Back Events
Each fall and spring, the Police Division takes part in national drug take back events coordinated by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). These events provide an easy way for residents to drop-off old and unused prescription drugs drive-thru style at the Municipal Services Center parking lot. Dates are posted on our event calendar and published in City newsletters.

Visit the Police Support Services Bureau – Drug Disposal section of our website or call 614-583-5150 with questions.

Trash & Recycling (1)

JUNE 2022 UPDATE: With the start of renovations to the Police Division offices at the Municipal Services Center, the Drug Collection Unit has been decommissioned and the division is no longer accepting old or unused prescription drugs. The closest alternative is at the CVS pharmacy at Kingsdale.

DEA Drug Take Back Events
Each fall and spring, the Police Division takes part in national drug take back events coordinated by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). These events provide an easy way for residents to drop-off old and unused prescription drugs drive-thru style at the Municipal Services Center parking lot. Dates are posted on our event calendar and published in City newsletters.

Visit the Police Support Services Bureau – Drug Disposal section of our website or call 614-583-5150 with questions.

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