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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd

How much is the membership and what does it include?

There is no annual membership fee to join the UA Senior Association. Membership benefits include the monthly e-newsletter, which provides you with monthly updates and the latest Senior Association news. You also receive the three-time-yearly Activity Guide publication providing a comprehensive program…

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What time does Café UA lounge open?

Café UA Lounge serves as our informal gathering space where members may relax, socialize and even enjoy a book, board games or puzzles. Thanks to generous support from the UA Senior Association, active members may enjoy continuous coffee and hot…

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What happens if I do not have insurance?

Responding to a call for help remains the top priority, regardless of an individual's medical insurance situation and ability to pay. Upper Arlington residents will not receive a bill for the transport or any outstanding balance, even if they do…

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What can non-residents expect?

Transport claims will be submitted to Medicaid/Medicare/private insurance as before. Non-residents will receive up to three bills for any balance not paid by Medicare/Medicaid/private insurance, or the entire amount if they do not have insurance.

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