The City is committed to providing timely, accurate communications to its citizens relative to municipal services, special projects, Council policy and other important community news. The Community Affairs Division, which is housed in the City Manager’s Office, oversees the City’s communications, marketing and engagement programs.
In this section you can find details of our various communications and community engagement tools, including options that allow you to choose how you want to hear from us.
UA Insight is a printed newsletter mailed to all UA households six times a year, from the City of Upper Arlington, Upper Arlington Schools and the Upper Arlington Public Library. Additional copies can be found at City buildings, local libraries and schools offices. We hope you enjoy receiving and reading UA Insight, and that you find value in the information we provide about your community .
An electronic version of the most recent edition is available by clicking on the newsletter image. Back issues of UA Insight, and its predecessor, City Insight, can be accessed via the Archives Portal – using the Newsletter search type.
Activity Guide
This popular publication of the Parks & Recreation Department is mailed to all UA households and existing customers three times per year, providing access to a comprehensive catalog of programs, classes, activities and special events for all ages. An electronic “flipbook” is produced in conjunction with each issue, providing you with convenient access to online registration.
Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR)
This annual publication of the Finance Department provides a reader friendly snapshot of the City’s finances. Past Year PAFR documents can be accessed via Archives Portal – Finance search type.
How to Register:
- Click the “Register for eNews” link below
- Enter your email address and check the box next to “City iNSIGHT eNews,” “Activity Link” and/or “Sentinel”
- You’re finished! You can now enjoy regular updates from the City
The most recent versions of eNews can be found below. Visit Archives Portal for all older newsletter & eNews versions.

Register for our City iNSIGHT eNews and we will send useful service news and special project updates directly to you inbox twice a month. Don’t miss out on these important updates, including news from City Council, community events, street construction details, seasonal services and more. Sign-up today to gain more insight into your City! Visit Archives Portal for all older newsletter & eNews versions.

The Activity Link e-newsletter—sent to Parks & Recreation customers every month—helps keep the programs, activities and special events highlighted in the Activity Guide fresh in your minds. Get registered today to start receiving timely reminders of summertime concerts, camps, senior lunches and more. Visit Archives Portal for all older newsletter & eNews versions.

The Sentinel e-newsletter—sent to Parks & Recreation 50+ residents every month—helps keep the programs, activities and special events highlighted in the Activity Guide fresh in your minds. Get registered today to start receiving timely reminders of senior lunches, classes, discussion groups, travel and more. Visit Archives Portal for all older newsletter & eNews versions.
Be among the first to receive updates from the City by following us on social media, with the following options:
Community Surveys
Every few years, the City undertakes a broad based survey of the community. It’s the most effective way to obtain feedback that is reliable and statistically representative of the entire community. It provides a means to check that our service delivery is on track in all areas as we determine how best to allocate public funds. This process also helps us identify any key issues that may require our attention.
Here you can find and download pdf files of the most recent surveys. Archived surveys can be found through the City’s Archives Portal – Surveys search.
Explore the City’s financial data in an interactive, user-friendly format.
The City is part of the Franklin County emergency notification system, an online tool that can quickly dispatch texts, emails and voice messages to citizens, notifying them of extreme weather conditions and other breaking emergency situations. The City makes use of this system to notify residents of issues specific to our community, such as summertime mosquito fogging, spring fire hydrant flushing, major construction project updates and more.
For residents to receive the most benefit from this notification tool, you are advised to register and tailor your account relative to how you would like to receive updates, and to include the devices of other family members.
The CARES Registry is designed to help minimize the impact of injuries, illness or emergencies experienced by members of our community with special needs. The registry is voluntary, free-of-charge and adaptable. At a family’s invitation, the Fire Division’s CARES team will schedule a home visit to meet individuals with cognitive, communication or mobility impairments, or complex medical needs. The team will gather pertinent information, perform a basic home safety inspection, and collaborate with the family to develop a trusting relationship. The information gathered is confidential and can be used by the City’s emergency services to provide the best level of care and compassion. The CARES registry is also tied to mobile data terminals in the City’s vehicles via the NRECC 911/dispatching team.
The File of Life is a health information kit that allows emergency personnel to respond more effectively when called to a resident’s home. Residents complete a form detailing medical and emergency contact data, then place it in a magnetic pouch which is then affixed to the outside of the refrigerator. Fire and EMS personnel are trained to look for the File of Life when called to an emergency. The File of Life is free and can be requested by calling the Upper Arlington Commission on Aging, at 614-583-5326.
I Am Fine is a free, telephone check-in program for any resident that helps maintain independent living. Call frequency is set by each participant, and once enrolled, a computer calls the number provided as scheduled. If everything is okay, the resident simply answers and hangs up the phone. If the resident does not answer, the computer calls a pre-established contact who has a key to the home (typically a relative or neighbor).
Knox Box is a mini, lockable steel vault that provides firefighters and paramedics access to keys for entry to a residence or business in an emergency. Only the UA Fire Division can access these boxes. In an emergency, the dispatcher tells first responders if a Knox-Box is onsite for easy building access.
Each year, approximately 350,000 cardiac arrests occur outside the hospital setting in the U.S. The PulsePoint mobile app empowers citizens to provide life-saving assistance to victims of sudden cardiac arrest. Should someone in a public place experience a cardiac emergency, the app will alert CPR-trained, registered citizens who are in the vicinity simultaneously with the dispatch of paramedics.
Smart911™ is an online tool enabling residents to create a household “Safety Profile” that is directly shared with NRECC dispatchers in the event that you call 9-1-1 for assistance. Once registered, should an emergency occur at your home or to a family member whose information and phone number is included in the Safety Profile, dispatchers have access to information that could prove invaluable to first responders and, ultimately, to those in need of assistance. When you register with Smart911™, you decide what to include in your Safety Profile, such as:
- Details about your home
- Details about your family members
- Details about your pets
- Details about medical conditions or special needs
Franklin County’s Emergency Communications Centers, including NRECC, offer a Text to 911 feature, enabling residents to send a text for assistance. This new option should only be used under certain circumstances:
- If you are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech disability.
- If you are unable to speak due to an injury.
- If you are in a threatening situation and a voice call would increase the threat.
- If mobile phone reception is poor.
If you do need to send a text for emergency assistance, type in the numbers 911 in the “to” field. Then type a brief but informative message that includes your location and the type of emergency. Then press “send.”
An extension of ALERT Franklin County, UAAlerts is a timely and reliable alert system to deliver important Upper Arlington information directly to your cell phone via text message. No registration or app download required, simply text UAAlerts to 888-777 to receive important public safety updates from the City including breaking emergency situations, mosquito spraying, hydrant flushing, large event cancellations, major construction updates and traffic delays. Text STOP to 888-777 to cancel at any time. Message and data rates may apply.