The Building Division works with residents, businesses, schools, contractors and design professionals to ensure new and remodeled buildings are constructed in compliance with State of Ohio and City of Upper Arlington minimum building codes and standards. Staff reviews residential and commercial construction plans, issues permits and registrations, and provides onsite inspections of these buildings and mechanical systems.
The Board of Building Standards meets on call to review and make recommendations to City Council on amendments to the Residential Building Code and to hear appeals to both the Ohio Residential Code and the Upper Arlington Property Maintenance Code.
Visit our Online Agenda Portal for current or past Board of Building Standards meeting agendas. Visit our Archives Portal for audio files.
The Building Division enforces a range of building codes to ensure the safety and quality of construction within the City. These codes cover structural integrity, fire safety, energy efficiency, and accessibility standards for residential and commercial properties. To review the specific codes enforced by the Building Division, please visit the following links.

Application & Plan Submission
All residential and commercial building permit applications are date-stamped upon submittal and reviewed in the order in which they were received. The review of residential building permits takes seven-10 business days. The review of commercial building permits takes 10-15 business days.
Residential and commercial building that have a change in the footprint proceed to step 2, residential interior remodels proceed to step 4.
Zoning Review
The Unified Development Ordinance regulates land use and development within the City. Zoning regulations protect property values by ensuring new development is compatible with the surrounding community and maintains the character of established neighborhoods.
Building plans are reviewed by the Planning Officer–as well as the Engineering Division and Parks & Recreation Department on all new buildings–to ensure compliance with all provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance. If plans are in compliance, they are approved and forwarded for Building Review. If plans do NOT conform to Unified Development Ordinance zoning requirements, the applicant is given two options:
- Redesign the project to comply, OR
- Seek a variance from the Board of Zoning & Planning. Contact the Planning Division for assistance with the variance process by completing the email form below.
Variance Process – Should your improvement project not meet the City’s zoning standards, a variance may be required. A variance is a granting of relief from Unified Development Ordinance standards, and can only be authorized by the Board of Zoning & Planning. In order for a variance to be granted, the Board of Zoning & Planning must find that practical difficulties unique to the property exist that prevent full compliance with the zoning requirement. Download our Guide to Variances and the Variance Process brochure below.
Board of Zoning & Planning Deadlines – The following deadlines are in place to allow enough time for Staff review prior each Board of Zoning & Planning Work Session:
- Preliminary/Final Development Plans – 5 pm of the second Wednesday before the end of each month
- Rezoning Requests – 5 pm of the third Wednesday before the end of each month
- Meeting Minutes – To access Board of Zoning & Planning meeting minutes, which include documents submitted for all agenda items, visit Archives Portal – Board of Zoning & Planning Meeting Minute Archives.
Effective March 1, 2024 the Ohio Board of Building Standards has mandated adoption of the new 2024 Ohio Building (OBC), 2024 Mechanical (OMC), 2024 Plumbing (OPC) and 2024 Existing Building (OEBC) Codes, these codes apply to all new building and trade applications beginning March 1, 2024.
Free Ohio Digital Codes
The electronic versions of the 2024 OBC, OMC, OPC & OEBC are now available on ICC’s Ohio eCode Bookshelf: Ohio Building Codes – ICC Digital Codes (
Currently, the 2024 OBC, OMC and OEBC are in read only format, but ICC is in the process of converting them to digital format. The conversion of the OMC and OEBC will be complete by end of January and conversion of OBC will be complete in early February. The 2024 OPC is already in digital form with both search and cut-and-paste functionality. When the conversion of the remaining codes is complete, they all will have this functionality. We encourage building departments to direct code users to this free resource.
Building Review
Once zoning approval is received, plans proceed to the Chief Building Official (residential projects) or the Commercial Plans Examiner (commercial projects) to ensure compliance with Chapter 13 of the City’s Codified Ordinances, the Ohio Building Code, and/or the most recent version of the Residential Code of Ohio.
The purpose of the building code is to provide minimum standards and requirements for construction and construction materials to make buildings safe and sanitary for their intended use and occupancy.
If plans fail to meet code, a correction letter will be issued explaining reasons for the plan rejection, and citing specific sections of the code. Two new sets of plans must be resubmitted highlighting all revisions, along with a letter addressing the corrections. Resubmitted plans are reviewed on a “first-come, first-served” basis.
Trade Permits
All residential and commercial trade permit applications are date-stamped upon submittal and reviewed in the order in which they were received. The review of residential trade permits takes five-10 business days. The review of commercial trade permits takes 10-15 business days.
Requests for inspections must be submitted by 3 pm for service on the next business day. Inspection requests must be submitted:
- Online via our Online Applications & Permits Portal through your Permit/Account
- By phone: 614-583-5070
- Leave the following details when you call: Address, permit number, requested date of inspection, contact information
Inspection Schedules
- Building, HVAC, and Driveway Approach inspections occur Monday–Friday except on City holidays.
- Plumbing inspections must be scheduled with Franklin County Public Health at 614-525-3160.
- Electrical inspections are Monday-Friday except on City holidays.
- The Electrical Inspection Request Line is 614-583-5081.
- Commercial inspections occur each business day.
Building Permits Fee Schedule
* Ohio Board of Building Standards fee of !% of permit fees (residential) and 3% of permit fees (commercial) continue to apply for all Building Permits.
Zoning Permit Fees
Trade Permit Fees
* Ohio Board of Building Standards fee of !% of permit fees (residential) and 3% of permit fees (commercial) continue to apply for all Building Permits.
Contractor Registration Fees
The Building Division and Planning & Zoning Division has a series of informational brochures available that summarize many of the regulations, permit requirements and procedures for various projects and issues related to our divisions. They can be accessed by clicking the Applications & Permits link below.
- Bond Form (PDF Form 3KB)
- Certificate-of-Notice-Form-May-2023
- Contractor Registration Requirements (PDF 100KB)
- Demolition Application Owner Statement (PDF Form 162KB)
- Demolition Sign Affidavit (PDF Form 124KB)
- Engineering Residential Plan Review Checklist
- Guide to Demolition in the Historic District
- Proclamation and Executive Order--Remote Inspections (PDF 227KB)
- Remote Inspection Release Hold Harmless Indemnification and Waiver (PDF Form 303KB)
- Remote-Virtual Inspection Guidelines (PDF 100KB)
- Applications & Permits
- Building Code – Chapter 13 of City’s Codified Ordinances
- Call Before You Dig
- Contractor Registration
- Franklin County Property Search
- Franklin Soil & Water Conservation District
- GIS Mapping
- GIS Map – New Home Build Permits
- International Code Council (ICC)
- Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission (MORPC)
- Ohio Board of Building Standards (OBBS)
- Ohio Building Code
- Ohio Revised Code 727
- Permits Record Search
- Property Maintenance Code
- Residential Code of Ohio
- Unified Development Ordinance (UDO)
Building, Planning & Zoning (12)
A plumbing permit is required to install or replace a boiler, water heater, water meter, and any time supply or waste lines are added, altered or removed, or boxes, switches, circuits or fixtures are added.
To schedule an inspection, call the “Inspection Line” at 614-583-5080. Once a building permit has been issued, a series of inspections takes place to ensure the work is being performed according to the approved plan.
It is always best to work out issues related to neighbors in a positive manner. If you have exhausted positive communication methods, the City Attorney’s Office has a free Community Mediation Program. Or you may contact the Police Division with questions using the form below.
Browse the City Codes section for property maintenance violations. Or contact the Building & Planning Department at 614-583-5070.
A building permit is required:
- To construct a deck
- To finish a basement or alter an existing basement
- If there is any framing being removed or added to kitchen/bathroom or if the layout is altered
- If non-loadbearing walls and/or soffits are being removed, altered or added
- To add a porch or covered entry
- If roof decking, exterior sheeting or framing is being replaced along with shingles or siding
- If exterior wall and/or header framing is being altered during window replacement
An HVAC permit is required to install or replace a furnace, RTU, air conditioner, mini split system or range hood, and any time supply air, return air or dryer vent ductwork is added, altered or removed, as well as for new or replacement ventilation fans, etc.
An electrical permit is required to install or replace a temporary electric service, permanent electric service, and anytime new wiring, boxes, switches, circuits or fixtures are added.
Yes, if the shed is less than 200 square feet, a Certificate of Zoning Compliance is required. If the shed is 200 square feet or larger, a building permit is required.
Yes, a fence permit is required to build any new or replacement fence.
Yes, registrations are required for general, electricians, plumbers, HVAC, sewer and driveway/sidewalk contractors.
Yes, a separate bond form is required for each trade even if one company is registered for multiple trades.
Typically a permit is required from the Engineering Division when sidewalks are replaced in the public right-of-way. However, the February 2021 sidewalk repair notices mailed to non-compliant properties also function as the permit for purposes of the Sidewalk Maintenance Program. A free permit from the Parks & Forestry Division is required when excavation is performed within 10 feet of a street tree. Permits are not required for leveling or grinding of existing concrete sidewalks.