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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd

The Fire Prevention Bureau works to identify and mitigate fire and life safety hazards in the City through investigations of fire and explosions, inspections of new and existing buildings and providing public safety education to residents.

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11Oct '24

State Fire Marshal Lifts Open Burn Ban

Following improved weather conditions, the open burn ban for Upper Arlington has been lifted. The ban, which was issued by the Ohio State Fire Marshal on September 6, 2024, due…

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Hydrant Flushing

There are approximately 2,000 fire hydrants in the City. The Fire Division inspects all hydrants twice a year to make sure they are in good working order and to coordinate any maintenance needs. Additionally, fire hydrants are flushed each spring and pumped dry each fall, before the first hard freeze.

Most residents will notice no difference in their water supply, but a few could experience water discoloration after flushing has taken place in their area. Please refrain from doing laundry on the day hydrants are flushed in your area. Before resuming laundering, partially fill washers until the water runs clear. Run a sample of water into a transparent container to check for settling or discoloration. Once the water is clear, the washer can be spun out to drain the tub for a normal laundry load. Turn on all faucets and allow water to run until it appears clear. Some may experience staining of clothes despite these notices. Clothes should be kept damp or wet to prevent the stains from setting. “Rust-removers” or “rust fighters” are carried among cleaning products at grocery and hardware stores.

If you have rusty water and it is not during the designated time for hydrant flushing, call the Columbus Water Division (614-645-7788) to see if there is a water main break or construction work in your area.



The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission recommends installing a carbon monoxide detector on each level of your home. At least one detector should be placed near sleeping areas. UAFD responds to emergency (detector alarming, people ill with flu-like symptoms) and non-emergency (detector alarming, won’t reset) situations, and uses advanced instrumentation to check for carbon monoxide.

REMEMBER: Carbon monoxide is odorless, tasteless and colorless. Common sources of carbon monoxide are improperly vented gas-fired furnaces, hot water tanks, appliances, generators and fireplaces, and cars.


All fire inspections are performed by the division’s Ohio certified fire inspectors.

  • Commercial – Fire Prevention Staff perform fire safety and final occupancy inspections of new or modified fire protection systems (fire suppression, fire alarm, etc.) in all commercial buildings. UAFD inspectors perform all the required inspections for fire suppression and fire protection permits issued by the Upper Arlington Community Development Department, assuring compliance with the Ohio Building Code.
  • Residential – This free, confidential service includes consultation regarding emergency escape routes, smoke and carbon monoxide detector placement and testing, and identification of fire and life safety hazards. Residents applying for foster home/adoption status are served by this program. Contact Fire to request an inspection, or call 614-583-5100.


Primarily for businesses and other public organizations, lesson plans can include lectures and hands-on training using a live fire training simulator. Training sessions are held at Station 72 or onsite for the requesting organization if appropriate classroom and outdoor training space is available. Contact Fire to request an inspection, or call 614-583-5100.


The Fire Division recommends that all homes have hardwired, interconnected smoke alarms, with alarms in each sleeping area, in the hallway outside sleeping areas and on each level of the home, including the basement. The use of photoelectric AND ionization smoke alarms is recommended. Test all smoke alarms monthly and install new batteries at least once a year. Alarms older than 10 years should be replaced.

The Smoke Alarm Program is available for anyone unable to afford smoke alarms, unable to install their purchased alarms or without any working alarms in their homes. The division will install batteries or a battery operated smoke alarm in the home. Contact Fire or call 614-583-5100 with questions or to schedule an installation of alarms.


Limited outdoor burning is permitted on the property of single family homes. Fires must be safely contained, have a fuel load under three-feet in diameter by two-feet high, have an extinguishing device immediately available and be constantly attended by an adult. Larger fires require a permit from Ohio EPA and the UA Fire Division.

Recreational campfires must be kept at least 25 feet from all structures. Fires in approved non-combustible containers, such as portable outdoor fireplaces, must be kept at least 15 feet from structures. City Ordinance §1702 requires that only clean, seasoned firewood, or its equivalent, may be burned. Burn only when winds are mild, to keep embers from traveling through the air and causing an unwanted fire. The burning of leaves and brush is prohibited.

Before buying a portable outdoor fireplace, or burning a recreational fire in your yard, check with your neighbors to make sure the smoke won’t create health concerns.

Further information on Ohio EPA burning requirements

The above information is not all-inclusive, and is provided as a general guideline for safe, legal outdoor burning. Contact the Fire Prevention Office, at 614-583-5100 with questions or to obtain permit information.

Fire Education


The Fire Division provides a proactive fire safety program for Upper Arlington’s public and private schools. A civilian fire safety education coordinator, who is a retired educator, presents age-appropriate lessons in a classroom setting. The primary goal of the program is to teach a different fire or life safety protective skill to every preschool-7th grade student each year.

Safety Town


The Fire Division is an active participant in the Police Division’s popular summer program for pre-school age children.



Residents who have a child involved in the inappropriate use of fire can contact the Fire Prevention Office at 614-583-5100. You will be referred to personnel who have received specialized training in the screening and education of juvenile firesetters. These firefighters are able to assist families in differentiating between curiosity-based and risk-taking behavior. Personnel can provide referrals to professionals in other specialty fields if necessary.


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Fire Safety Programs (7)

Yes, we do home fire safety inspections for residential childcare certifications, adoptions, foster care and overall home fire safety inspections. Call 614-583-5100.

Call 614-583-5100 or send your request to schedule a speaker for your event using the Contact form below.

Call 614-583-5100, send a request using the Contact form below or submit an online form Records Request – City Administration from the City Council – City Clerk web page.

Fire hydrants are flushed in the middle of April to the middle of May. Contact the Fire Prevention Office at 614-583-5100 to see if a hydrant in your area is being flushed. If your water is rusty and it is not during the flushing season, call Columbus Water Division at 614-645-7788 to see if there is a water main break or if there is construction in your neighborhood.

Open burning of any yard waste such as brush or leaves is prohibited in the City of Upper Arlington. Yard waste disposal questions should be directed to the Public Service Department, at 614-583-5350 or visit our Solid Waste Services section. For any outdoor burning concerns, call 614-583-5100.

You can find these items at most hardware, home improvement centers, discount/department stores or online. Make sure the item you purchase is approved by the Underwriters Laboratory and has the UL label.

Permits are required for:

  • Commercial fire suppression systems
  • Commercial fire protection systems
  • Hydrant usage
  • Fireworks exhibits
  • Open burn
  • Service stations
  • Tents (any tent or membrane structure over 400 square feet, unless the tent is open on all sides, in which case up to 700 square feet is allowed without a permit)
  • Underground Storage Tank Removal
  • Private fire main permit (contractors building new complexes that require installing a fire hydrant)

Call the Fire Prevention Office, at 614-583-5100, with any questions.


    The City’s website is designed to provide 24/7 access to useful information about City departments, services, public meetings, special projects, events, legislation and more. If you are unable to find what you are looking for on this page or in our FAQ section, please complete the webform below. It will be directed straight to staff in the department listed above.

    The City also offers a convenient means for residents to report issues such as potholes, broken streetlights, property maintenance issues and parks damage through our UA Click2Fix smartphone app, available from AppleApp or GooglePlay.

    PLEASE NOTE: This is not an emergency reporting system. Requests are addressed during regular work hours of 8 am-5 pm, Monday-Friday. If you need to report an emergency situation, please call 9-1-1.

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    Employment OpportunitiesStation 71 TourStation 72 TourSpeaker RequestBirthday PartyHome DemolitionRequest Fire ReportHome Assessment/InspectionBurn PermitSmoke AlarmRequest Medic ReportC.A.R.E.S. ServiceCPR & AED TrainingSpecial Needs RegistryContacting the ChiefOther (Describe Below)

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