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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd
Police Lights

Updated Ohio Distracted Driving Law Now in Effect

The increasingly widespread use of cell phones has totally transformed how we communicate, obtain and share information. With this convenient, instant means to connect has come several unintended consequences, some of which pose a real danger to the user or those around them. Annually, more than 3,000 people in the U.S. die in motor vehicle accidents due to distracted driving…

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Quarry Hill

Quarry Trails Connection

As the City of Upper Arlington (City) prepares to begin construction on the first segment of paths that will connect pedestrians, cyclists and others to Quarry Trails Park, the City is pleased to announce a partnership with Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks (Metro Parks) to develop another innovative connection to this jewel of the community. The City and Metro…

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food compost

Upper Arlington Food Waste Collection Program Survey

Survey Deadline: Friday, April 21, 2023 As part of the City’s commitment to sustainability initiatives and in response to resident interest, a food waste composting program was launched several years ago, beginning with a drop-off program. Over time, the program has expanded, and the City currently provides two food waste composting program options to residents: A grant-funded, pilot curbside collection…

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Tips on Dealing with Rodents

From time to time, we receive a wave of calls about particular wildlife issues. As our Code Compliance Officer investigates these complaints, more often than not he finds that the problems have arisen from one or more properties in the area unwittingly providing sources of food—be it through letting bird seed gather under feeders, or leaving piles of yard waste…

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Safety Town

2023 Safety Town

Safety Town is a summer preschool program hosted by the UA Police Division that teaches children all aspects of child safety. Founded in 1971, approximately 400 children attend Safety Town each year, learning how to make wise decisions in potentially dangerous situations, and how to handle emergencies in their young lives. Students learn about pedestrian and traffic safety by tricycling…

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2022 City Council Members

City Council Retreat Sets Priorities for 2023

On January 31, City Council gathered for a day-long retreat. Typically held at the start of each year, Council Retreats provide an opportunity for members to work together outside the formalities associated with a City Council Meeting, to take stock of recent accomplishments and to establish a new set of priorities for the coming months. When reflecting on 2022, it…

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Solid Waste Reminder

Solid Waste Reminders

From time to time, the City is made aware of property owners who may not be aware of our solid waste container requirements, with containers left in view from the street. We encourage residents to become familiar with the following “best practices” for making the most of our collection program and for being a good neighbor. Screening Requirements Households should…

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Unclaimed Funds 2022

THE FOLLOWING BUSINESSES AND/OR INDIVIDUALS HAVE OUTSTANDING CHECKS THAT WERE PAID TO THEM FROM THE UPPER ARLINGTON MAYOR’S COURT. If you did not receive the check, please notify the Clerk of Court so a new check can be issued.  All funds remaining unclaimed will be turned over to the City of Upper Arlington on April 3, 2023. UNCLAIMED FUNDS PETCO:…

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Arlington Gateway located on Lane Avenue

Arlington Gateway Construction Updates

January 6, 2023 Overnight Waterline Work Scheduled Thursday, January 12 Starting at 8 pm Waterline construction work is scheduled to occur during the overnight hours of Thursday, January 12 into the early morning hours of Friday, January 13, weather permitting, at the intersection of North Star Road and Lane Avenue, as part of the waterline improvements needed for the Arlington…

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Snow Plow

Winter Weather Updates

December 23, 2022 Update Solid Waste Services Will be Delayed by One Day the Week of December 26 for All Collection Zones We have been informed by Local Waste of the need to delay our Solid Waste collection services by one day next week for all collection zones. Their crews are not working today due to the extreme weather conditions, which pushes them…

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