Amelita Mirolo Barn (18)
Yes. You can schedule a tour by calling 614-583-5330 or emailing [email protected].
A non-refundable deposit of $200 (Friday and Sunday rentals), $400 (Saturday and Holiday rentals), or $50 (Monday through Thursday rentals) is required to hold a reservation date. This deposit does go toward the total fee for the facility. The renter must complete a contract and pay the balance 90 days before their scheduled reservation.
You should include ample time to decorate and stage your event, for vendors to have access to the facility, time for the actual event, and to allow for cleanup. A minimum of one hour prior and one hour after your rental time is suggested. For large events, we suggest that you allow two-three hours prior to your event and one hour after.
Yes. Wedding ceremonies can be indoors or outdoors. We have a lovely patio area facing a pond that can be used for an outdoor ceremony.
- ALLOWED: Wire, string, zip ties, or other non-marking methods for securing decorations.
- NOT ALLOWED: Nails, tacks, tape, staples, helium balloons, confetti, glitter, sand, rice, birdseed.
- FIRE/FLAME GUIDELINES: Open flames and fireworks are NOT allowed (unity candles are the only exception). Votive candles and enclosed candles are acceptable for use.
- All decorations must be removed at the end of your event.
Yes. If you are having a potluck event or bringing food and/or beverage that does not require catering services there is no additional charge. Renters are responsible for managing the food tables, clearing guest tables, and completing a kitchen cleaning checklist at the end of the event.
One-time caterers not on the list of permitted caterers may be permitted on a limited bases at the discretion of the Director of Parks & Recreation and will be subject to a 20% service charge of the total food and non-alcoholic beverage billing on all full-service catering fees. Alcohol must be served through a Permitted Caterer.
Yes. Alcohol is permitted from 6 am-10 pm on the weekends and 6 am-9 pm Sunday-Thursday during the school year. All alcohol must be handled and served through a Permitted Caterer. The renter will pay a $150 fee and complete an alcohol contract with the City of Upper Arlington if alcohol is served.
- 18% of total food and non-alcoholic beverage charges for caterers on the Amelita Mirolo Barn permitted caterer’s list
- 25% of total food and non-alcoholic beverage charges for caterers NOT on the Amelita Mirolo Barn permitted caterer’s list
The caterer is charged this fee, which is then passed along to the renter – renters will see this fee on their catering bill.
No. Renters must work with one of the Amelita Mirolo Barn Permitted Caterers. Permitted Caterers must handle and distribute all alcoholic beverages. Alcohol cannot be dropped off at the facility prior to the arrival of the permitted caterers.
The maximum capacity inside the facility is 150 guests. The barn provides tables and chairs for 150 guests. If guest counts exceed 150, renters may secure an outside vendor to rent a tent, tables and chairs on the west patio for up to 200 guests. We can only accommodate 150 guests for wedding ceremonies.
No. Barn staff will set out chairs and tables, based on the agreed upon floor plan, prior to arrival time.
Yes. Tables and chairs can be set up on the covered stage area and patio areas. No tables and chairs are allowed on the grass surrounding patios and stage areas.
Renters are responsible for cleaning up all decorations and items brought in for the event. Caterers will be responsible for cleaning the kitchen area and removing trash. In the case of an event without a caterer, renters are responsible for cleaning the kitchen at the end of the event.
The barn closes at 11 pm (10 pm, Sunday-Thursday during the school year). Events must end at 10 pm (9 pm, Sunday-Thursday during the school year). This allows for one hour of cleanup after the event ends. Clean up must be completed by closing. All guests and rental party must be vacated from the facility at this time. This includes caterers.
Pets/animals are not permitted in the facility, except seeing-eye guide dogs or service dogs for the impaired.
Aquatics (10)
In the event of rain, camps and swim lessons will not be canceled. If lightning is spotted by lifeguards, the pool will be evacuated and will partake in a 30 minute delay beginning from the last sighting. Prolonged delays could result in a rescheduling. Camps can meet indoors.
Daily admission is also an option for all three of our outdoor pools. Reed Road Water Park and Tremont Pool Daily – $10, Evenings after 7 pm – $5, Children 2 yrs & under FREE. Devon Pool Daily – $7, Evenings after 7 pm – $3, Children 2 yrs & under FREE. Visit City Facilities for links to our pool pages.
Upper Arlington Parks & Recreation does not have an indoor pool. The Department does use the High School natatorium. The indoor pool is only available for swim meets and Sunday Swim lessons. Sunday Swim lessons are for children of 4 years of age and older.
Upper Arlington city pools offer both residential and non-residential season passes that are usable for the summer season at all three pool facilities. Prices are less expensive for residents. The cost of passes depends on the family size and prices are available any of our pools or tennis pages under the City Facilities section of the website; daily admission fees are also available.
In the event of rain, the pools will remain open during their regular operating hours. If lightning is spotted, the pool is evacuated for a 30 minute period for safety – this does not close the pool.
Enrollment into the next session of swim lessons is dependent upon the availability of open positions. Your child may sign up for lessons if an opening is available.
Registration for activities can be completed online at this link:
All facilities are cash-free. All pass and daily fees must be paid by credit card (Visa, Master Card and Discover Card). Children two and under are free, and do not require a pass or daily admission.
Aquatics|Recreation (7)
Refer to the pool the lessons are taking place – they are the ones in possession of the rosters once lessons have started. The phone numbers for all Upper Arlington pools can be found on each Pool page and at the top of this page. Once lessons are started, we do not give refunds or credits.
All facilities are cash-free. All pass and daily fees must be paid by credit card (Visa, Master Card and Discover Card). Children two and under are free, and do not require a pass or daily admission.
No, a Bob Crane Community Center membership is not required for paid program participation. However, non-members may not access membership amenities such as the 1918 Lounge and coffee bar, or personal use of the gyms, track, pool or fitness areas/equipment. Non-members may only access programs for which they are pre-registered. A handful of programs are provided as a benefit for Bob Crane Community Center members, and do not require an additional fee beyond the membership. Personal Training services are available to members of the Bob Crane Community Center.
Non-members may enter the building no earlier than 30 minutes before the start of their program and are expected to leave upon its conclusion.
Non-member aides or parents/guardians of youth and their minors may accompany participants to their program locations. Additional instructions are provided to program participants regarding the attendance of other spectators or guests for special programs or events. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to [email protected] in advance.
Two different prices are offered for most programs. The price listed beside R-BCCC M is for verified residents or current members of the Bob Crane Community Center. Non-residents receive the resident rate for programs if they are a member of the Bob Crane Community Center. The BCCC M rate applies to everyone in the household for an online account regardless of the participant registering in programming, and this rate applies to all department programs regardless of location. The price listed beside NR is for non-residents who are not members of the Bob Crane Community Center.
SilverSneakers® and RenewActive™ are accepted for Bob Crane Community Center membership. We also provide SilverSneakers® classes to registered SilverSneakers® participants at no charge.
Building, Planning & Zoning (12)
A plumbing permit is required to install or replace a boiler, water heater, water meter, and any time supply or waste lines are added, altered or removed, or boxes, switches, circuits or fixtures are added.
To schedule an inspection, call the “Inspection Line” at 614-583-5080. Once a building permit has been issued, a series of inspections takes place to ensure the work is being performed according to the approved plan.
It is always best to work out issues related to neighbors in a positive manner. If you have exhausted positive communication methods, the City Attorney’s Office has a free Community Mediation Program. Or you may contact the Police Division with questions using the form below.
Browse the City Codes section for property maintenance violations. Or contact the Building & Planning Department at 614-583-5070.
A building permit is required:
- To construct a deck
- To finish a basement or alter an existing basement
- If there is any framing being removed or added to kitchen/bathroom or if the layout is altered
- If non-loadbearing walls and/or soffits are being removed, altered or added
- To add a porch or covered entry
- If roof decking, exterior sheeting or framing is being replaced along with shingles or siding
- If exterior wall and/or header framing is being altered during window replacement
An HVAC permit is required to install or replace a furnace, RTU, air conditioner, mini split system or range hood, and any time supply air, return air or dryer vent ductwork is added, altered or removed, as well as for new or replacement ventilation fans, etc.
An electrical permit is required to install or replace a temporary electric service, permanent electric service, and anytime new wiring, boxes, switches, circuits or fixtures are added.
Yes, if the shed is less than 200 square feet, a Certificate of Zoning Compliance is required. If the shed is 200 square feet or larger, a building permit is required.
Yes, a fence permit is required to build a new fence or if more than 25% of an existing fence is being replaced.
Yes, registrations are required for general, electricians, plumbers, HVAC, sewer and driveway/sidewalk contractors.
Yes, a separate bond form is required for each trade even if one company is registered for multiple trades.
Typically a permit is required from the Engineering Division when sidewalks are replaced in the public right-of-way. However, the February 2021 sidewalk repair notices mailed to non-compliant properties also function as the permit for purposes of the Sidewalk Maintenance Program. A free permit from the Parks & Forestry Division is required when excavation is performed within 10 feet of a street tree. Permits are not required for leveling or grinding of existing concrete sidewalks.
Camps (13)
Swim tests are mandatory for all campers at Summer Day Camp. To pass, campers must swim the width of the pool, without stopping, struggling, or touching the bottom, and tread water for 30 seconds. The swim test is given on the first pool day, but campers can retake it daily until they pass, even later in the summer. Campers who join camp later in the season must also complete the swim test. Campers are not allowed to enter water deeper than their heads (including the diving boards) until they pass the swim test.
Duration of Camp
- Full 9-Week: June 2-August 1
Closed June 19 and July 4 - Full 10-Week: June 2-August 8
Closed June 19 and July 4
Hours of Operation (All Camp Locations): 7:15 am-6:00 pm
Barrington Elementary School Cafeteria
1780 Barrington Road, Columbus, OH 43221
Thompson Park North Shelter House
4250 Mountview Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43220
Tremont Elementary School Cafeteria
2900 Tremont Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43221 (Entrance Off South Parking Lot)
Reed Road Park Shelter House
3055 Reed Road, Upper Arlington, OH 43221 (Behind Fire Station #72)
You may drop-off and pick-up your child at SDC at any time during the course of the day. You may even drop-off and pick-up your child at the pool and/or a field trip location, however the adult bringing or calling for a child at an off-site location MUST make personal/direct contact with a leader (preferably the Camp Director /Asst. Director) to let them know that your child has arrived or is departing from SDC. On days of required field trips, Campers who do not wish to attend the field trip must be picked-up prior to the scheduled departure time.
Summer Day Camp is for children ages 6 to 12. A child can attend summer day camp once they turn 6, but they must be 6 years old on the first day of camp. The maximum age for a camper is 12. If a camper turns 13 during the summer camp session, they may still attend for the entire summer. However, they cannot turn 13 before the first day of camp.
Residents are those families who reside and/or work within boundaries of Upper Arlington. The Upper Arlington City boundary encompasses most, but not all Upper Arlington School District. If you are in doubt, please call our office at 614-583-5300 or consult the Franklin County Auditor’s website (// to check your Tax District under Parcel Search.
Registration for Summer Day Camp (SDC) is online at // Camp fees are non-refundable, non-transferable, and cannot be credited to your household.
You can either pay for camp in full when you register or choose installment billing. With installment billing, you’ll link a credit card to make payments on March 3, April 7, May 5, and June 2, as well as an initial payment at the time of registration. Please note: You will need to enter your credit card information twice–once to set up future payments and again to process the initial payment. If the initial payment is not made, your spot in camp is not guaranteed. All fees must be paid by the first day of camp.
Camp Payment Plans:
Full 10-Week Camp ($2,275 for Residents | $2,730 for Non-Residents):
- $455 for residents | $546 for non-residents due at registration
- $455 for residents | $546 for non-residents due on March 3, April 7, May 5, and June 2
Full 9-Week Camp ($2,050 for Residents | $2,460 for Non-Residents):
- $230 for residents | $276 for non-residents due at registration
- $455 for residents | $546 for non-residents due on March 3, April 7, May 5, and June 2
Camp offers more than just supervision during the summer months. Our staff creates a dynamic environment with engaging activities, guidance, and support, ensuring a fun and enriching experience for every camper. The registration fee includes access to the UA Pools, but only when the camper is participating in the SDC program. It also covers camp supplies and an SDC t-shirt. Additionally, the fee helps fund a variety of activities such as arts and crafts, sports, outdoor games, and team-building exercises. Campers will also enjoy exciting field trips throughout the summer, providing valuable opportunities for exploration and fun.
Every Camp utilizes electronic check-in/out. Parents must accompany their child into Camp each day and swipe the key fob that has been assigned to each camper. If your child had a pool membership or has attended Camp in the past, they have an assigned key fob. These fobs can be used year to year, pool to Summer Day Camp. There is a question in the online registration process that asks if a new key fob is needed. Please check yes accordingly. New key fob cards are distributed at Parent Orientations or given to you on the first day your child attends Summer Day Camp. Camp staff scans your fob each day, upon arrival and departure from Camp. If you arrive or depart at an off-site location, staff enters your arrival or departure manually upon return to Camp.
Children should bring a packed lunch and water bottle/drink that does not require refrigeration each day. Prior to arriving at Camp, parents should apply a liberal layer of sun screen. Campers should bring sun screen, bathing suit, towel, swim bag and addition drinks and/or snacks for the pool. Sun screen is re-applied prior to leaving for the pool and at rest periods. Campers may bring goggles, ear plugs, additional money for pool and/or field trip snacks, however all personal items and money are the responsibility of the Camper. The UAPR policy is that staff cannot ‘hold’ or be responsible for money or personal valuables brought to Summer Day Camp. The general rule of thumb for personal items brought to Day Camp is that if it is too valuable to lose or get broken, it’s better left at home.
- 7:15-9 am – Free play/activities
- 9 –11 am – Organized activity and Camper attendance check– All-inclusive organized activity lead by a different leader each day and the activity typically changes each day
- 11-11:45 am – Lunch (Campers bring a packed lunch that does not require refrigeration & drink)
- 11:45 am-12:30 – Clean-up, attendance check and change for the pool
- 12-3 pm – Pool time (subject to change)
- 3:15-4 pm – Free play
- 4-5 pm – Organized activity and Camper attendance check
- 5-6 pm – Free play/clean-up
Transportation is contracted with the UA Schools using UA busses and drivers. Transportation is occasionally provided by UAPR staff in the City’s 15 passenger van for trips between Camps or the pool.
Campers attend the pool every day, with the exception of field trip Wednesdays. This is subject to change throughout the summer.
- Barrington Summer Day Camp – walk to Devon Pool
- Thompson Summer Day Camp – bussed to Reed Road Water Park
- Reed Road Summer Day Camp –walk to Reed Road Water Park
- Tremont Summer Day Camp – walk to Tremont Pool
Field trips are typically every Wednesday, with the exception of the first week of Camp. Each field trip has a permission form which must be completed. Field trip forms for all trips are available at Camp on the first day.
UA CARES services are available to Upper Arlington residents of all ages—there are no age restrictions.
If you want to feel safer and more comfortable at home, UA CARES can help. Our team customizes services based on your needs. Some residents prefer a phone consultation, while others schedule a home visit with regular follow-ups.
Any Upper Arlington resident, family member, or caregiver can contact the UA CARES office at 614-583-5352. We’ll collect some basic information and schedule an initial visit. If family members live out of the area or face other challenges, we offer alternative communication options.
You can call the UA CARES office to discuss your concerns and learn about available services. However, for UA CARES to provide assistance, the resident must agree to participate. If needed, we may recommend contacting a protective services agency. We often collaborate with City departments like Police and Code Compliance to support residents who need additional help.
UA CARES services are currently provided at no cost, thanks to City funding. Some partner programs or services may have fees paid directly to the provider. Some residents choose to donate to help sustain the program.
Donations are greatly appreciated and help us continue serving the community. You can contribute in two ways:
- Check: Make checks payable to “The City of Upper Arlington” and write “UA CARES” in the memo line. Mail checks to:
- Upper Arlington Fire Division
Station 72
3861 Reed Road
Upper Arlington, Ohio 43220
- Upper Arlington Fire Division
- Upper Arlington Community Foundation: Donate online or by mail to the UA Fire Division Fund. Visit: UA Community Foundation
City (8)
The City offices are closed for nine holidays each year. Link to our Events page for a listing.
The City’s Independence Day celebrations are hosted by the UA Civic Association, and typically fall on July 4 each year (with Sundays as the exception). Visit the Civic Association’s website for contact information.
Beggar’s Night typically falls on October 31 each year, unless that date falls on the weekend. Beggar’s Night hours in UA are 6-8 pm. View our annual calendar of events for additional details of Beggar’s Night activities in Upper Arlington.
An downloadable street map is available here on the UA website (see the link below). Printed copies are also available at the Municipal Services Center (3600 Tremont Road).
Hours are 8 am to 5 pm Monday-Friday. Click on the link below for details of all City buildings, including holidays and hours of operation.
Upper Arlington does not have an Animal Control officer. You can call the suggested numbers below for any issues.
- Capital Area Humane Society: 614-777-7387
- SCRAM! Wildlife Control: 614-763-0696
- Visit Animal & Wildlife Resources regarding animal Laws and Lost pets.
Some divisions at this facility work on a different schedule, and oftentimes Staff is working out in the community. Visit our City Facilities page for details on City building address, maps & directions, phone numbers and hours of operation.
City Attorney (19)
You may have an attorney represent you at trial if you wish, but you do not have to have one present.
You should contact the Finance Department at 614-583-5291.
It is always best to work out issues related to neighbors in a positive manner. If you have exhausted positive communication methods, the City Attorney’s Office has a free Community Mediation Program. Or you may contact the Police Division with questions using the form below.
These are private civil matters. Her are links to services that may assist you: Franklin County Municipal Court Civil Division at 614-645-7220 or Franklin County Municipal Court Clerk at
We advise you to seek legal guidance from you own attorney concerning private property rights. If you have a concern about a dangerous tree on public or private property, please contact the Parks & Forestry Division at 614-583-5340.
The City does not regulate signs by content. Temporary signs placed in the City’s Right of Way may be impounded by the City. Browse our City Code for further information.
The prosecutor will be able to discuss your case with you in court. If you need to contact the City Attorney’s Office, please email [email protected]. If you need to request a continuance, please email the Clerk of Court at [email protected].
For City of Upper Arlington Court Cases check case numbers here. Or contact the Franklin County Municipal Court Clerk at
Browse the City Codes section for property maintenance violations. Or contact the Building & Planning Department at 614-583-5070.
For all City of Upper Arlington public record requests for Police or Mayor’s Court records, please visit Records Request – Police & Mayor’s Court on City Council – City Clerk web page. For Franklin County record requests you may visit or
If the matter is a pending case, you need to file for discovery. If the matter is completed you may obtain a copy through our public records requests process.
You may call the Probation Officer with appointment and scheduling questions at 614-583-5022.
Your subpoena should have contact information and the case number. You are required to appear pursuant to the subpoena.
Yes, Upper Arlington Mayor’s Court has a public defender scheduled to appear during court and is available to speak to you about your case should you have any questions. If your case is in the Franklin County Municipal Court, please contact the Franklin County Public Defender’s Office.
City Council (4)
While volunteer positions on Boards and Commissions have set terms, vacancies periodically arise at other times. You can watch for calls for applications via local media, or you can submit an application for a Board or Commission that interests you at any time. The City Clerk’s Office keeps applications on file for one year.
City Council typically on the first, second and third Monday of the month. Meetings usually begin at 7 pm
Call 614-583-5100, send a request using the Contact form below or submit an online form Records Request – City Administration from the City Council – City Clerk web page.
For all City of Upper Arlington public record requests for Police or Mayor’s Court records, please visit Records Request – Police & Mayor’s Court on City Council – City Clerk web page. For Franklin County record requests you may visit or
City Manager (3)
The City Manager would like to hear from yoThe City Manager would like to hear from you on any issues or questions you may have regarding the City of Upper Arlington. Depending on the nature of your question or concern, your query may be directed to a member of the City Manager’s Staff to expedite a response.u on any issues or questions you may have regarding the City of Upper Arlington. Depending on the nature of your question or concern, your query may be directed to a member of the City Manager’s Staff to expedite a response.
Yes there are. Residents may conduct one garage/yard sale per residence during any six-month period not to exceed three consecutive days or two consecutive days on two consecutive weekends. Sales may be conducted between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm. No permit is required.
Donate & Volunteer (2)
Call 614-583-5100 to see if the stations are collecting for any charities or agencies.
Join the Friends of Upper Arlington Parks as a volunteer. Opportunities are event-based and take place on select dates throughout the year. Simply complete the volunteer form with your contact information, and a member of the Parks & Recreation staff will reach out with upcoming events. Get started by filling out the volunteer form by clicking here.
Economic Development (4)
Contact the City’s Economic Development Division as your first point of contact. We will answer questions you have and help direct you to the correct departments you need for assistance. To reach the City’s Economic Development Division at 614-583-5046 or send an email to [email protected].
We keep an accurate list of all office and retail buildings and sites in Upper Arlington. We can help direct you towards buildings and sites that fit your need and have availability. Call the City’s Economic Development Division at 614-583-5046 or send an email to [email protected] for all inquiries.
The City does not require licensing, however it is necessary to obtain building, signage and occupancy permits. Please contact the Community Development Department for information on building, signage, and occupancy permits. It is also necessary to file corporate and employee income tax reports, contact the City’s Finance Department for assistance.
Yes, the City of Upper Arlington offers a portfolio of economic development incentives on a case by case bases to businesses within one of the target industries/sectors. The City has identified our targeted industries/sectors as: Healthcare, Professional, Educational, Technology and Community Amenities. The City also worked with state and regional organizations and departments when applicable on economic development incentives. For more information please contact the City’s Economic Development Division at 614-583-5046 or send an email to [email protected].
EMS (17)
The City offers a Community CPR training program, certified Heartsaver CPR/AED, through LifeLong Learning & Leisure with the Parks & Recreation Department – Activity Registration at 614-583-5333. For the basics of CPR or healthcare provider courses, please contact UA CARES at 614-583-5352 or [email protected].
Residents may stop by any fire station to have their blood pressure taken. It is recommended to call the Fire Division at 614-583-5100 before you arrive to verify if staff is available.
JUNE 2022 UPDATE: With the start of renovations to the Police Division offices at the Municipal Services Center, the Drug Collection Unit has been decommissioned and the division is no longer accepting old or unused prescription drugs. The closest alternative is at the CVS pharmacy at Kingsdale.
DEA Drug Take Back Events
Each fall and spring, the Police Division takes part in national drug take back events coordinated by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). These events provide an easy way for residents to drop-off old and unused prescription drugs drive-thru style at the Municipal Services Center parking lot. Dates are posted on our event calendar and published in City newsletters.
Visit the Police Support Services Bureau – Drug Disposal section of our website or call 614-583-5150 with questions.
No. All calls for help are answered in the same manner, regardless of insurance coverage or ability to pay.
All calls to 9-1-1 in Upper Arlington go to the Northwest Regional Emergency Communications Center. Dispatchers immediately send the closest available unit that has the required equipment and personnel. This may be a medic unit, fire truck or a combination of the two. Typically these are Upper Arlington units however, if all Upper Arlington units are busy with other emergencies, units from other communities in Franklin County are called upon to respond, thanks to mutual aid agreements that assure quick emergency service.
No. Mutual aid is recognized as an important mechanism for assuring comprehensive and responsive fire and medical emergency assistance to citizens of all Franklin County communities. Community leaders and fire chiefs of these communities have agreed that mutual aid will not be affected in any way.
Appropriate treatment is rendered according to the injury or illness. Transportation to a medical facility is sometimes but not always required. If the patient’s condition warrants it, the medic unit provides this service.
If the patient is in a condition to do so, he/she is asked for medical insurance information and a signature, as typically happens when being admitted to a hospital. If this practice might interfere with patient care, it is delayed or a relative is asked to provide the appropriate information. EMS reporting software currently used by Upper Arlington already collects most of the required information, and can be expanded to capture insurance information.
- Upper Arlington residents will not be billed for a transport or for any outstanding balance on a claim, even if they do not have insurance.
- Residents may receive a letter requesting or verifying insurance information if it had not been obtained in full at the time of the EMS transport.
- Some private insurance companies may submit payment to the patient when it should be sent to the City. If this occurs and the patient has not forwarded the check to the City, he/she will receive a letter from the City requesting reimbursement.
- In some cases whereby an EMS transport is provided by another jurisdiction through mutual aid, the policy of that responding agency will apply, therefore Upper Arlington residents may receive a bill for any balance due on the claim.
- Transport claims will be submitted to Medicaid/Medicare/private insurance as before.
- Non-residents will receive up to three bills for any balance not paid by Medicare/Medicaid/private insurance, or the entire amount if they do not have insurance.
Responding to a call for help remains the top priority, regardless of an individual’s medical insurance situation and ability to pay. Upper Arlington residents will not receive a bill for the transport or any outstanding balance, even if they do not have insurance. While non-residents will receive a bill for any outstanding balance not covered by insurance or the full amount due, the City will work with low-income individuals who do not have insurance as such cases arise.
Yes, both private and government health insurance plans include provisions for EMS transportation.
No. Once gathered, patient information would be forwarded to a third party billing agency contracted by the City and specializing in EMS billing. The patient’s insurance company or Medicare would be billed for the run. Recent changes in rules set by the Department of Health and Human Services enables government entities to only invoice the patient’s insurance company or Medicare, and does not require them to bill those who cannot pay or are indigent. They may also waive the coinsurance fee for their residents rather than adopt a “hard billing” policy that would result in invoicing the patient for the balance and taking a proactive collection stance.
Health care costs will rise regardless of whether a community bills for EMS transports. The primary factors influencing such increases are prescription drug coverage, medical litigation, technology in medicine and depressed investment company returns. Most private insurance and Medicare policies already have provisions in place for treatment and transport by an emergency medical provider. Billing for EMS transports allows the City to recover some of its operating costs through existing insurance monies.
The Fire Division averages 2,000 EMS transports per year (residents and non-residents). Based on these numbers and the rate-of-return seen by municipalities with similar demographics, the City conservatively anticipates an annual return of $400,000.
The funds raised are set aside to support fire and emergency medical services provided by the Upper Arlington Fire Division. This includes the support of facilities maintenance and upgrades and the purchase of fire and EMS equipment and vehicles when needed.
Engineering (7)
An downloadable street map is available here on the UA website (see the link below). Printed copies are also available at the Municipal Services Center (3600 Tremont Road).
Some divisions at this facility work on a different schedule, and oftentimes Staff is working out in the community. Visit our City Facilities page for details on City building address, maps & directions, phone numbers and hours of operation.
You may look at our GIS mapping layer for streets and curb maintenance details.
All work is weather dependent, therefore, the schedule is based on our best estimate at that time. For current projects, residents can reference the lates post “Focus On” for updates.
Consistent with most communities, the maintenance and repair for sidewalks is the responsibility of the adjacent property owner, per City Ordinance 901.03. The City is responsible for repairs when damage has been caused by the roots of City-owned trees in the public right of way, defects caused by utility manholes or valves, as well as any curb ramps. If you believe a trip hazard is being caused by a tree root, please contact our Parks & Forestry Division for evaluation at 614-583-5340.
The resident may begin a petition process with the Engineering Department by calling 614-583-5360.
Engineering will perform an inspection to determine the issue(s) and help determine a plan of action.
Fats, Oils & Grease (11)
- The Fats Oils & Grease (FOG) Reduction Program was implemented in order to monitor and reduce the amount of fats, oils and grease that enter the City’s sanitary sewer system.
- In accordance with City Ordinance 931.16(A), all establishments with grease interceptors and/or grease traps are required to report to the City’s Public Service Department in January and July of each year.
Fats, oils and greases are natural by-products of the cooking and food preparation process. Common sources include food scraps, meat fats, cooking oils, lard, baked goods, salad dressings, sauces, marinades, dairy products, shortening, butter and margarine, coffee grinds, eggshells, grain, rice, seeds, etc.
Fats, oils and greases—when liquid—may appear harmless because they tend to flow easily down the drain. However, as the liquid cools it hardens and sticks to the insides of pipes. Once in the sewer system, FOG can partially or completely block wastewater flow, causing sanitary sewer backups and overflows. Proper disposal is essential in keeping sanitary sewer lines clear and flowing properly.
In accordance with City Ordinance 931.16(A), all establishments with grease interceptors and/or grease traps are required to report to the City’s Public Service Department in January and July of each year.
Grease traps are boxes located within the section of the drainage system that flows between the sinks in the kitchen and the sewer system. The most common grease traps are smaller, point-of-use units used under three-compartment sinks in the kitchen or adjacent to dishwashers. Grease traps can also be referred to as “hydro-mechanical interceptors.”
Grease interceptors are often located outside the establishment in large, in-ground tanks. Grease interceptors can also be referred to as “gravity interceptors.”
Most establishments will have both – a grease trap and a grease interceptor – but some will only have one or the other. If you have both, you are required to report the maintenance on each one separately.
Maintenance of interceptor reporting, as defined in City Ordinance 931.16(A), is required by any type of business or establishment where grease or other food materials may be washed down the drain. Food service establishments are particularly affected because of the amount of fats, oils and grease that is created during food preparation, cooking and/or disposal.
However, it is important to know that many establishments contribute to FOG production, even if they do not produce or cook food. FOG is produced by restaurants, cafeterias, delis, bakeries, residential homeowners, daycares, assisted living, and social halls – basically anyone who deals with food.
Cleaning records must be kept using the Grease Interceptor Cleaning Report Form and the Grease Trap Cleaning Report Form. The reporting forms MUST include the size of the trap and/or interceptor and the amount of grease/solids removed. Receipts and manifests are no longer accepted.
Per City Ordinance 931.16(A), establishments are required to report the maintenance of their grease interceptors in January and July of each year.
Cleaning records must now be submitted online: //
Grease interceptors often require maintenance from every 30 to 90 days depending on the nature of the facility and size of the interceptor. Please see your manufacturer’s guide for recommended cleaning schedule.
The City of Upper Arlington recommends regular maintenance to prevent the interceptor from exceeding 25% capacity.
Fats, oils and greases are natural by-products of the cooking and food preparation process. Common sources include food scraps, meat fats, cooking oils, lard, baked goods, salad dressings, sauces, marinades, dairy products, shortening, butter and margarine, coffee grinds, eggshells, grain, rice, seeds, etc. When dishes and other equipment are cleaned, the FOG is washed down the drain where it cools and separates from the dishwater.
Even though you may not cook with grease or prepare food at your establishment, if you are cleaning and/or rinsing dishes in your sink, you are using your grease interceptor. When dishes and other equipment are cleaned, the FOG is washed down the drain and into the grease trap. Your grease trap/interceptor may require less frequent cleaning than others but it still requires cleaning and semi-annual reporting.
Establishments that fail to report in a timely manner will be found in violation of City Ordinance 931.99 and subject to a fine of not more than $150. Each day’s violation constitutes a separate offense.
During routine cleaning and inspection of the City’s sanitary sewer lines, the Public Service Department can identify from which sanitary service area—and usually which specific building or neighborhood—grease is being discharged. If grease blockages are occurring frequently in a certain area, the Public Service Department will notify the establishments in the area so that they can be more aware of their grease disposal methods and work to fix the problem.
Establishments that fail to take corrective action by the time specified in the written order will be found in violation of City Ordinance 931.99 and subject to a fine of not more than one $150.00. Each day’s violation constitute a separate offense.
Finance Department (3)
You should contact the Finance Department at 614-583-5291.
No, all fees included on your utility invoice (stormwater, solid waste, neighborhood lighting utility—if applicable) run with the property and the City does not prorate the amount due should a property change hands during the year. The individual/party that owns the property in question when the utility bill is received is responsible for payment in full.We recommend that you discuss balancing your utility account through your realtor and escrow closing, similar to how property taxes are pro-rated.
No, it is a utility fee just like your water or electric bills, and is therefore not tax deductible.
Fire Division (10)
Call 614-583-5100 to see if the stations are collecting for any charities or agencies.
Yes, to schedule a tour, call 614-583-5100. Please keep tour groups to a maximum of 15 individuals. We do not hold birthday parties at fire stations.
Click here to access the Human Resources section, or go directly to the Search Careers Online link, where you will find details of the process involved for applying to become a firefighter.
Station 71 is located at 2095 Arlington Avenue. Station 72 is located at 3861 Reed Road. Fire Administration Offices are located at Station 72. Visit our Places page for details on City building address, maps & directions, phone numbers and hours of operation.
Safety Town is coordinated by the Police Division, in cooperation with the Fire Division and Parks & Recreation Department. Program details can be found in the Spring/Summer Parks & Recreation catalog or by visiting the Police Division – Support Services Bureau – Safety Town section of our website.
The Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) has a year-round drop-off facility for household hazardous wastes. SWACO also schedules annual household hazardous waste collection days at local communities. Visit
Yes, but the child must be five years old or older and an Upper Arlington resident for a truck to attend a birthday party. We do not hold birthday parties at fire stations. Please call the Fire Administration Office at 614-583-5100 to schedule.
JUNE 2022 UPDATE: With the start of renovations to the Police Division offices at the Municipal Services Center, the Drug Collection Unit has been decommissioned and the division is no longer accepting old or unused prescription drugs. The closest alternative is at the CVS pharmacy at Kingsdale.
DEA Drug Take Back Events
Each fall and spring, the Police Division takes part in national drug take back events coordinated by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). These events provide an easy way for residents to drop-off old and unused prescription drugs drive-thru style at the Municipal Services Center parking lot. Dates are posted on our event calendar and published in City newsletters.
Visit the Police Support Services Bureau – Drug Disposal section of our website or call 614-583-5150 with questions.
The City does not accept applications for Policy Officer or Firefighter positions through our website. Both positions must first schedule a test with National Testing Network. The process to apply for Police Officer or Firefighter positions are detailed in each posting.
Fire Safety Programs (7)
Yes, we do home fire safety inspections for residential childcare certifications, adoptions, foster care and overall home fire safety inspections. Call 614-583-5100.
Call 614-583-5100 or send your request to schedule a speaker for your event using the Contact form below.
Call 614-583-5100, send a request using the Contact form below or submit an online form Records Request – City Administration from the City Council – City Clerk web page.
Fire hydrants are flushed in the middle of April to the middle of May. Contact the Fire Prevention Office at 614-583-5100 to see if a hydrant in your area is being flushed. If your water is rusty and it is not during the flushing season, call Columbus Water Division at 614-645-7788 to see if there is a water main break or if there is construction in your neighborhood.
Open burning of any yard waste such as brush or leaves is prohibited in the City of Upper Arlington. Yard waste disposal questions should be directed to the Public Service Department, at 614-583-5350 or visit our Solid Waste Services section. For any outdoor burning concerns, call 614-583-5100.
You can find these items at most hardware, home improvement centers, discount/department stores or online. Make sure the item you purchase is approved by the Underwriters Laboratory and has the UL label.
Permits are required for:
- Commercial fire suppression systems
- Commercial fire protection systems
- Hydrant usage
- Fireworks exhibits
- Open burn
- Service stations
- Tents (any tent or membrane structure over 400 square feet, unless the tent is open on all sides, in which case up to 700 square feet is allowed without a permit)
- Underground Storage Tank Removal
- Private fire main permit (contractors building new complexes that require installing a fire hydrant)
Call the Fire Prevention Office, at 614-583-5100, with any questions.
Food Waste (5)
Cardboard pizza boxes are compostable BUT they take up a lot of room in the containers. If you would like to compost your pizza box, tear it into small pieces before composting. Do not put full pizza boxes into the containers!
Small amounts of food-soiled paper towels and/or napkins can be included; do not include paper towels with cleaning or other types of chemicals.
A limited amount of BPI-certified compostable material can be included with your food waste. If you are not sure if an item is BPI-certified compostable, check the BPI website, contact us or simply do not include it. We depend on you to help keep non-compostable items out of the composting process. Contact the Public Service Department if you have any questions about accepted vs. not-accepted items.
YES! GoZERO sells their compost product in 5lb bags for delivery or you can request a bulk delivery. Click here for pricing and order information.
FW Collection (10)
Small amounts of food-soiled paper towels and/or napkins can be included; do not include paper towels with cleaning or other types of chemicals.
A limited amount of BPI-certified compostable material can be included with your food waste. If you are not sure if an item is BPI-certified compostable, check the BPI website, contact us or simply do not include it. We depend on you to help keep non-compostable items out of the composting process. Contact the Public Service Department if you have any questions about accepted vs. not-accepted items.
YES! GoZERO sells their compost product in 5lb bags for delivery or you can request a bulk delivery. Click here for pricing and order information.
No, we can only collect what is in the designated bucket and the grant funds allow us to provide one bucket per participating household. Please use the food waste drop-off locations throughout the city for any additional food waste.
By using the provided liner, the buckets should stay relatively clean. You can rinse and dry your bucket between collections.
Yard waste is collected separately by Local Waste on your regular trash collection day. However, small amounts of grass clippings or leaves can be included in your food waste bucket.
Contact the Public Service Department ASAP to cancel and/or update your collection information
In some circumstances we can provide a replacement bucket, but we are not able to provide additional buckets. Contact the Public Service Department to make your request.
Please set your bucket out each week, regardless of how much food waste your household has produced that week.
Human Resources (3)
The City does not accept applications for Policy Officer or Firefighter positions through our website. Both positions must first schedule a test with National Testing Network. The process to apply for Police Officer or Firefighter positions are detailed in each posting.
All applicants will be notified by phone or email as to whether or not they are invited to continue on in the hiring process.
Many job postings have expirations/closing dates. Be sure to look for the closing date listed when you see a job you are interested in applying for.
Leaf Collection (11)
The dates will vary each year but generally the leaf collection program runs from late October through early December.
Leaves should be placed on the grass behind the curb, close to the edge of the street – but not in the street – no further than two or three feet behind the curb. Leaf piles will not kill grass, although there may be some temporary discoloration.
Leaves should always be placed in the grass near the edge of the street – but not in the street. Leaf piles will not kill grass, although there may be some temporary discoloration.
While there is no set schedule for leaf collection, residents can better anticipate when crews will be on their street by checking our Leaf Collection Tracking Map. The map is updated daily to show which streets have been completed in each round of collection.
Our goal is to complete a total of five (5) collections on every street before the conclusion of the program.
Crews will always make their best effort to pick up all leaves that are out for collection. However, there are a few circumstances that may prevent crews from being able to reach the leaves including: cars parked in front of or too close to leaf piles, leaves too far from curb (unable to reach with vacuum hose), other debris included in leaf pile, etc.
Before and after the conclusion of the program, leaves can be bagged and placed at the curb on your normal refuse pickup day or dropped off free of charge at Ohio Mulch.
No, only loose leaves are acceptable for this collection program. Do not place other yard waste material such as tree branches, pumpkins, potted plants, grass clippings, soil and other garden waste as it will not be collected; please utilize the curbside yard waste program for disposal of this type of material.
Safe roadways are always our priority so in the event of a snow event, leaf collection operations would cease until all roadways have been returned to a safe, drivable condition. If leaf collection operations are able to resume after a snow event, residents will be responsible for re-raking any leaves that are pushed back into yard from snow plowing operations. In the event the City is unable to resume leaf collection operations, residents will be asked to bag any remaining leaves and set them out for collection on your normal pick-up day.
Yes, residents have the option of composting leaves on their property. However, all composting activities must comply with City of Upper Arlington code provisions; see Chapter 6.07 (O). Residents having specific questions regarding composting provisions should contact Code Enforcement at 614-583-5073.
On average, the City collects approximately 20,000 cubic yards of leaves each season – that is enough leaves to fill the football field at the ‘Shoe, end-zone to end-zone and nearly 10 feet deep!
Mayor's Court (10)
You may have an attorney represent you at trial if you wish, but you do not have to have one present.
The Magistrate will not consider affidavits or other written statements in place of the appearance of a witness at trial. If you want the Magistrate to consider the evidence of a witness, he or she must be present at trial.
If you want a witness to come to court and they refuse to come voluntarily, you must request the Clerk of Court to issue a subpoena requiring that person to come to court to testify. This request should be made at least 10 days prior to trial.
If you think the prosecutor has certain information in its possession that you will need to use at trial, you must make a discovery request for that information at least seven days prior to trial. Your discovery request must be presented to the Clerk of Court.
If you cannot appear on your trial day, you must file a motion for continuance prior to trial.
You have 10 days to file an appeal. This is done through the Clerk of Court’s office. Your case will then be heard in the Franklin County Municipal Court.
If your ticket was originally a payable violation, you may still pay the ticket in lieu of going to trial. Contact the Clerk of Court’s office for your fine amount.
The prosecutor will be able to discuss your case with you in court. If you need to contact the City Attorney’s Office, please email [email protected]. If you need to request a continuance, please email the Clerk of Court at [email protected].
For all City of Upper Arlington public record requests for Police or Mayor’s Court records, please visit Records Request – Police & Mayor’s Court on City Council – City Clerk web page. For Franklin County record requests you may visit or
Your subpoena should have contact information and the case number. You are required to appear pursuant to the subpoena.
Parks (7)
Any questions regarding the trees or parks should be addressed to the Parks & Forestry Division of the Parks & Recreation Department. They can be reached from the phone number: 614-583-5340.
In public parks, dogs must be on a leash from 8 am to 8 pm during Daylight Savings Time and 8 am to 5 pm during Eastern Standard Time. At all other hours, dogs must still be under control by the owner. Additional responsible pet ownership guidelines can be found by linking to our Animal & Wildlife Resources page.
Sand volleyball courts are located at Reed Road Park by the shelter house. Available for use 7 am-11 pm. Athletic fields are available for rent beginning mid-April through October. Fees vary by amenities and user. For fees, availability, and to rent, visit or call 614-583-5000
Join the Friends of Upper Arlington Parks as a volunteer. Opportunities are event-based and take place on select dates throughout the year. Simply complete the volunteer form with your contact information, and a member of the Parks & Recreation staff will reach out with upcoming events. Get started by filling out the volunteer form by clicking here.
All larger parks feature paved multi-use pathways for walkers, joggers, rollerbladers, etc. In addition, Thompson Park includes assorted fitness station equipment spaced along the path.
Per CO 907.06: “Unless specifically authorized by the city manager, no person shall intentionally damage, cut, carve, transplant or remove any public tree or shrub; attach any rope, wire, nails, advertising posters or other contrivance to any tree or shrub, allow any gaseous liquid, or solid substance which is harmful to such trees or shrubs to come in contact with them; or set fire or permit fire to burn when such fire or the heat thereof will injure any portion of any public tree or shrub.” The Park & Forestry crew routinely removes such items during regular maintenance, mowing, and trash removal. Items removed also include abandoned chairs, athletic equipment, water bottles, bikes, and other items left in city parks. If the items removed have obvious value, they are retained are the Public Service Center for 30 days and can be retrieved during normal business hours.
Parks & Forestry (11)
Any questions regarding the trees or parks should be addressed to the Parks & Forestry Division of the Parks & Recreation Department. They can be reached from the phone number: 614-583-5340.
A damaged tree should be reported to the Parks & Forestry Division. They can be reached by phone number 614-583-5340.
Consistent with most communities, the maintenance and repair for sidewalks is the responsibility of the adjacent property owner, per City Ordinance 901.03. The City is responsible for repairs when damage has been caused by the roots of City-owned trees in the public right of way, defects caused by utility manholes or valves, as well as any curb ramps. If you believe a trip hazard is being caused by a tree root, please contact our Parks & Forestry Division for evaluation at 614-583-5340.
We advise you to seek legal guidance from you own attorney concerning private property rights. If you have a concern about a dangerous tree on public or private property, please contact the Parks & Forestry Division at 614-583-5340.
Sidewalks are inspected according to criteria outlined in City Code 901.03.
Access to your residence includes the driveway, sidewalk within the driveway, driveway apron and driveway gutter. The property owner is responsible for maintenance and repairs of all parts of the driveway access per City Code 901.06. It is the City’s policy not to replace defective or deteriorated driveway entrances at the City’s expense unless the curb and gutter in the entire block is being replaced by the City as part of a street reconstruction project.
The City charges the property owner a per-panel price based on the winning bid received for the project. It is not possible to know the exact price per panel until the bid has been awarded. As a frame of reference, costs for the 2020 Sidewalk Maintenance Program were $160 per four-inch panel and $175 per six-inch panel. Please note: the costs for the 2021 Sidewalk Maintenance Program may be higher or lower.
The City will only be replacing the sidewalk panels identified in the notification that you received and is unable to facilitate additional repairs. The scope and quantity of repairs is the predetermined amount on which the contractor has based their price. If you would like to have additional concrete work or repairs performed at your property, we encourage you to seek a private contractor.
Yes. You may hire a contractor or do the actual work yourself. Please make sure that you follow the approved methods of repair/correction, as outlined in the sidewalk notification letter. Any repair that is not approved will be repaired directly by the City and the cost will be billed or assessed back to you.
The City will choose the lowest bid contractor to perform the repairs. The contractor chosen will decide the method of repair to be performed. For the 2020 Sidewalk Maintenance Program, the only method of repair utilized was panel replacement. The City anticipates a similar approach for the 2021 Sidewalk Maintenance Program Contract.
Typically a permit is required from the Engineering Division when sidewalks are replaced in the public right-of-way. However, the February 2021 sidewalk repair notices mailed to non-compliant properties also function as the permit for purposes of the Sidewalk Maintenance Program. A free permit from the Parks & Forestry Division is required when excavation is performed within 10 feet of a street tree. Permits are not required for leveling or grinding of existing concrete sidewalks.
Parks & Recreation (21)
While volunteer positions on Boards and Commissions have set terms, vacancies periodically arise at other times. You can watch for calls for applications via local media, or you can submit an application for a Board or Commission that interests you at any time. The City Clerk’s Office keeps applications on file for one year.
The City offers a Community CPR training program, certified Heartsaver CPR/AED, through LifeLong Learning & Leisure with the Parks & Recreation Department – Activity Registration at 614-583-5333. For the basics of CPR or healthcare provider courses, please contact UA CARES at 614-583-5352 or [email protected].
In the event of rain, camps and swim lessons will not be canceled. If lightning is spotted by lifeguards, the pool will be evacuated and will partake in a 30 minute delay beginning from the last sighting. Prolonged delays could result in a rescheduling. Camps can meet indoors.
In public parks, dogs must be on a leash from 8 am to 8 pm during Daylight Savings Time and 8 am to 5 pm during Eastern Standard Time. At all other hours, dogs must still be under control by the owner. Additional responsible pet ownership guidelines can be found by linking to our Animal & Wildlife Resources page.
The Amelita Mirolo Barn is not available online for reservation. Contact Parks & Recreation Department at 614-583-5330 or [email protected] for reservations.
Sand volleyball courts are located at Reed Road Park by the shelter house. Available for use 7 am-11 pm. Athletic fields are available for rent beginning mid-April through October. Fees vary by amenities and user. For fees, availability, and to rent, visit or call 614-583-5000
Upper Arlington Parks & Recreation does not have an indoor pool. The Department does use the High School natatorium. The indoor pool is only available for swim meets and Sunday Swim lessons. Sunday Swim lessons are for children of 4 years of age and older.
Upper Arlington city pools offer both residential and non-residential season passes that are usable for the summer season at all three pool facilities. Prices are less expensive for residents. The cost of passes depends on the family size and prices are available any of our pools or tennis pages under the City Facilities section of the website; daily admission fees are also available.
In the event of rain, the pools will remain open during their regular operating hours. If lightning is spotted, the pool is evacuated for a 30 minute period for safety – this does not close the pool.
Enrollment into the next session of swim lessons is dependent upon the availability of open positions. Your child may sign up for lessons if an opening is available.
Visit our Places page for details on City building address, maps & directions, phone numbers and hours of operation.
Registration for activities can be completed online at this link:
Safety Town is coordinated by the Police Division, in cooperation with the Fire Division and Parks & Recreation Department. Program details can be found in the Spring/Summer Parks & Recreation catalog or by visiting the Police Division – Support Services Bureau – Safety Town section of our website.
All facilities are cash-free. All pass and daily fees must be paid by credit card (Visa, Master Card and Discover Card). Children two and under are free, and do not require a pass or daily admission.
No, a Bob Crane Community Center membership is not required for paid program participation. However, non-members may not access membership amenities such as the 1918 Lounge and coffee bar, or personal use of the gyms, track, pool or fitness areas/equipment. Non-members may only access programs for which they are pre-registered. A handful of programs are provided as a benefit for Bob Crane Community Center members, and do not require an additional fee beyond the membership. Personal Training services are available to members of the Bob Crane Community Center.
Non-members may enter the building no earlier than 30 minutes before the start of their program and are expected to leave upon its conclusion.
Non-member aides or parents/guardians of youth and their minors may accompany participants to their program locations. Additional instructions are provided to program participants regarding the attendance of other spectators or guests for special programs or events. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to [email protected] in advance.
Two different prices are offered for most programs. The price listed beside R-BCCC M is for verified residents or current members of the Bob Crane Community Center. Non-residents receive the resident rate for programs if they are a member of the Bob Crane Community Center. The BCCC M rate applies to everyone in the household for an online account regardless of the participant registering in programming, and this rate applies to all department programs regardless of location. The price listed beside NR is for non-residents who are not members of the Bob Crane Community Center.
SilverSneakers® and RenewActive™ are accepted for Bob Crane Community Center membership. We also provide SilverSneakers® classes to registered SilverSneakers® participants at no charge.
Permits (4)
Yes there are. Residents may conduct one garage/yard sale per residence during any six-month period not to exceed three consecutive days or two consecutive days on two consecutive weekends. Sales may be conducted between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm. No permit is required.
Per CO 907.06: “Unless specifically authorized by the city manager, no person shall intentionally damage, cut, carve, transplant or remove any public tree or shrub; attach any rope, wire, nails, advertising posters or other contrivance to any tree or shrub, allow any gaseous liquid, or solid substance which is harmful to such trees or shrubs to come in contact with them; or set fire or permit fire to burn when such fire or the heat thereof will injure any portion of any public tree or shrub.” The Park & Forestry crew routinely removes such items during regular maintenance, mowing, and trash removal. Items removed also include abandoned chairs, athletic equipment, water bottles, bikes, and other items left in city parks. If the items removed have obvious value, they are retained are the Public Service Center for 30 days and can be retrieved during normal business hours.
Permits are required for:
- Commercial fire suppression systems
- Commercial fire protection systems
- Hydrant usage
- Fireworks exhibits
- Open burn
- Service stations
- Tents (any tent or membrane structure over 400 square feet, unless the tent is open on all sides, in which case up to 700 square feet is allowed without a permit)
- Underground Storage Tank Removal
- Private fire main permit (contractors building new complexes that require installing a fire hydrant)
Call the Fire Prevention Office, at 614-583-5100, with any questions.
Typically a permit is required from the Engineering Division when sidewalks are replaced in the public right-of-way. However, the February 2021 sidewalk repair notices mailed to non-compliant properties also function as the permit for purposes of the Sidewalk Maintenance Program. A free permit from the Parks & Forestry Division is required when excavation is performed within 10 feet of a street tree. Permits are not required for leveling or grinding of existing concrete sidewalks.
Police Division (14)
Beggar’s Night typically falls on October 31 each year, unless that date falls on the weekend. Beggar’s Night hours in UA are 6-8 pm. View our annual calendar of events for additional details of Beggar’s Night activities in Upper Arlington.
In public parks, dogs must be on a leash from 8 am to 8 pm during Daylight Savings Time and 8 am to 5 pm during Eastern Standard Time. At all other hours, dogs must still be under control by the owner. Additional responsible pet ownership guidelines can be found by linking to our Animal & Wildlife Resources page.
Safety Town is coordinated by the Police Division, in cooperation with the Fire Division and Parks & Recreation Department. Program details can be found in the Spring/Summer Parks & Recreation catalog or by visiting the Police Division – Support Services Bureau – Safety Town section of our website.
Upper Arlington does not have an Animal Control officer. You can call the suggested numbers below for any issues.
- Capital Area Humane Society: 614-777-7387
- SCRAM! Wildlife Control: 614-763-0696
- Visit Animal & Wildlife Resources regarding animal Laws and Lost pets.
JUNE 2022 UPDATE: With the start of renovations to the Police Division offices at the Municipal Services Center, the Drug Collection Unit has been decommissioned and the division is no longer accepting old or unused prescription drugs. The closest alternative is at the CVS pharmacy at Kingsdale.
DEA Drug Take Back Events
Each fall and spring, the Police Division takes part in national drug take back events coordinated by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). These events provide an easy way for residents to drop-off old and unused prescription drugs drive-thru style at the Municipal Services Center parking lot. Dates are posted on our event calendar and published in City newsletters.
Visit the Police Support Services Bureau – Drug Disposal section of our website or call 614-583-5150 with questions.
It is always best to work out issues related to neighbors in a positive manner. If you have exhausted positive communication methods, the City Attorney’s Office has a free Community Mediation Program. Or you may contact the Police Division with questions using the form below.
For all City of Upper Arlington public record requests for Police or Mayor’s Court records, please visit Records Request – Police & Mayor’s Court on City Council – City Clerk web page. For Franklin County record requests you may visit or
If the matter is a pending case, you need to file for discovery. If the matter is completed you may obtain a copy through our public records requests process.
You may call the Probation Officer with appointment and scheduling questions at 614-583-5022.
The City does not accept applications for Policy Officer or Firefighter positions through our website. Both positions must first schedule a test with National Testing Network. The process to apply for Police Officer or Firefighter positions are detailed in each posting.
24 Hours. Motor vehicles parked on the street are a Police Division matter. Please call the Upper Arlington Police Division Non-Emergency number at 614-459-2800 to report.
Property Maintenance (11)
Yes there are. Residents may conduct one garage/yard sale per residence during any six-month period not to exceed three consecutive days or two consecutive days on two consecutive weekends. Sales may be conducted between the hours of 8 am and 8 pm. No permit is required.
Bulk items are collected on your regular collection day; please have the item(s) at your curb by 7 am on your regular collection day. Some large appliances and items containing Freon may incur additional charges for collection, and mattresses & box springs must be wrapped in plastic for bulk pick-up. For questions about what items are accepted, please contact Local Waste Services at 614-583-5370 (option 2).
The City does not regulate signs by content. Temporary signs placed in the City’s Right of Way may be impounded by the City. Browse our City Code for further information.
No. The City of Upper Arlington does not survey properties. You must contact a private survey company.
24 Hours. Motor vehicles parked on the street are a Police Division matter. Please call the Upper Arlington Police Division Non-Emergency number at 614-459-2800 to report.
Yes. Fences can be placed on the property line. Fences require a permit and property surveys are recommended but not required with the submission of a fence permit.
The maximum fence height in rear yards is six (6′) feet and fence posts can be up to six (6″) inches taller than the fence. There are additional height and location requirements for fences in front yards. A fence permit is required for any new or replacement fence.
No. Dumpsters may be on the property without a permit. They may not be placed in the street or in the City’s Right of Way. Once the dumpster is full it must be emptied.
Yes. City Code allows the parking of a motor vehicle on the grass for four (4) hours in a 24 hour period.
Public Works (14)
Open burning of any yard waste such as brush or leaves is prohibited in the City of Upper Arlington. Yard waste disposal questions should be directed to the Public Service Department, at 614-583-5350 or visit our Solid Waste Services section. For any outdoor burning concerns, call 614-583-5100.
The City provides free leaf collection each year between mid-October and early December. Click on the link below for full details, and what to do when the program is not in effect.
Some divisions at this facility work on a different schedule, and oftentimes Staff is working out in the community. Visit our City Facilities page for details on City building address, maps & directions, phone numbers and hours of operation.
Bulk items are collected on your regular collection day; please have the item(s) at your curb by 7 am on your regular collection day. Some large appliances and items containing Freon may incur additional charges for collection, and mattresses & box springs must be wrapped in plastic for bulk pick-up. For questions about what items are accepted, please contact Local Waste Services at 614-583-5370 (option 2).
Local Waste observes some but not all of the City’s holidays each year. These holidays delay collection by one day, with normal service resuming the following week (if the holiday falls on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, there is no collection delay):
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Yard waste is picked up on your regular refuse and recycling collection day. Click here for more details on Yard Waste Collection. Alternatively, residents may drop off acceptable yard waste free-of-charge at the Ohio Mulch composting facility located at 4120 Roberts Road. Please call 614-921-9330 to check hours of operation.
The Public Service Department at the City can help to answer any questions regarding trash or recycling services, Monday-Friday from 7:30 am-4:30 pm at 614-583-5350. Local Waste Services can be reached Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm at 614-583-5370 (option 2) or by emailing [email protected].
The City of Columbus provides water service to all UA residents and businesses. If you experience flooding or suspect a water main break, call the City of Upper Arlington Public Works Division at 614-583-5385 during regular business hours. A member of staff will visit the site to determine the nature of the problem, and contact the City of Columbus on your behalf. If you have an after hours emergency, contact the City of Columbus at 614-645-7788.
For homes built on slabs, the line will likely freeze where the pipe enters the home. For homes with basements, the line into the home likely froze where it passes through concrete block into the home.
Insulate pipes where freezing is likely to occur. If this is not possible, periodically turn on your water and let it run for several seconds, purchase a space heater to place in front of the pipes or purchase a heating coil that can be plugged in and wrapped around the pipes to keep them warm.
Try using a hair dryer and blowing warm air down onto frozen sections or into the opening of the block wall where the water line enters the home.
Storm sewers drain directly to streams which empty into the Scioto or Olentangy rivers, therefore chemicals are not filtered out before reaching natural waterways.
Options include installing a rain garden or hiring a contractor to install a small yard drain in the area where the water ponds and pipe it out to the street. Franklin County Soil & Water Conservation District may also offer other solutions: 1404 Goodale Blvd., Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43212. Phone: 614-586-9613 or
The stormwater fee is used to repair and maintain the City’s existing stormwater system. It is not designed to make improvements on private property.
Call the Public Works Division at 614-583-5350 during office hours of Monday-Friday, 7 am -3:30 pm. If you have an after-hours emergency, please call 614-459-2800.
Pour several gallons of water in all basement floor drains, run water in any unused sinks and shower stalls, and flush any unused toilets. These fixtures should have built in traps (“U” shaped pipes), designed to hold water and act as a barrier to prevent sewer gases from entering the home.
Recreation (11)
This cannot be done online. The first step in switching an activity would be to call the Upper Arlington Parks & Recreation Department at 614-583-5300. A staff member can assist you in switching activities. Please have ready the name of both the activity being dropped and the activity that you wish to enroll. Having the activity number on hand is not necessary, but is much appreciated in completing the switch.
Registration for activities can be completed online at this link:
Safety Town is coordinated by the Police Division, in cooperation with the Fire Division and Parks & Recreation Department. Program details can be found in the Spring/Summer Parks & Recreation catalog or by visiting the Police Division – Support Services Bureau – Safety Town section of our website.
All facilities are cash-free. All pass and daily fees must be paid by credit card (Visa, Master Card and Discover Card). Children two and under are free, and do not require a pass or daily admission.
Residents are those families who reside and/or work within boundaries of Upper Arlington. Bob Crane Community Center members are members of the Bob Crane Community Center. The Upper Arlington city boundary encompasses most, but not all Upper Arlington School District. If you are in doubt, please call our office at 614-583-5300 or consult the Franklin County Auditor’s website to check your Tax District under Parcel Search.
No, a Bob Crane Community Center membership is not required for paid program participation. However, non-members may not access membership amenities such as the 1918 Lounge and coffee bar, or personal use of the gyms, track, pool or fitness areas/equipment. Non-members may only access programs for which they are pre-registered. A handful of programs are provided as a benefit for Bob Crane Community Center members, and do not require an additional fee beyond the membership. Personal Training services are available to members of the Bob Crane Community Center.
Non-members may enter the building no earlier than 30 minutes before the start of their program and are expected to leave upon its conclusion.
Non-member aides or parents/guardians of youth and their minors may accompany participants to their program locations. Additional instructions are provided to program participants regarding the attendance of other spectators or guests for special programs or events. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to [email protected] in advance.
Two different prices are offered for most programs. The price listed beside R-BCCC M is for verified residents or current members of the Bob Crane Community Center. Non-residents receive the resident rate for programs if they are a member of the Bob Crane Community Center. The BCCC M rate applies to everyone in the household for an online account regardless of the participant registering in programming, and this rate applies to all department programs regardless of location. The price listed beside NR is for non-residents who are not members of the Bob Crane Community Center.
SilverSneakers® and RenewActive™ are accepted for Bob Crane Community Center membership. We also provide SilverSneakers® classes to registered SilverSneakers® participants at no charge.
Senior Center (6)
Café UA Lounge serves as our informal gathering space where members may relax, socialize and even enjoy a book, board games or puzzles. Thanks to generous support from the UA Senior Association, active members may enjoy continuous coffee and hot tea each weekday 8:30 am – 3 pm.
Café UA Lounge also serves as a “bring your own food and drink” service each weekday between the hours of 11 am – 12:30 pm. Additionally, the UA Senior Association coordinates monthly catered box lunch events from various local food establishments. Catered box lunches are limited to the first thirty members who pay and reserve a seat each month (average catered box lunch is $10). Seasonal special events are also conducted in the Café UA Lounge for those who register in advance.
50 years and older; however, if you are younger and would like to join we are happy to have you.
Most programs have a registration deadline, unless otherwise stated. The Activity Guide is your best resource for that information. Payment is due at the time of registration.
You must be a member of the UA Senior Association. Please stop by the front desk in Building 3 Monday-Friday between 8 am-4 pm to join and register.
A membership to the Upper Arlington Senior Association is no longer required for participation at the Senior Center due to the planned transition to the Bob Crane Community Center on April 7, 2025. Memberships to the Bob Crane Community Center will not be required to register for programs; program fees will remain separate from membership fees.
Shelters (4)
The Amelita Mirolo Barn is not available online for reservation. Contact Parks & Recreation Department at 614-583-5330 or [email protected] for reservations.
Sand volleyball courts are located at Reed Road Park by the shelter house. Available for use 7 am-11 pm. Athletic fields are available for rent beginning mid-April through October. Fees vary by amenities and user. For fees, availability, and to rent, visit or call 614-583-5000
Per CO 907.06: “Unless specifically authorized by the city manager, no person shall intentionally damage, cut, carve, transplant or remove any public tree or shrub; attach any rope, wire, nails, advertising posters or other contrivance to any tree or shrub, allow any gaseous liquid, or solid substance which is harmful to such trees or shrubs to come in contact with them; or set fire or permit fire to burn when such fire or the heat thereof will injure any portion of any public tree or shrub.” The Park & Forestry crew routinely removes such items during regular maintenance, mowing, and trash removal. Items removed also include abandoned chairs, athletic equipment, water bottles, bikes, and other items left in city parks. If the items removed have obvious value, they are retained are the Public Service Center for 30 days and can be retrieved during normal business hours.
Sidewalks (7)
Sidewalks are inspected according to criteria outlined in City Code 901.03.
Access to your residence includes the driveway, sidewalk within the driveway, driveway apron and driveway gutter. The property owner is responsible for maintenance and repairs of all parts of the driveway access per City Code 901.06. It is the City’s policy not to replace defective or deteriorated driveway entrances at the City’s expense unless the curb and gutter in the entire block is being replaced by the City as part of a street reconstruction project.
The City charges the property owner a per-panel price based on the winning bid received for the project. It is not possible to know the exact price per panel until the bid has been awarded. As a frame of reference, costs for the 2020 Sidewalk Maintenance Program were $160 per four-inch panel and $175 per six-inch panel. Please note: the costs for the 2021 Sidewalk Maintenance Program may be higher or lower.
The City will only be replacing the sidewalk panels identified in the notification that you received and is unable to facilitate additional repairs. The scope and quantity of repairs is the predetermined amount on which the contractor has based their price. If you would like to have additional concrete work or repairs performed at your property, we encourage you to seek a private contractor.
Yes. You may hire a contractor or do the actual work yourself. Please make sure that you follow the approved methods of repair/correction, as outlined in the sidewalk notification letter. Any repair that is not approved will be repaired directly by the City and the cost will be billed or assessed back to you.
The City will choose the lowest bid contractor to perform the repairs. The contractor chosen will decide the method of repair to be performed. For the 2020 Sidewalk Maintenance Program, the only method of repair utilized was panel replacement. The City anticipates a similar approach for the 2021 Sidewalk Maintenance Program Contract.
Typically a permit is required from the Engineering Division when sidewalks are replaced in the public right-of-way. However, the February 2021 sidewalk repair notices mailed to non-compliant properties also function as the permit for purposes of the Sidewalk Maintenance Program. A free permit from the Parks & Forestry Division is required when excavation is performed within 10 feet of a street tree. Permits are not required for leveling or grinding of existing concrete sidewalks.
Snow Removal (8)
City streets are categorized into three categories: arterials, collectors and local/residential streets. Arterials are the main thoroughfares in the City; collectors are the secondary streets as they carry traffic to the arterials; all other streets not classified as collector streets or arterial streets are designated as local/residential streets. For snow and ice operational purposes, arterial and collector streets are classified as Priority 1 streets, while local/residential streets are Priority 2.
Priority 1: Due to emergency and school routes, and the high volume of traffic, emphasis is placed on treating these roads first. Roads listed as Priority 1 streets will be maintained in as near bare pavement conditions as possible at all times. Adhering to this prioritization is critical in order to maintain access for emergency services to all business and residential areas throughout the community. Typically, Priority 1 streets are returned to normal driving conditions within eight-to-12 hours after precipitation ends.
Priority 2: Local/residential streets will be cleaned and/or treated upon completion of all Priority 1 streets. Typically, Priority 2 streets are returned to normal driving conditions within 12 to 24 hours after precipitation ends.
During any snow event, our focus is on returning public roadways to safe driving conditions. During heavy snowfalls, since snowplows are designed to push snow towards the curb, it is unavoidable that crews may also push snow into a freshly cleared driveway. While this can cause frustration and additional work for our residents, please understand that our crews are working to maintain an acceptable service level throughout the City for the safety of the traveling public. Plows will not return to clear snow that has been pushed into residential driveway.
If you believe your private property has been damaged by a City snow plow, please contact the Public Service Department, at 614-583-5350 or by email at [email protected]. Please note, there are also private contractors who drive in the City with plows on their vehicles; all City vehicles are clearly marked with the City’s emblem.
Individual homeowners are responsible for maintenance and clearing of sidewalks adjacent to their property. During winter months, residents are encouraged to keep their sidewalks clear of snow and ice – providing a safe walkway for those travelling on the sidewalk. A volunteer-based program is available to assist elderly residents with snow removal. Those residents who would like to volunteer or those looking for assistance can sign up for the Winter Warriors program by contacting the UA Commission on Aging, UA Village Program at 614-427-3920.
When the forecast calls for an accumulation of snow, or when the temperatures mean icy roads could develop, the City applies liquid anti-icers to roadways, focusing on arterial and collector streets. Anti-icing procedures occur prior to a snow to help prevent snow from bonding to the road surface, making it easier to plow the roads clear and increase road users’ safety. The City of Upper Arlington uses a sugar beet-based anti-icing liquid combined with salt brine; this combination is less corrosive than salt brine alone and helps reduce the amount of salt application needed following precipitation.
Thank you for your interest in helping others in our community. Please call the UA Commission on Aging, UA Village Program at 614-427-3920 for details.
Yes, but if at all possible, we ask that you find an alternate place to park during times of heavy snowfall. With fewer cars parked on the street, snow plows are able to remove all of the snow from the street without having to swerve around parked vehicles.
During winter months, ice build-up from overactive sump pumps and/or water breaks can create hazardous conditions if it forms ice patches in the roadway or over the sidewalks. Please contact the Public Service Department at 614-583-5350 or by email at [email protected] to notify us of any potential hazards. The Public Works Division will treat these areas with additional salt after plowing operations have finished.
Solar (9)
A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Earth and the Sun, casting its shadow on the Earth’s surface. This alignment results in different types of eclipses:
- Total Eclipse: When the Moon perfectly aligns with the Sun, fully blocking its light, creating a phenomenon known as “totality.”
- Partial Eclipse: When the alignment is not perfect, and only a portion of the Sun is obscured by the Moon.
- Annular Eclipse: When the alignment is perfect, but the Moon is at a further point in its orbit, appearing smaller and not completely covering the Sun, creating a ring-like effect known as the “ring of fire.”
The rarity of a total solar eclipse lies in the fact that it is visible only along a very narrow path on Earth for a few minutes, making it one of nature’s most extraordinary and fleeting events.
Many who have witnessed a total eclipse describe it as the most breathtaking natural phenomenon they’ve ever seen. It begins with the Moon slowly passing in front of the Sun, gradually obscuring its bright light. As the eclipse progresses, the surroundings take on a surreal hue, and shadows become sharper and more pronounced. As the Moon covers more of the Sun, only a thin crescent of light remains, casting an unusual dimness as daylight starts to fade. During this phase, you might notice rippling “shadow bands” on the ground. Then, comes “totality” – the Moon aligns perfectly with the Sun, revealing the solar corona, a delicate halo surrounding the dark silhouette of the Moon. The moment of totality is magical, with a sudden drop in temperature and birds returning to their nests, tricked by the premature darkness. It’s an experience of standing in an eerie twilight, enveloped by a glowing “sunset” on all horizons. As totality ends, the sequence reverses: daylight gradually returns, the crescent of the Sun reappears, and the world resumes its normal rhythm.
The total solar eclipse visits Ohio on April 8, 2024 beginning at 3:08 pm EDT with the final exit of the Moon’s shadow from the state at 3:19 pm EDT.
During the eclipse, the sky will get dark as if it were dawn or dusk. Even if skies are cloudy, people will still notice a darkening of the sky. Nocturnal wildlife may awaken while non-nocturnal wildlife may think it’s time for bed.
There may be times during the event that cell service will be disrupted due to high volume of usage. Texting uses less bandwidth than a voice call.
OhioTourism has interactive maps showing locations and events for viewing the eclipse.
With the exception of the very brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun unless you are using eye protection specifically for solar viewing. Do not view any part of the bright Sun through a camera lens, binoculars, or a telescope without a special-purpose solar filter secured over the secured over the front of the instrument as this may instantly cause severe eye injury. Homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark ones, are not safe for looking at the sun. They transmit thousands of times too much sunlight and could damage the eyes. Visit the American Astrological Society website for a list of recommended vendors to purchase solar eclipse viewers.
Yes, but you must have the specialized eclipse filter between your camera and the Sun.
Stormwater (7)
Storm sewers drain directly to streams which empty into the Scioto or Olentangy rivers, therefore chemicals are not filtered out before reaching natural waterways.
Options include installing a rain garden or hiring a contractor to install a small yard drain in the area where the water ponds and pipe it out to the street. Franklin County Soil & Water Conservation District may also offer other solutions: 1404 Goodale Blvd., Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43212. Phone: 614-586-9613 or
The stormwater fee is used to repair and maintain the City’s existing stormwater system. It is not designed to make improvements on private property.
Call the Public Works Division at 614-583-5350 during office hours of Monday-Friday, 7 am -3:30 pm. If you have an after-hours emergency, please call 614-459-2800.
Pour several gallons of water in all basement floor drains, run water in any unused sinks and shower stalls, and flush any unused toilets. These fixtures should have built in traps (“U” shaped pipes), designed to hold water and act as a barrier to prevent sewer gases from entering the home.
The benefits are not site specific. Run-off from your property combines with that from other lots, accumulating to become part of the problem downstream. Benefits are gained throughout the City by minimizing the flooding of roads, intersections, and downstream properties.
No, it is a utility fee just like your water or electric bills, and is therefore not tax deductible.
Trash & Recycling (10)
Open burning of any yard waste such as brush or leaves is prohibited in the City of Upper Arlington. Yard waste disposal questions should be directed to the Public Service Department, at 614-583-5350 or visit our Solid Waste Services section. For any outdoor burning concerns, call 614-583-5100.
The Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) has a year-round drop-off facility for household hazardous wastes. SWACO also schedules annual household hazardous waste collection days at local communities. Visit
Bulk items are collected on your regular collection day; please have the item(s) at your curb by 7 am on your regular collection day. Some large appliances and items containing Freon may incur additional charges for collection, and mattresses & box springs must be wrapped in plastic for bulk pick-up. For questions about what items are accepted, please contact Local Waste Services at 614-583-5370 (option 2).
Local Waste observes some but not all of the City’s holidays each year. These holidays delay collection by one day, with normal service resuming the following week (if the holiday falls on Friday, Saturday or Sunday, there is no collection delay):
New Year’s Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
Yard waste is picked up on your regular refuse and recycling collection day. Click here for more details on Yard Waste Collection. Alternatively, residents may drop off acceptable yard waste free-of-charge at the Ohio Mulch composting facility located at 4120 Roberts Road. Please call 614-921-9330 to check hours of operation.
The Public Service Department at the City can help to answer any questions regarding trash or recycling services, Monday-Friday from 7:30 am-4:30 pm at 614-583-5350. Local Waste Services can be reached Monday-Friday from 8 am-5 pm at 614-583-5370 (option 2) or by emailing [email protected].
JUNE 2022 UPDATE: With the start of renovations to the Police Division offices at the Municipal Services Center, the Drug Collection Unit has been decommissioned and the division is no longer accepting old or unused prescription drugs. The closest alternative is at the CVS pharmacy at Kingsdale.
DEA Drug Take Back Events
Each fall and spring, the Police Division takes part in national drug take back events coordinated by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). These events provide an easy way for residents to drop-off old and unused prescription drugs drive-thru style at the Municipal Services Center parking lot. Dates are posted on our event calendar and published in City newsletters.
Visit the Police Support Services Bureau – Drug Disposal section of our website or call 614-583-5150 with questions.
No, all fees included on your utility invoice (stormwater, solid waste, neighborhood lighting utility—if applicable) run with the property and the City does not prorate the amount due should a property change hands during the year. The individual/party that owns the property in question when the utility bill is received is responsible for payment in full.We recommend that you discuss balancing your utility account through your realtor and escrow closing, similar to how property taxes are pro-rated.
No, it is a utility fee just like your water or electric bills, and is therefore not tax deductible.
Please visit SWACO’s resource page for various ways to donate, recycle, or scrap unwanted items at //
Utility Billing (8)
Fire hydrants are flushed in the middle of April to the middle of May. Contact the Fire Prevention Office at 614-583-5100 to see if a hydrant in your area is being flushed. If your water is rusty and it is not during the flushing season, call Columbus Water Division at 614-645-7788 to see if there is a water main break or if there is construction in your neighborhood.
No, all fees included on your utility invoice (stormwater, solid waste, neighborhood lighting utility—if applicable) run with the property and the City does not prorate the amount due should a property change hands during the year. The individual/party that owns the property in question when the utility bill is received is responsible for payment in full.We recommend that you discuss balancing your utility account through your realtor and escrow closing, similar to how property taxes are pro-rated.
The City of Columbus provides water service to all UA residents and businesses. If you experience flooding or suspect a water main break, call the City of Upper Arlington Public Works Division at 614-583-5385 during regular business hours. A member of staff will visit the site to determine the nature of the problem, and contact the City of Columbus on your behalf. If you have an after hours emergency, contact the City of Columbus at 614-645-7788.
Discolored water is caused by the build up of iron and calcium deposits in the waterline. When water flow is interrupted by a line break or fire hydrant flushing, deposits can be stirred up, creating the colored water. It usually takes three-to-four hours for water to clear. Periodically turn on your cold water and let it run for several minutes. Keep doing this until the cold water is clear. Do not use hot water or wash clothes until the water is clear.
For homes built on slabs, the line will likely freeze where the pipe enters the home. For homes with basements, the line into the home likely froze where it passes through concrete block into the home.
Insulate pipes where freezing is likely to occur. If this is not possible, periodically turn on your water and let it run for several seconds, purchase a space heater to place in front of the pipes or purchase a heating coil that can be plugged in and wrapped around the pipes to keep them warm.
Try using a hair dryer and blowing warm air down onto frozen sections or into the opening of the block wall where the water line enters the home.
The stormwater fee is used to repair and maintain the City’s existing stormwater system. It is not designed to make improvements on private property.
The benefits are not site specific. Run-off from your property combines with that from other lots, accumulating to become part of the problem downstream. Benefits are gained throughout the City by minimizing the flooding of roads, intersections, and downstream properties.
No, it is a utility fee just like your water or electric bills, and is therefore not tax deductible.