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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd
CNT Arbor Day Windermere

Arbor Day Ceremony

9:00 am, Friday, April 28 Jones Middle School The benefits that trees bring to our communities are extensive. Trees beautify our streets and parks, they filter the air, they help cool temperatures in the hot summer sun, they connect us with nature and they contribute to healthier lifestyles. The Arbor Day Foundation’s Tree City USA program provides communities with a…

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Community Relations

Call for Community Relations Committee Applicants

Application Deadline: Monday, May 8 The City is fortunate to have many residents who are willing to donate their time and expertise serving on the various Boards and Commissions that have been formed to address specific community issues. In return, these individuals are afforded the opportunity to help shape their community in areas that are of interest to them.  Upper…

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Municipal Services Center Summer

Municipal Services Center Security Updates

As part of steps to enhance security at the Municipal Services Building, located at 3600 Tremont Road, effective April 17, public access is now limited to the doors facing Tremont Road.  All visitors must check in at the Police/City reception window to the right of the main doors, using a government-issued ID or equivalent. After check-in, visitors will receive an…

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Community Center Lobby

Community Center Groundbreaking

4 pm, Monday, April 17, 2023 Construction Site at Kingsdale (Tremont Road side of the site) UA history was made at the March 27, 2023 City Council Meeting, when Council unanimously approved the necessary legislation to begin construction on the community's new Community Center at Kingsdale. Almost four years after a resident-led task force was formed to place renewed focus on…

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Police Lights

Updated Ohio Distracted Driving Law Now in Effect

The increasingly widespread use of cell phones has totally transformed how we communicate, obtain and share information. With this convenient, instant means to connect has come several unintended consequences, some of which pose a real danger to the user or those around them. Annually, more than 3,000 people in the U.S. die in motor vehicle accidents due to distracted driving…

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food compost

Upper Arlington Food Waste Collection Program Survey

Survey Deadline: Friday, April 21, 2023 As part of the City’s commitment to sustainability initiatives and in response to resident interest, a food waste composting program was launched several years ago, beginning with a drop-off program. Over time, the program has expanded, and the City currently provides two food waste composting program options to residents: A grant-funded, pilot curbside collection…

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Tips on Dealing with Rodents

From time to time, we receive a wave of calls about particular wildlife issues. As our Code Compliance Officer investigates these complaints, more often than not he finds that the problems have arisen from one or more properties in the area unwittingly providing sources of food—be it through letting bird seed gather under feeders, or leaving piles of yard waste…

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2022 City Council Members

City Council Retreat Sets Priorities for 2023

On January 31, City Council gathered for a day-long retreat. Typically held at the start of each year, Council Retreats provide an opportunity for members to work together outside the formalities associated with a City Council Meeting, to take stock of recent accomplishments and to establish a new set of priorities for the coming months. When reflecting on 2022, it…

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Solid Waste Reminder

Solid Waste Reminders

From time to time, the City is made aware of property owners who may not be aware of our solid waste container requirements, with containers left in view from the street. We encourage residents to become familiar with the following “best practices” for making the most of our collection program and for being a good neighbor. Screening Requirements Households should…

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