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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd
Mother on Computer

Register for e-News and Text Updates From the City

The local news media landscape is not what it used to be, with fewer ways to stay current on what’s happening in your community. Recognizing this trend, the City has increased its efforts to share regular updates with residents. Below are some convenient options available to you using your smartphone. City Insight e-News Our weekly e-newsletter is the best way…

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UA Civic Association Memorial Day Run

5K Start Time: 8:30 am 1-Mile Start Time: 8:35 am The Upper Arlington Civic Association’s popular Memorial Day Run will soon be here, scheduled for the morning of Monday, May 27. Designed for both serious and casual runners, participants can choose to run a 5K course through the neighborhood to the west of the Reed Road Fire Station or a…

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Spring Fling Fishing

Join Us For Spring Fling

After a long winter, warmer weather is finally here to stay. To celebrate, UA Parks & Rec is hosting its annual Spring Fling family event on Saturday, May 11, from 11 am-2 pm at Sunny 95 Park, 4395 Carriage Hill Lane. Some of the great activities at this year’s Spring Fling include: Touch-A-Truck provides kids and adults an opportunity to…

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Culture & Artisans Fair

St. Mark’s Culture and Artisans Fair

10 am-3 pm, Saturday, May 4 St. Mark’s Episcopal Church 2151 Dorset Road St. Mark’s Episcopal Church on Dorset Road is hosting its second annual Culture and Artisans Fair, from 10 am-3pm, on Saturday, May 4, in partnership with Community Refugee and Immigration Services (CRIS). The event has expanded for its second year and will feature approximately artisans from all…

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Hydrant Flushing

Spring Fire Hydrant Flushing

April 15-May 3 Click Here for Schedule and Map The Upper Arlington Fire Division will be conducting fire hydrant flushing operations beginning the week of April 15. This annual test is part of a fire hydrant maintenance program that keeps hydrants in operable condition and identifies any deficiencies that require repair. Hydrant flushing will take place weekdays between 8 am…

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cherry blossom graphic

Upper Arlington Cherry Blossom Celebration

5 pm, Wednesday, April 10 Mallway Park, Arlington Avenue The Upper Arlington Community Relations Committee invites residents to join them for the Second Annual Cherry Blossom Celebration, beginning at 5 pm, on Wednesday, April 10 in Mallway Park, on Arlington Avenue. This celebration of the grove of cherry trees by the Veterans Plaza is part of a broader series of…

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a coyote on a snow covered pond in the middle of winter

Co-existing With Wildlife – Coyotes

Many species of wildlife are adept at adjusting to changing habitats and the presence of humans, capitalizing on new food sources and nesting opportunities. Here are some resources and tips for making sure your property is less attractive to wildlife such as coyotes, and for keeping your pets safe. About Coyotes Coyotes are shy and cautious animals and will typically…

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possum in yard

Coexisting with Local Wildlife

As Central Ohio continues to grow, the abundance of wildlife is adapting to dwindling natural habitats and capitalizing on the new food sources and nesting opportunities. Most times we can coexist peacefully with the beautiful array of birds, rabbits, squirrels and other creatures that take up residence in our yards and public parks, but some wildlife can become unwelcome “tenants,”…

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A set of open and rolled up blueprints on wooden table background with a pencil, a ruler and compasses lying beside.

Building Permit Reminders

If you have decided this is the year to remodel a part of your home or upgrade your patio, the City’s Community Development Department can help you with an important first step: checking to see if your home improvement project requires a permit. The permitting and inspection process is important because it allows building and planning staff to ensure new…

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Edwards Green

Upper Arlington Community Foundation Updates

Good news has been coming thick and fast from the Upper Arlington Community Foundation these days, highlighting a variety of impressive initiatives that are making our community better in a variety of exciting ways. Edwards Green The Foundation recently announced the gift of green space to the community, thanks to the family of Michael and Phaedra Edwards, in honor of…

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Easter Egg Picker

UA Civic Association’s Easter Egg Hunt

10 am, Saturday, March 16 Thompson Park Get ready for the fastest 55 seconds in UA, as the Upper Arlington Civic Association hosts its annual Easter Egg Hunt this coming Saturday, March 16 at Thompson Park. The fun begins promptly at 10 am, but families are advised to arrive early, so that you have plenty of time to park and…

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Seasonal Camp

PLAY UA Financial Assistance Program

“Without the assistance I received I would not have registered [my son] for the soccer camps. I'm so grateful that there was a way to assist me so I can still send him without placing more financial burden on me. I really appreciate it and I want you to know you made a difference in my life, it helped me…

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Thompson Playground Final Design

New Thompson Park Playground Update

Our sincere thanks to everyone who provided us with feedback on the new Thompson Park Playground. The design has been finalized and our playground vendor - Midstates Recreation - will be onsite this spring to install the new playground, with plans for completion in time for the 2024 Summer Camp. Check our project webpage to view the full set of…

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Municipal Services Center Winter

Winter Weather Reminders

While we’ve already had a taste or two of wintry weather, the next couple of months typically include their fair share of snowstorms. To help all in our community navigate the season safely, we have a few winter weather updates and reminders to share with you. Snow Removal The City provides exceptional snow removal services, with the aim of returning…

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