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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd
Holiday Candles

Holiday Shopping Safety Reminders

It’s official, the holiday season is upon us and that means more time spent shopping for gifts and preparing for family gatherings. As you ready to grab the credit cards and head out the door to complete your holiday shopping, be sure to follow some simple safety tips so that you don’t fall victim to opportunistic thefts. Read on for…

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Adorable Leaf Collection

End of Leaf Collection Program

The City’s leaf collection program is nearing its end. The timeframe for collection each year does not change since the Public Works Division must fit this service in with other seasonal services, most notably getting ready for winter weather. Please follow these guidelines: The last day to rake leaves to the curb is Sunday, December 1. Place loose-raked leaves close…

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Santa's Mailbox

Holiday Happenings

Ready or not, the holiday season is upon us. UA Parks & Rec is ready to celebrate and invites you to get into the holiday spirit with the following activities. Santa’s Mailbox November 15 – December 13 Municipal Services Center, Kenny Road Parking Lot The first order of holiday business is Santa’s Mailbox. If your child wants to receive a…

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Sign Removal

Recycle Your Election Signs

November 3-15 Municipal Services Center, 3600 Tremont Road The UA community loves its election signs, and this year was no different, in the lead up to the November 5 election. Once the excitement of Election Day is behind us, the question of what to do with all those yard signs will inevitably spring to mind. To help the community properly…

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Pumpkin Recycle

Bring Us Your Pumpkins!

Don’t throw away your pumpkins, compost them! From November 1-December 8, our Public Service team will have special containers available at Fancyburg Park for our annual pumpkin composting program. Simply toss your pumpkins into the containers and they will be transported to a compost facility. Please make sure you have removed any non-organic decorations, candles or materials from the pumpkins…

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Leadership UA Logo

Leadership UA Class of 2025

You know you’re an active Upper Arlington citizen when you’ve undergone some of our community involvement rites of passage. If you’ve ever “Walked” or donned a gold jacket for the UA Civic Association, you’re involved. If you’ve sat on a board or task force, or participated in a focus group, you’re involved. If you are serious about making a difference…

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Drug Take Back

DEA Drug Take Back Event Approaching

10 am-2 pm, Saturday, October 26 Fire Station 72 on Reed Road Despite all the efforts and resources from public health agencies and safety personnel, opioid and heroin addiction remains a major health and safety crisis in our state and across our nation. This is an issue that touches people and communities of all socio-economic backgrounds and ages, including right…

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Columbus Marathon

The Columbus Marathon Passes Through UA Streets October 20

Another spectacular showing is expected as fans, volunteers and donors turn out to watch an impressive 12,000 full and half-marathon runner breeze through Central Ohio on the morning of Sunday, October 20 for the annual Columbus Marathon. For those looking to cheer on this year’s participants, the marathon traces a route through a portion of Upper Arlington. Runners will enter…

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Golden Bear Scare

UA Civic Association’s Golden Bear Scare

6-9 pm, Monday, October 14-Wednesday, October 16 Smith Nature Park Smith Nature Park passersby have no doubt noticed a chill in the air, as a host of goblins and ghouls begin to emerge from the depths of the forest in readiness for the UA Civic Association’s Golden Bear Scare. Held from 6-9 pm, Monday through Wednesday, October 14-16, the Golden…

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Fall Fest

Fall Fest Just Around the Corner

1-5 pm, Sunday, October 6 Fancyburg Park One of the best ways to celebrate all that the fall season has to offer is by attending UA Parks & Recreation’s annual Fall Fest, held this year at Fancyburg Park on Sunday, October 6, from 1-5 pm. This popular family event takes on a twist, where the pumpkin patch meets NFL tailgate…

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2023 Popular Annual Financial Report

The 2023 Popular Annual Financial Report (PAFR) is now available on our website, providing an overview of your City’s financial health. Taxes and finances are a complicated thing on a personal level, let alone at the City or State level, and the PAFR is our attempt to give you the “CliffsNotes” version of a much larger and more complex document—the…

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Sign Removal

Political Signage Guidelines

Every November, U.S. citizens are afforded the opportunity to have a voice in government by participating in the electoral process at the local, state or national levels. As election season approaches, we like to share some reminders on the proper display of political yard signs and banners. The City does not regulate language on a political sign, as this would…

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Nationwide Childrens Hospital Golf FirstTee

Nationwide Children’s Golf Championship

Enjoy some golf spectating the week of September 16, as the Nationwide Children’s Golf Championship–the third of four stops in the Korn Ferry Tour finals–returns to The Ohio State University Golf Club. The Nationwide Children’s Hospital Championship plays a pivotal role in determining who will earn PGA TOUR membership for the upcoming season. And with three out of four PGA…

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Join Us for the 2024 Labor Day Arts Festival

10 am-6 pm, Monday, September 2 Northam Park Whether you’re an art lover or someone who enjoys the community’s family-oriented special events, the Upper Arlington Labor Day Arts Festival – one of the region’s premiere showcases of artworks in all manner of media – is the place to be on Monday, September 2! Held adjacent to Northam Park, the 58th…

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