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614-583-5000 3600 Tremont Rd
Municipal Services Center Winter

Winter Weather Reminders

While we’ve already had a taste or two of wintry weather, the next couple of months typically include their fair share of snowstorms. To help all in our community navigate the season safely, we have a few winter weather updates and reminders to share with you. Snow Removal The City provides exceptional snow removal services, with the aim of returning…

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2022 City Council Members

2024 Upper Arlington City Council

The first official business of the year for Upper Arlington City Council was focused on welcoming its newest members and selecting Council leadership for the next two years. Heidi Munc and Todd Walter were sworn into office for their first terms on City Council, and John Kulewicz was sworn into office for his second term. Council members selected Ukeme Awakessien…

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Finance AAA Rating

City Achieves Top Financial Ratings When Issuing Bonds for Office Space at the Bob Crane Community Center

For the 16th consecutive time, the City has achieved exceptional financial ratings from two national agencies for two bond issuances. For an issuance of special obligation nontax revenue bonds to fund the construction of the leasable office portion of the Bob Crane Community Center, S&P Global assigned its top AAA rating and Moody’s Investor Service assigned the second highest rating…

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Veterans Mallway At Night

2024 Community Calendar

As a service to the community, the City of Upper Arlington hosts an online Community Calendar on the City’s website.  In the month of December, we will be transitioning the Community Calendar to a new platform. As a result, the calendar will be temporarily unavailable, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Our temporary solution is to provide…

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Firefighters 4 Kids

Firefighters for Kids Toy Drive

9 am-3 pm, Saturday, December 9 Station 72, 3861 Reed Road It’s official. The holiday season has arrived. As you turn your focus to the task of gift shopping, in the spirit of the season of giving it’s important that we all remember those who are less fortunate than us. On Saturday, December 9, the City’s Fire Division is hosting…

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Package Tracking

Holiday Shopping Safety Reminders

It’s official, the holiday season is upon us and that means more time spent shopping for gifts and preparing for family gatherings. As you ready to grab the credit cards and head out the door to make a start on your holiday shopping, be sure to follow some simple safety tips so that you don’t fall victim to opportunistic thefts.…

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Santa's Mailbox

Holiday Happenings

Ready or not, the holiday season is upon us. UA Parks & Rec is ready to celebrate and invites you to get into the holiday spirit with the following activities. Santa’s Mailbox November 15 – December 13 Municipal Services Center, Kenny Road Parking Lot The first order of holiday business is Santa’s Mailbox. If your child wants to receive a…

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Electric Aggregation

Electric Aggregation Open Houses & Opt-Out Letters Update

Following an extensive review and community engagement process earlier this year to explore the merits of offering the community a new electric aggregation program, City Council unanimously approved moving forward with this initiative in September. Since that time, the City has joined the Sustainable Ohio Public Energy Council (SOPEC), an entity that serves approximately 30 communities across Ohio, with a…

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Northam Study Area

Northam Park Improvements Update

At the November 13 City Council Meeting, the City’s Parks & Recreation Department shared the construction bid results for a series of Northam Park improvements, following an extensive study and design process. Council is expected to vote on the recommendation at its November 20 Meeting, which begins at 7 pm, at the Municipal Services Center, 3600 Tremont Road. The City’s…

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Financial Budgets

Mid-Budget Review Process

View the Proposed 2024 Supplemental Budget Here In the fall of each odd-numbered year, the Administration and City Council revisit and revise our plans for the second half of the City’s two-year budget, in preparation for the New Year. While much of the detailed work already took place last fall when we first developed our 2023-2024 Municipal Program of Services…

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Sign Removal

Recycle Your Election Signs

November 3-13 Municipal Services Center, 3600 Tremont Road The UA community loves its election signs, and this year is no different, in the lead up to the November 7 election. Once the excitement of Election Day is behind us, the question of what to do with all those yard signs will inevitably spring to mind. To help the community properly…

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UACA Holiday Lights

UA Civic Association Holiday Programs

The Upper Arlington Civic Association has its holiday programming at the ready, so read on and make sure you are ready to be part of the fun. Christmas in the Park This year’s Christmas in the Park runs from Sunday, December 3 through Thursday, December 7, giving registered families the opportunity to enjoy crafts and snacks at the Thompson Park…

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Columbus Monthly Special Section

UA Featured in Columbus Monthly Special Section

The November 2023 edition of Columbus Monthly Magazine is showcasing the Upper Arlington community with a special section that highlights why this is such a transformative time for our community. From the City’s perspective, we are continuing to reinvest in our streets, sidewalks, parks and public facilities at record levels, and recently began construction on the Bob Crane Community Center…

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Chambers Mic

Leadership UA Candidates Night

VIEW THE CANDIDATES NIGHT FORUM VIDEO HERE Link: // Passcode: LM0+n2?F The November 7 election will be here before we know it and finding time to learn about the candidates and issues coming before voters can be a challenge. But never fear…thanks to Leadership UA, Upper Arlington voters can do much of their pre-election homework at one time. This year’s…

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Mayors Court

Warrant Forgiveness Program Scheduled for October

Warrant Forgiveness Program Scheduled for October 9 am-1 pm Thursdays, October 5, 12, 19, 26 The City’s Mayor’s Court and Police Division have partnered together to host a series of Warrant Forgiveness Days, every Thursday during the month of October. Between the hours of 9 am-1 pm on October 5, 12, 19 and 26, attending individuals with existing traffic or…

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